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from models import Model
import utils
6 years ago
from scipy import signal
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
6 years ago
class PeaksModel(Model):
6 years ago
def __init__(self):
6 years ago
def fit(self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame, segments: list, cache: dict) -> dict:
6 years ago
def predict(self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame, cache: dict) -> dict:
6 years ago
array = dataframe['value'].as_matrix()
window_size = 20
# window = np.ones(101)
# mean_filtered = signal.fftconvolve(
# np.concatenate([np.zeros(window_size), array, np.zeros(window_size)]),
# window,
# mode='valid'
# )
# filtered = np.divide(array, mean_filtered / 101)
window = signal.general_gaussian(2 * window_size + 1, p=0.5, sig=5)
filtered = signal.fftconvolve(array, window, mode='valid')
# filtered = np.concatenate([
# np.zeros(window_size),
# filtered,
# np.zeros(window_size)
# ])
filtered = filtered / np.sum(window)
array = array[window_size:-window_size]
filtered = np.subtract(array, filtered)
# filtered = np.convolve(array, step, mode='valid')
# print(len(array))
# print(len(filtered))
# step = np.hstack((np.ones(window_size), 0, -1*np.ones(window_size)))
# conv = np.convolve(array, step, mode='valid')
# conv = np.concatenate([
# np.zeros(window_size),
# conv,
# np.zeros(window_size)])
#data = step_detect.t_scan(array, window=window_size)
data = filtered
data /= data.max()
result = utils.find_steps(data, 0.1)
return [(dataframe.index[x], dataframe.index[x + window_size]) for x in result]