import { DatasourceConnector, Datasource, DatasourceQuery, DataTable } from '.'; const QUERY_TIME_REGEX = /\&start=[^\&]*\&end=[^\&]*\&/; export class PrometheusConnector extends DatasourceConnector { constructor(datasource: Datasource, targets: any[]) { super(datasource, targets); } getQuery(from: number, to: number, limit: number, offset: number): DatasourceQuery { let url = this.datasource.url; from = Math.floor(from / 1000); //prometheus uses seconds for timestamp to = Math.floor(to / 1000); url = url.replace(/\&start=[^\&]+/, `&start=${from}`); url = url.replace(/\&end=[^\&]+/, `&end=${to}`); return { url, method: 'GET', schema: { params: this.datasource.params }, auth: this.datasource.auth, } } parseResponse(res): DataTable { if( === undefined || < 1) { console.log('datasource return empty response, no data'); return { columns: ['timestamp', 'target'], values: [] }; } let result =; let result_matrix: DataTable = { columns: ['timestamp'], values: [] }; => { let keys: string[] = []; for(let key in r.metric) { keys.push(`${key}=${r.metric[key]}`); } result_matrix.columns.push(keys.join(':')); }); let values = => r.values); let timestamps: (number | null)[] = []; values.forEach(v => v.forEach((row: number[]) => timestamps.push(row[0]))); timestamps = timestamps.filter(function(item, i, ar) { return ar.indexOf(item) === i; //uniq values }); for(let t of timestamps) { let row = [t]; => { if(v[0] === undefined) { row.push(0); } let currentTimestamp = v[0][0]; let currentValue = v[0][1]; if(currentTimestamp === t) { row.push(+currentValue); v.shift(); } else { row.push(null); } }); row[0] = +(row[0] as number) * 1000; //convert timestamp to ms result_matrix.values.push(row); }; return result_matrix; } }