import { PostgresMetric } from '../src/metrics/postgres_metric'; import { MetricQuery } from '../src/metrics/metric'; import 'jest'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; describe('Test query creation', function() { let limit = 1000; let offset = 0; let from = 1542983750857; let to = 1542984313292; let postgres = getDefaultMetric(); let mQuery: MetricQuery = postgres.getQuery(from, to, limit, offset); it('test that payload placed to data field', function() { expect('data' in mQuery.schema).toBeTruthy(); expect('queries' in; expect(; }); it('test from/to casting to string', function() { expect(typeof'string'); expect(typeof'string'); }); it('method should be POST', function() { expect(mQuery.method.toLocaleLowerCase()).toBe('post'); }); }); describe('Test result parsing', function() { let postgres = getDefaultMetric(); let timestamps = [1542983800000, 1542983800060, 1542983800120] let response = { data: { results: { A: { refId: 'A', meta: { rowCount:0, sql: 'SELECT "time" AS "time", val FROM local ORDER BY 1' }, series: [ { name:"val", points: [ [622, timestamps[0]], [844, timestamps[1]], [648, timestamps[2]] ] } ], tables: 'null' } } } } let result = postgres.getResults(response); it('check results columns order', function() { let timestampColumnNumber = result.columns.indexOf('timestamp'); expect( => v[timestampColumnNumber])).toEqual(timestamps); }); }); describe('Test sql processing', function() { let limit = 1000; let offset = 77; let from = 1542983750857; let to = 1542984313292; let check = function(original: string, expected: string) { checkExpectation(original, expected, from, to, limit, offset); } it('simple sql with one select', function() { let original = `SELECT \"time\" AS \"time\", val FROM local ORDER BY 1`; let expected = `SELECT \"time\" AS \"time\", val FROM local ORDER BY 1 LIMIT ${limit} OFFSET ${offset}`; check(original, expected); }); it('sql with order by rows', function() { let original = `SELECT $__time(time), AVG(power) OVER(ORDER BY speed ROWS BETWEEN 150 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) FROM wind_pwr_spd WHERE $__timeFilter(time)`; let expected = `SELECT $__time(time), AVG(power) OVER(ORDER BY speed ROWS BETWEEN 150 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) FROM wind_pwr_spd WHERE $__timeFilter(time) LIMIT ${limit} OFFSET ${offset}`; check(original,expected); }); it('sql with offset limit', function() { let original = `WITH RECURSIVE t(n) AS ( VALUES (1) UNION ALL SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n < 100 ) SELECT sum(n) FROM t OFFSET 0 LIMIT 0;`; let expected = `WITH RECURSIVE t(n) AS ( VALUES (1) UNION ALL SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n < 100 ) SELECT sum(n) FROM t OFFSET ${offset} LIMIT ${limit};`; check(original, expected); }); it('sql with macroses', function() { let original = `SELECT time FROM metric_values WHERE time > $__timeFrom() OR time < $__timeFrom() OR 1 < $__unixEpochFrom() OR $__unixEpochTo() > 1 ORDER BY 1`; let expected = `SELECT time FROM metric_values WHERE time > $__timeFrom() OR time < $__timeFrom() OR 1 < $__unixEpochFrom() OR $__unixEpochTo() > 1 ORDER BY 1 LIMIT ${limit} OFFSET ${offset}`; check(original, expected); }); it('complex sql with one select', function() { let original = `SELECT statistics.created_at as time, CAST(statistics.value AS decimal) as value, sensor.title as metric FROM statistics INNER JOIN sensor ON = statistics.sensor_id WHERE statistics.device_id = '000-aaaa-bbbb' AND sensor.type = 5 AND sensor.section_id IN($section_id) AND statistics.value != 'ERR' AND statistics.value !='???' AND $__timeFilter(statistics.created_at)`; let expected = `SELECT statistics.created_at as time, CAST(statistics.value AS decimal) as value, sensor.title as metric FROM statistics INNER JOIN sensor ON = statistics.sensor_id WHERE statistics.device_id = '000-aaaa-bbbb' AND sensor.type = 5 AND sensor.section_id IN($section_id) AND statistics.value != 'ERR' AND statistics.value !='???' AND $__timeFilter(statistics.created_at) LIMIT ${limit} OFFSET ${offset}`; check(original, expected); }) it('sql with number of nested select', function() { let original = `WITH regional_sales AS ( SELECT region, SUM(amount) AS total_sales FROM orders GROUP BY region LIMIT 5 OFFSET 1 ), top_regions AS ( SELECT region FROM regional_sales WHERE total_sales > (SELECT SUM(total_sales)/10 FROM regional_sales) LIMIT 3 ) SELECT region, product, SUM(quantity) AS product_units, SUM(amount) AS product_sales FROM orders WHERE region IN (SELECT region FROM top_regions) GROUP BY region, product OFFSET 500;`; let expected = `WITH regional_sales AS ( SELECT region, SUM(amount) AS total_sales FROM orders GROUP BY region LIMIT 5 OFFSET 1 ), top_regions AS ( SELECT region FROM regional_sales WHERE total_sales > (SELECT SUM(total_sales)/10 FROM regional_sales) LIMIT 3 ) SELECT region, product, SUM(quantity) AS product_units, SUM(amount) AS product_sales FROM orders WHERE region IN (SELECT region FROM top_regions) GROUP BY region, product OFFSET ${offset} LIMIT ${limit};`; check(original, expected); }); }); function checkExpectation(original: string, expected: string, from: number, to: number, limit: number, offset: number) { let metric = getMetricWithSql(original); expect(metric.getQuery(from, to, limit, offset)[0].rawSql).toBe(expected); } function getMetricWithSql(sql: string): PostgresMetric { let metric = getDefaultMetric();[0].rawSql = sql; return metric; } function getDefaultMetric(): PostgresMetric { let queryPayload = { from: 1542983750857, to: 1542984313292, queries:[{ refId: 'A', intervalMs:2000, maxDataPoints:191, datasourceId:1, rawSql: 'SELECT\n \"time\" AS \"time\",\n val\nFROM local\nORDER BY 1', format: 'time_series' }] }; let datasource = { url: 'api/tsdb/query', type: 'postgres', data: queryPayload }; let targets = [{ refId: 'A', }]; return new PostgresMetric(datasource, targets); }