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vargburz 2 years ago
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@ -1,44 +1,56 @@
# Grafana Panel Plugin Template
This template is a starting point for building Grafana Panel Plugins in Grafana 7.0+
## What is Grafana Panel Plugin?
Panels are the building blocks of Grafana. They allow you to visualize data in different ways. While Grafana has several types of panels already built-in, you can also build your own panel, to add support for other visualizations.
For more information about panels, refer to the documentation on [Panels](
## Getting started
1. Install dependencies
yarn install
2. Build plugin in development mode or run in watch mode
yarn dev
yarn watch
3. Build plugin in production mode
yarn build
## Learn more
- [Build a panel plugin tutorial](
- [Grafana documentation](
- [Grafana Tutorials]( - Grafana Tutorials are step-by-step guides that help you make the most of Grafana
- [Grafana UI Library]( - UI components to help you build interfaces using Grafana Design System
# Grafana Chartwerk Panel (beta)
<p align="center"><img src="" width="150" height="150" /></div>
[![Build Status](](
**Grafana Chartwerk Panel** renders metrics using ChartWerk libraries. For now, it can render as a line and a series of bars. We are working on adding new visualizations.
## Features
- 2 types of visualizations:
- line-chart
- bar-chart
- ability to make panel's time range independent of dashboard's (doesn't work in Grafana 7).
- ability to display template variables inside the panel.
- "Charge" mode: green color for positive graph's slope, red color for negative graph's slope.
- confidence interval (for line).
- customizable X-axis labels.
- customizable grid interval.
## Installation
### Linux / Mac OS X
- Navigate to either:
- `<GRAFANA_PATH>/data/plugins` (when installed from tarball or source)
- or `/var/lib/grafana/plugins` (when installed from `.deb`/`.rpm` package)
- Download ChartWerk panel
- Unpack downloaded files
- Restart grafana-server
- For grafana installed via Standalone Linux Binaries:
- Stop any running instances of grafana-server
- Start grafana-server by:
- For grafana installed via Package Manager:
- type in ```systemctl restart grafana-server```
### Grafana in Docker
You can install ChartWerk panel to Grafana in Docker passing it as environment variable (as described in [Grafana docs](
docker run \
-p 3000:3000 \
-e "GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=;corpglory-chartwerk-panel" \
