import { auth } from "./auth.module"; import { createStore } from 'vuex' import { getStatusGenerator } from "@/services/analytics.service"; // import { notify } from "@kyvg/vue3-notification"; const SET_ANALYTICS_STATUS = 'SET_ANALYTICS_STATUS'; const _SET_STATUS_GENERATOR = '_SET_STATUS_GENERATOR'; type State = { analyticStatus: string, _statusGenerator: AsyncIterableIterator } const store = createStore({ state: { analyticStatus: 'loading...', _statusGenerator: null }, mutations: { [SET_ANALYTICS_STATUS](state, status: string) { state.analyticStatus = status; }, [_SET_STATUS_GENERATOR](state, generator: AsyncIterableIterator) { this._statusGenerator = generator; } }, actions: { async _runStatusGenerator({commit, state}) { // notify({ // title: "Authorization", // text: "You have been logged in!", // }); if(state._statusGenerator !== null) { return; } const g = getStatusGenerator(); for await (const data of g) { // this.status = data.toLowerCase(); commit(SET_ANALYTICS_STATUS, data); } } }, modules: { auth } }) store.dispatch('_runStatusGenerator'); export default store;