### This repo is obsolete, see new rust version of hastic-server [https://github.com/hastic/hastic]
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[Hastic server ](https://hastic.io )
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Implementation of basic pattern recognition for anomaly detection.
Implementation of analytics unit for Hastic.
See also:
* [Getting started ](https://github.com/hastic/hastic-server/wiki#getting-started )
* [FAQ ](https://github.com/hastic/hastic-server/wiki/FAQ )
* [Hastic Grafana App ](https://github.com/hastic/hastic-grafana-app ) —- [Grafana ](https://grafana.com/ ) application for visualization of configurations.
* [Webhooks ](https://github.com/hastic/hastic-server/wiki/Webhooks ) -- notifications about events.
* [Installation from source ](https://github.com/hastic/hastic-server/wiki/Installation-from-source )
* [Changelog ](https://github.com/hastic/hastic-server/wiki/Changelog )
* [Roadmap ](https://github.com/hastic/hastic-server/wiki/Roadmap )
## Download & Install
Please visit https://hastic.io/downloads
## Support and Consulting
Commercial support, professional services **or any help** — send us your inquiry at ping@hastic.io
## About CorpGlory Inc.
Hastic is a project developed by [CorpGlory Inc. ](https://corpglory.com/ ), a company that provides high-quality software development, data visualization, Grafana and monitoring consulting.