**Grafana Chartwerk Panel** renders metrics using ChartWerk libraries. For now, it can render as a line and a series of bars. We are working on adding new visualizations.
Panels are the building blocks of Grafana. They allow you to visualize data in different ways. While Grafana has several types of panels already built-in, you can also build your own panel, to add support for other visualizations.
2. Build plugin in development mode or run in watch mode
yarn dev
- Unpack downloaded files
unzip 0.3.3.zip
yarn watch
3. Build plugin in production mode
- Restart grafana-server
- For grafana installed via Standalone Linux Binaries:
- Stop any running instances of grafana-server
- Start grafana-server by:
- For grafana installed via Package Manager:
- type in ```systemctl restart grafana-server```
### Grafana in Docker
You can install ChartWerk panel to Grafana in Docker passing it as environment variable (as described in [Grafana docs](http://docs.grafana.org/installation/docker/#installing-plugins-from-other-sources))