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use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use crate::services::{
analytic_service::types::HSR, metric_service::MetricService, segments_service::SegmentsService,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct PatternConfig {
pub correlation_score: f32,
pub anti_correlation_score: f32,
pub model_score: f32,
pub threshold_score: f32,
impl Default for PatternConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
PatternConfig {
correlation_score: 0.3,
anti_correlation_score: 0.1,
model_score: 0.8,
threshold_score: 1.0,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct AnomalyConfig {
pub alpha: f64,
pub confidence: f64,
pub seasonality: u64, // step in seconds, can be zero
pub seasonality_iterations: u64,
impl Default for AnomalyConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
AnomalyConfig {
alpha: 0.5,
confidence: 10.0,
seasonality: 60 * 60,
seasonality_iterations: 3,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct ThresholdConfig {
pub threshold: f64,
impl Default for ThresholdConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
ThresholdConfig { threshold: 0.5 }
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub enum AnalyticUnitConfig {
impl AnalyticUnitConfig {
// return true if need needs relearning
pub fn patch(&self, patch: PatchConfig) -> (AnalyticUnitConfig, bool) {
match patch {
PatchConfig::Pattern(tcfg) => match self.clone() {
AnalyticUnitConfig::Pattern(_) => {
if tcfg.is_some() {
return (AnalyticUnitConfig::Pattern(tcfg.unwrap()), false);
} else {
// TODO: it should be extraced from db
return (AnalyticUnitConfig::Pattern(Default::default()), false);
_ => {
if tcfg.is_some() {
return (AnalyticUnitConfig::Pattern(tcfg.unwrap()), true);
} else {
return (AnalyticUnitConfig::Pattern(Default::default()), true);
PatchConfig::Anomaly(tcfg) => match self.clone() {
AnalyticUnitConfig::Anomaly(scfg) => {
if tcfg.is_some() {
let t = tcfg.as_ref().unwrap();
let mut need_learning = t.seasonality != scfg.seasonality;
need_learning |= t.seasonality_iterations != scfg.seasonality_iterations;
return (AnalyticUnitConfig::Anomaly(tcfg.unwrap()), need_learning);
} else {
return (AnalyticUnitConfig::Anomaly(Default::default()), false);
_ => {
if tcfg.is_some() {
return (AnalyticUnitConfig::Anomaly(tcfg.unwrap()), true);
} else {
return (AnalyticUnitConfig::Anomaly(Default::default()), true);
PatchConfig::Threshold(tcfg) => match self.clone() {
AnalyticUnitConfig::Threshold(_) => {
if tcfg.is_some() {
return (AnalyticUnitConfig::Threshold(tcfg.unwrap()), false);
} else {
return (AnalyticUnitConfig::Threshold(Default::default()), false);
_ => {
if tcfg.is_some() {
return (AnalyticUnitConfig::Threshold(tcfg.unwrap()), true);
} else {
return (AnalyticUnitConfig::Threshold(Default::default()), true);
pub enum LearningResult {
pub trait AnalyticUnit {
fn get_id(&self) -> String;
fn get_detection_window(&self) -> u64;
async fn learn(
&mut self,
ms: MetricService,
ss: SegmentsService,
) -> anyhow::Result<LearningResult>;
async fn detect(
ms: MetricService,
from: u64,
to: u64,
) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<(u64, u64)>>;
fn set_config(&mut self, c: AnalyticUnitConfig);
async fn get_hsr(&self, ms: MetricService, from: u64, to: u64) -> anyhow::Result<HSR>;
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
pub enum PatchConfig {
impl PatchConfig {
pub fn get_type_id(&self) -> String {
match &self {
PatchConfig::Threshold(_) => "1".to_string(),
PatchConfig::Pattern(_) => "2".to_string(),
PatchConfig::Anomaly(_) => "3".to_string()