import { AbstractMetric, Datasource, MetricId, MetricQuery, MetricResults } from "./metric"; import { processSQLLimitOffset } from './utils'; const INFLUX_QUERY_TIME_REGEX = /time ?[><=]+ ?[^A-Z]+(AND ?time ?[><=]+ ?[^A-Z]+)?/; export class InfluxdbMetric extends AbstractMetric { private _queryParts: string[]; constructor(datasource: Datasource, targets: any[], id?: MetricId) { super(datasource, targets, id); var queryStr = datasource.params.q; this._queryParts = queryStr.split(INFLUX_QUERY_TIME_REGEX); if(this._queryParts.length == 1) { throw new Error( `Query "${queryStr}" is not replaced with LIMIT/OFFSET oeprators. Missing time clause.` ); } if(this._queryParts.length > 3) { throw new Error(`Query "${queryStr}" has multiple time clauses. Can't parse.`); } } getQuery(from: number, to: number, limit: number, offset: number): MetricQuery { let timeClause = `time >= ${from}ms AND time <= ${to}ms`; let q = `${this._queryParts[0]} ${timeClause} ${this._queryParts[2]}`; q = processSQLLimitOffset(q, limit, offset); return { url: this.datasource.url, method: 'GET', schema: { params: { q, db: this.datasource.params.db, epoch: this.datasource.params.epoch } } } } getResults(res): MetricResults { let emptyResult = { columns: ['timestamp', 'target'], values: [] }; if( === undefined || < 1) { console.log('datasource return empty response, no data'); return emptyResult; } // TODO: support more than 1 metric (each item is a metric) let results =[0]; if (results.series === undefined) { return emptyResult; } return results.series[0]; } }