You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

254 lines
6.9 KiB

import { AnalyticUnitId } from './analytic_units';
import * as AnalyticUnit from '../models/analytic_units';
import * as AnalyticUnitCache from '../models/analytic_unit_cache_model';
import { Collection, makeDBQ } from '../services/data_service';
6 years ago
import * as _ from 'lodash';
6 years ago
let db = makeDBQ(Collection.SEGMENTS);
6 years ago
export type SegmentId = string;
6 years ago
6 years ago
export class Segment {
public analyticUnitId: AnalyticUnitId,
6 years ago
public from: number,
public to: number,
public labeled: boolean = false,
public deleted: boolean = false,
public id?: SegmentId,
public message?: string
6 years ago
) {
if(analyticUnitId === undefined) {
throw new Error('AnalyticUnitId is undefined');
6 years ago
if(from === undefined) {
throw new Error('from is undefined');
if(isNaN(from)) {
throw new Error('from is NaN');
6 years ago
if(to === undefined) {
throw new Error('to is undefined');
if(isNaN(to)) {
throw new Error('to is NaN');
6 years ago
public toObject() {
return {
analyticUnitId: this.analyticUnitId,
6 years ago
from: this.from,
labeled: this.labeled,
deleted: this.deleted,
message: this.message
6 years ago
static fromObject(obj: any): Segment {
if(obj === undefined) {
throw new Error('obj is undefined');
return new Segment(
obj.labeled, obj.deleted,
obj._id, obj.message
6 years ago
public equals(obj: Segment) : boolean {
return this.analyticUnitId === obj.analyticUnitId &&
this.from === obj.from && === &&
this.labeled === this.labeled &&
this.deleted === this.deleted;
6 years ago
export type FindManyQuery = {
$or?: any,
from?: { $gte?: number, $lte?: number },
to?: { $gte?: number, $lte?: number },
labeled?: boolean,
deleted?: boolean
6 years ago
export async function findOne(segmentId: SegmentId): Promise<Segment> {
return db.findOne({ _id: segmentId });
export async function findMany(id: AnalyticUnitId, query: FindManyQuery): Promise<Segment[]> {
var dbQuery: any = { analyticUnitId: id };
if(query.labeled !== undefined) {
dbQuery.labeled = query.labeled;
if(query.deleted !== undefined) {
dbQuery.deleted = query.deleted;
if(query.from !== undefined) {
dbQuery.from = query.from;
if( !== undefined) { =;
if(query.$or !== undefined) {
dbQuery.$or = query.$or;
let segs = await db.findMany(dbQuery);
if(segs === null) {
return [];
6 years ago
* If `from` and `to` are defined: @returns segments intersected with `[from; to]`
* If `to` is `undefined`: @returns segments intersected with `[-inf; from]`
* If `from` is `undefined`: @returns segments intersected with `[to: +inf]`
* If `from` and `to` are undefined: @returns all segments
export async function findIntersectedSegments(
analyticUnitId: AnalyticUnit.AnalyticUnitId,
from?: number,
to?: number
): Promise<Segment[]> {
let query: FindManyQuery = {};
if(from !== undefined) { = { $gte: from };
if(to !== undefined) {
query.from = { $lte: to };
return findMany(analyticUnitId, query);
// TODO: rewrite all this horrible function
// TODO: use utils.segments.IntegerSegmentsSet
* Merges an array of segments with ones existing in the DB
* Inserts resulting segments into DB
* @param segments segments to be inserted
* @returns IDs of added and removed segments
export async function mergeAndInsertSegments(segments: Segment[]): Promise<{
addedIds: SegmentId[],
removedIds: SegmentId[]
}> {
if(_.isEmpty(segments)) {
return { addedIds: [], removedIds: [] };
const analyticUnitId: AnalyticUnitId = segments[0].analyticUnitId;
const unit = await AnalyticUnit.findById(analyticUnitId);
if(unit === null) {
throw new Error('Can`t find analytic unit ' + analyticUnitId);
const cache = await AnalyticUnitCache.findById(analyticUnitId);
if(cache === null) {
throw new Error('Can`t find cache for analytic unit ' + analyticUnitId);
const detector = unit.detectorType;
let segmentIdsToRemove: SegmentId[] = [];
let segmentsToInsert: Segment[] = [];
for(let segment of segments) {
if(await isIntersectedWithExistingLabeled(segment)) {
if(!segment.deleted && !segment.labeled) {
if(await isIntersectedWithExistingDeleted(segment)) {
let intersectedSegments: Segment[] = [];
if(detector === AnalyticUnit.DetectorType.PATTERN) {
intersectedSegments = await findMany(analyticUnitId, {
to: { $gte: segment.from },
from: { $lte: },
labeled: segment.labeled,
deleted: segment.deleted
} else {
const timeStep = cache.getTimeStep();
intersectedSegments = await findMany(analyticUnitId, {
to: { $gte: segment.from - timeStep },
from: { $lte: + timeStep },
labeled: segment.labeled,
deleted: segment.deleted
if(intersectedSegments.length > 0) {
let intersectedIds = =>;
let minFromSegment = _.minBy(intersectedSegments.concat(segment), s => s.from);
let maxToSegment = _.maxBy(intersectedSegments.concat(segment), s =>;
if(minFromSegment === undefined) {
throw new Error('minFromSegment is undefined');
if(maxToSegment === undefined) {
throw new Error('maxToSegment is undefined');
let from = minFromSegment.from;
let to =;
let newSegment = Segment.fromObject(segment.toObject());
newSegment.from = from; = to;
segmentIdsToRemove = segmentIdsToRemove.concat(_.compact(intersectedIds));
} else {
await db.removeMany(segmentIdsToRemove);
const addedIds = await db.insertMany( => s.toObject()));
return {
removedIds: segmentIdsToRemove
6 years ago
export async function setSegmentsDeleted(ids: SegmentId[]) {
return db.updateMany(ids, { deleted: true, labeled: false });
export function removeSegments(idsToRemove: SegmentId[]) {
return db.removeMany(idsToRemove);
6 years ago
async function isIntersectedWithExistingLabeled(segment: Segment): Promise<boolean> {
const intersected = await findMany(segment.analyticUnitId, {
labeled: true,
deleted: false,
from: { $lte: },
to: { $gte: segment.from }
return intersected.length > 0;
async function isIntersectedWithExistingDeleted(segment: Segment): Promise<boolean> {
const intersected = await findMany(segment.analyticUnitId, {
labeled: false,
deleted: true,
from: { $lte: },
to: { $gte: segment.from }
return intersected.length > 0;