import { LinePod, LineTimeSerie } from "@chartwerk/line-pod"; import { AxisRange } from "@chartwerk/core/dist/types"; import { BrushOrientation } from "@chartwerk/core"; import { SegmentsSet } from "@/types/segment_set"; import { ANALYTIC_UNIT_COLORS } from "@/types/colors" import { Segment, SegmentId } from "@/types/segment"; export type TimeRange = { from: number, to: number }; export type UpdateDataCallback = (range: TimeRange) => Promise<{ timeserie: LineTimeSerie[], segments: Segment[] }>; export type CreateSegmentCallback = (segment: Segment) => Promise; export type DeleteSegmentCallback = (from: number, to: number) => Promise; export class HasticPod extends LinePod { private _udc: UpdateDataCallback; private _csc: CreateSegmentCallback; private _dsc: DeleteSegmentCallback; private _ctrlKeyIsDown: boolean; private _dKeyIsDown: boolean; private _labelBrush: boolean; private _deleteBrush: boolean; protected segmentsContainer; constructor( el: HTMLElement, udc: UpdateDataCallback, csc: CreateSegmentCallback, dsc: DeleteSegmentCallback, private _segmentSet: SegmentsSet ) { super(el, undefined, { renderLegend: false, zoomEvents: { mouse: { zoom: { isActive: true, orientation: BrushOrientation.HORIZONTAL } } }, eventsCallbacks: { zoomIn: range => { this._updateRange(range) }, zoomOut: ({x, y}) => { this._zoomOut({x, y}) }, panningEnd: range => { this._updateRange(range) } } }); console.log( BrushOrientation.VERTICAL); this._csc = csc; this._dsc = dsc; this._ctrlKeyIsDown = false; this._labelBrush = false; window.addEventListener("keydown", e => { if(e.code == "ControlLeft") { this._ctrlKeyIsDown = true; } if(e.code == 'KeyD') { this._dKeyIsDown = true; } }); window.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => { if(e.code == "ControlLeft") { this._ctrlKeyIsDown = false; } if(e.code == 'KeyD') { this._dKeyIsDown = false; } }); this._udc = udc; this.fetchData(); } renderMetrics() { super.renderMetrics(); console.log('render my metrics'); } protected fetchData(): void { let to = Math.floor( / 1000); let from = to - 5000; // -5000 seconds if(this.state?.xValueRange !== undefined) { [from, to] = this.state?.xValueRange; console.log('took from range from state'); } else { console.log('took from range from default'); } console.log(from + " ---- " + to); this._udc({ from, to }) .then(resp => { this.updateData(resp.timeserie); this.updateSegments(resp.segments); }) .catch(() => { /* set "error" message */ }) } protected addEvents(): void { this.initBrush(); this.initPan(); this.chartContainer .on('mouseover', this.onMouseOver.bind(this)) .on('mouseout', this.onMouseOut.bind(this)) .on('mousemove', this.onMouseMove.bind(this)) .on('dblclick.zoom', this.zoomOut.bind(this)); } protected onBrushStart(): void { if(this._ctrlKeyIsDown) { this._labelBrush = true;'.selection') .attr('fill', 'red') } else if (this._dKeyIsDown) { this._deleteBrush = true;'.selection') .attr('fill', 'blue') } // TODO: move to state this.isBrushing === true; const selection = this.d3.event.selection; if(selection !== null && selection.length > 0) { this.brushStartSelection = this.d3.event.selection[0]; } this.onMouseOut(); } protected onBrushEnd(): void { if(!this._labelBrush && !this._deleteBrush) { super.onBrushEnd(); } else { const extent = this.d3.event.selection; this.isBrushing === false; if(extent === undefined || extent === null || extent.length < 2) { return; } this.chartContainer .call(this.brush.move, null); const startTimestamp = this.xScale.invert(extent[0]); const endTimestamp = this.xScale.invert(extent[1]); if(this._labelBrush) { this.addSegment(startTimestamp, endTimestamp); this._labelBrush = false; } if(this._deleteBrush) { this.deleteSegment(startTimestamp, endTimestamp); this._deleteBrush = false; } } } protected async addSegment(from: number, to: number): Promise { const id = this.getNewTempSegmentId(); from = Math.floor(from); to = Math.ceil(to); if (from > to) { const t = from; from = to; to = t; } const segment = new Segment(id, from, to); //const storedId = await this._csc(segment); this.fetchData(); // = storedId; // this._segmentSet.addSegment(segment); // this.renderSegment(segment); } protected async deleteSegment(from: number, to: number): Promise { from = Math.floor(from); to = Math.ceil(to); if (from > to) { const t = from; from = to; to = t; } await this._dsc(from, to); this.fetchData(); } protected renderSegments(): void { const segments = this._segmentSet.getSegments(); this.segmentsContainer = this.metricContainer .append('g') .attr('class', 'segmentsContainer') for (const s in segments) { this.renderSegment(segments[s]); } } protected renderSegment(segment: Segment): void { const x = this.xScale(segment.from); const y = 0; const w = this.xScale( - x; const h = this.height const r = this.segmentsContainer .append('rect') .attr('x', x) .attr('y', y) .attr('width', w) .attr('height', h) .attr('fill', ANALYTIC_UNIT_COLORS[0]) .attr('opacity', '0.8') .attr('pointer-events', 'none') } private async _updateRange(range: AxisRange[]) { // in assumption that range have been changed console.log('update range.....'); console.log(range) this.fetchData(); } private _zoomOut({x, y}): void { this.fetchData(); } protected updateSegments(segments: Segment[]): void { this._segmentSet.clear(); this._segmentSet.setSegments(segments); this.renderSegments(); } // TODO: move to "controller" private _tempIdCounted = -1; public getNewTempSegmentId(): SegmentId { this._tempIdCounted--; return this._tempIdCounted.toString(); } }