# tsdb-kit Node.js library and CLI-tool for querying timeseries-datasources from backend directly or using Grafana as proxy. User gets a unified interface to all datasources. Library gives single output format: fields order, time units, etc. ## Supported direct datasources * Prometheus ## Supported Grafana datasources * Influxdb * Graphite * Prometheus * PostgreSQL / TimescaleDB / MySQL * ElasticSearch Please write us at ping@corpglory.com if you want your datasource to be supported ## CLI usage For now, CLI supports only direct Prometheus queries without auth Example: `npx tsdb-kit -u http://localhost:9090 -q '100-(avg by (instance) (irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="idle"}[5m])) * 100)'` ## Projects based on library * [grafana-data-exporter](https://github.com/CorpGlory/grafana-data-exporter) * [Hastic](https://github.com/hastic/hastic-server)