Hastic standalone https://hastic.io
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use std::{fmt, sync::Arc};
use futures::future;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use linfa::prelude::*;
use linfa;
use linfa_svm::Svm;
use ndarray::Array;
use crate::services::{
analytic_service::types::{self, LearningTrain},
segments_service::{Segment, SegmentType, SegmentsService},
use super::types::{AnalyticUnit, AnalyticUnitConfig, LearningResult, PatternConfig};
use async_trait::async_trait;
// TODO: move to config
const DETECTION_STEP: u64 = 10;
pub struct LearningResults {
model: Arc<Mutex<Svm<f64, bool>>>,
pub learning_train: LearningTrain,
patterns: Vec<Vec<f64>>,
anti_patterns: Vec<Vec<f64>>,
// impl Clone for LearningResults {
// fn clone(&self) -> Self {
// // TODO: it's a hack
// // https://github.com/rust-ml/linfa/issues/174
// let model_str = serde_json::to_string(&self.model).unwrap();
// let model = serde_json::from_str(&model_str).unwrap();
// return LearningResults {
// model,
// patterns: self.patterns.clone(),
// anti_patterns: self.anti_patterns.clone()
// };
// }
// }
impl fmt::Debug for LearningResults {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("{:?}", &self.patterns)
.field("{:?}", &self.anti_patterns)
pub const FEATURES_SIZE: usize = 4;
pub type Features = [f64; FEATURES_SIZE];
fn nan_to_zero(n: f64) -> f64 {
if n.is_nan() {
return 0.;
return n;
struct SegData {
label: bool,
data: Vec<(u64, f64)>,
async fn segment_to_segdata(ms: &MetricService, segment: &Segment) -> anyhow::Result<SegData> {
let mut mr = ms.query(segment.from, segment.to, DETECTION_STEP).await?;
if mr.data.keys().len() == 0 {
return Ok(SegData {
label: segment.segment_type == SegmentType::Label,
data: Default::default(),
let k = mr.data.keys().nth(0).unwrap().clone();
let ts = mr.data.remove(&k).unwrap();
Ok(SegData {
label: segment.segment_type == SegmentType::Label,
data: ts,
pub struct PatternAnalyticUnit {
config: PatternConfig,
learning_results: Option<LearningResults>,
// TODO: move this to loginc of analytic unit
impl PatternAnalyticUnit {
pub fn new(cfg: PatternConfig) -> PatternAnalyticUnit {
PatternAnalyticUnit {
config: cfg,
learning_results: None,
fn corr_aligned(xs: &Vec<f64>, ys: &Vec<f64>) -> f32 {
let n = xs.len() as f64;
let mut s_xs: f64 = 0f64;
let mut s_ys: f64 = 0f64;
let mut s_xsys: f64 = 0f64;
let mut s_xs_2: f64 = 0f64;
let mut s_ys_2: f64 = 0f64;
let min = xs.len().min(ys.len());
.for_each(|(xi, yi)| {
s_xs += xi;
s_ys += yi;
s_xsys += xi * yi;
s_xs_2 += xi * xi;
s_ys_2 += yi * yi;
let numerator: f64 = n * s_xsys - s_xs * s_ys;
let denominator: f64 = ((n * s_xs_2 - s_xs * s_xs) * (n * s_ys_2 - s_ys * s_ys)).sqrt();
// IT"s a hack
if denominator < 0.01 {
return 0.;
let result: f64 = numerator / denominator;
// assert!(result.abs() <= 1.01);
if result.abs() > 1.1 {
println!("{:?}", xs);
println!("{:?}", ys);
println!("WARNING: corr result > 1: {}", result);
return result as f32; // we know that it's in -1..1
fn get_features(xs: &Vec<f64>) -> Features {
let mut min = f64::MAX;
let mut max = f64::MIN;
let mut sum = 0f64;
for x in xs {
min = min.min(*x);
max = max.max(*x);
sum += x;
let mean = sum / xs.len() as f64;
sum = 0f64;
for x in xs {
sum += (x - mean) * (x - mean);
let sd = sum.sqrt();
// TODO: add autocorrelation
// TODO: add FFT
// TODO: add DWT
return [
min, max, mean, sd,
// 0f64,0f64,
// 0f64,0f64,0f64, 0f64
impl AnalyticUnit for PatternAnalyticUnit {
fn set_config(&mut self, config: AnalyticUnitConfig) {
if let AnalyticUnitConfig::Pattern(cfg) = config {
self.config = cfg;
} else {
panic!("Bad config!");
async fn learn(&mut self, ms: MetricService, ss: SegmentsService) -> LearningResult {
// be careful if decide to store detections in db
let segments = ss.get_segments_inside(0, u64::MAX / 2).unwrap();
let has_segments_label = segments
.find(|s| s.segment_type == SegmentType::Label)
if !has_segments_label {
return LearningResult::FinishedEmpty;
let fs = segments.iter().map(|s| segment_to_segdata(&ms, s));
let rs = future::join_all(fs).await;
let mut learn_tss = Vec::new();
let mut learn_anti_tss = Vec::new();
for r in rs {
if r.is_err() {
println!("Error extracting metrics from datasource");
return LearningResult::DatasourceError;
let sd = r.unwrap();
if sd.data.is_empty() {
if sd.label {
} else {
// let reads: &Vec<Vec<(u64, f64)>> = // TODO
// let anti_reads: &Vec<Vec<(u64, f64)>> // TODO
// let size_avg = reads.iter().map(|r| r.len()).sum::<usize>() / reads.len();
let mut patterns = Vec::<Vec<f64>>::new();
let mut anti_patterns = Vec::<Vec<f64>>::new();
let mut records_raw = Vec::<Features>::new();
let mut targets_raw = Vec::<bool>::new();
for r in learn_tss {
let xs: Vec<f64> = r.iter().map(|e| e.1).map(nan_to_zero).collect();
let fs = PatternAnalyticUnit::get_features(&xs);
for r in learn_anti_tss {
let xs: Vec<f64> = r.iter().map(|e| e.1).map(nan_to_zero).collect();
let fs = PatternAnalyticUnit::get_features(&xs);
let records = Array::from_shape_fn((records_raw.len(), FEATURES_SIZE), |(i, j)| {
let targets = Array::from_vec(targets_raw.clone());
// println!("{:?}", records);
// println!("{:?}", targets);
let train = linfa::Dataset::new(records, targets);
// The 'view' describes what set of data is drawn
// let v = ContinuousView::new()
// .add(s1)
// // .add(s2)
// .x_range(-500., 100.)
// .y_range(-200., 600.)
// .x_label("Some varying variable")
// .y_label("The response of something");
// Page::single(&v).save("scatter.svg").unwrap();
// let model = stat.iter().map(|(c, v)| v / *c as f64).collect();
let model = Svm::<_, bool>::params()
.pos_neg_weights(50000., 5000.)
// let prediction = model.predict(Array::from_vec(vec![
// 715.3122807017543, 761.1228070175438, 745.0, 56.135764727158595, 0.0, 0.0
// ]));
// println!("pridiction: {}", prediction );
self.learning_results = Some(LearningResults {
model: Arc::new(Mutex::new(model)),
learning_train: LearningTrain {
features: records_raw,
target: targets_raw,
return LearningResult::Finished;
// TODO: get iterator instead of vector
async fn detect(
ms: MetricService,
from: u64,
to: u64,
) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<(u64, u64)>> {
if self.learning_results.is_none() {
return Err(anyhow::format_err!("Learning results are not ready"));
let mr = ms.query(from, to, DETECTION_STEP).await.unwrap();
if mr.data.keys().len() == 0 {
return Ok(Vec::new());
let k = mr.data.keys().nth(0).unwrap();
let ts = &mr.data[k];
let lr = self.learning_results.as_ref().unwrap();
let mut results = Vec::new();
let pt = &lr.patterns;
let apt = &lr.anti_patterns;
for i in 0..ts.len() {
let mut pattern_match_score = 0f32;
let mut pattern_match_len = 0usize;
let mut anti_pattern_match_score = 0f32;
for p in pt {
if i + p.len() < ts.len() {
let mut backet = Vec::<f64>::new();
for j in 0..p.len() {
backet.push(nan_to_zero(ts[i + j].1));
let score = PatternAnalyticUnit::corr_aligned(&p, &backet);
if score > pattern_match_score {
pattern_match_score = score;
pattern_match_len = p.len();
for p in apt {
if i + p.len() < ts.len() {
let mut backet = Vec::<f64>::new();
for j in 0..p.len() {
backet.push(nan_to_zero(ts[i + j].1));
let score = PatternAnalyticUnit::corr_aligned(&p, &backet);
if score > anti_pattern_match_score {
anti_pattern_match_score = score;
let model_positive = {
let mut backet = Vec::<f64>::new();
for j in 0..pattern_match_len {
backet.push(nan_to_zero(ts[i + j].1));
let fs = PatternAnalyticUnit::get_features(&backet);
let mut score = pattern_match_score * self.config.correlation_score;
score -= anti_pattern_match_score * self.config.anti_correlation_score;
if model_positive {
score += self.config.model_score;
if score >= self.config.threshold_score {
results.push((ts[i].0, ts[i + pattern_match_len - 1].0));