import { InfluxdbMetric } from './influxdb_metric'; import { GraphiteMetric } from './graphite_metric'; import { AbstractMetric, Datasource, MetricId } from './metric'; import { PrometheusMetric } from './prometheus_metric'; import { PostgresMetric } from './postgres_metric'; import { ElasticsearchMetric } from './elasticsearch_metric'; import { MysqlMetric } from './mysql_metric'; export function metricFactory( datasource: Datasource, targets: any[], id?: MetricId ): AbstractMetric { let classMap = { 'influxdb': InfluxdbMetric, 'graphite': GraphiteMetric, 'prometheus': PrometheusMetric, 'postgres': PostgresMetric, 'elasticsearch': ElasticsearchMetric, 'mysql': MysqlMetric, }; if(classMap[datasource.type] === undefined) { console.error(`Datasources of type ${datasource.type} are not supported currently`); throw new Error(`Datasources of type ${datasource.type} are not supported currently`); } else { return new classMap[datasource.type](datasource, targets, id); } } export class Metric { datasource: Datasource; targets: any[]; id?: MetricId; private _metricQuery: AbstractMetric = undefined; constructor(datasource: Datasource, targets: any[], id?: MetricId) { if(datasource === undefined) { throw new Error('datasource is undefined'); } if(targets === undefined) { throw new Error('targets is undefined'); } if(targets.length === 0) { throw new Error('targets is empty'); } this.datasource = datasource; this.targets = targets; = id; } public get metricQuery() { if(this._metricQuery === undefined) { this._metricQuery = metricFactory(this.datasource, this.targets,; } return this._metricQuery; } public toObject() { return { datasource: this.datasource, targets: this.targets, _id: }; } static fromObject(obj: any): Metric { if(obj === undefined) { throw new Error('obj is undefined'); } return new Metric( obj.datasource, obj.targets, obj._id ); } }