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from models import Model
from typing import Union, List, Generator
import utils
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.signal
from scipy.fftpack import fft
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema
from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr
import math
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
from scipy.stats import norm
import logging
class GeneralModel(Model):
def __init__(self):
self.state = {
'pattern_center': [],
'pattern_model': [],
'convolve_max': 240,
'convolve_min': 200,
'conv_del_min': 0,
'conv_del_max': 0,
def get_model_type(self) -> (str, bool):
model = 'general'
type_model = True
return (model, type_model)
def find_segment_center(self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame, start: int, end: int) -> int:
data = dataframe['value']
segment = data[start: end]
center_ind = start + math.ceil((end - start) / 2)
return center_ind
def do_fit(self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame, labeled_segments: list, deleted_segments: list, learning_info: dict, AnalyticUnitId: str) -> None:
logging.debug('Start method do_fit for analytic unit: {}'.format(AnalyticUnitId))
data = utils.cut_dataframe(dataframe)
data = data['value']
last_pattern_center = self.state.get('pattern_center', [])
self.state['pattern_center'] = list(set(last_pattern_center + learning_info['segment_center_list']))
self.state['pattern_model'] = utils.get_av_model(learning_info['patterns_list'])
convolve_list = utils.get_convolve(self.state['pattern_center'], self.state['pattern_model'], data, self.state['WINDOW_SIZE'])
correlation_list = utils.get_correlation(self.state['pattern_center'], self.state['pattern_model'], data, self.state['WINDOW_SIZE'])
del_conv_list = []
delete_pattern_timestamp = []
for segment in deleted_segments:
del_mid_index = segment.center_index
deleted_pat = utils.get_interval(data, del_mid_index, self.state['WINDOW_SIZE'])
deleted_pat = utils.subtract_min_without_nan(deleted_pat)
del_conv_pat = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(deleted_pat, self.state['pattern_model'])
if len(del_conv_pat): del_conv_list.append(max(del_conv_pat))
self.state['convolve_min'], self.state['convolve_max'] = utils.get_min_max(convolve_list, self.state['WINDOW_SIZE'] / 3)
self.state['conv_del_min'], self.state['conv_del_max'] = utils.get_min_max(del_conv_list, self.state['WINDOW_SIZE'])
logging.debug('Method do_fit completed correctly for analytic unit: {}'.format(AnalyticUnitId))
def do_detect(self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame, AnalyticUnitId: str) -> List[int]:
logging.debug('Start method do_detect for analytic unit: {}'.format(AnalyticUnitId))
data = utils.cut_dataframe(dataframe)
data = data['value']
pat_data = self.state.get('pattern_model', [])
if pat_data.count(0) == len(pat_data):
raise ValueError('Labeled patterns must not be empty')
window_size = self.state.get('WINDOW_SIZE', 0)
all_corr = utils.get_correlation_gen(data, window_size, pat_data)
all_corr_peaks = utils.find_peaks(all_corr, window_size * 2)
filtered = self.__filter_detection(all_corr_peaks, data)
filtered = list(filtered)
logging.debug('Method do_detect completed correctly for analytic unit: {}'.format(AnalyticUnitId))
return set(item + window_size for item in filtered)
def __filter_detection(self, segments: Generator[int, None, None], data: pd.Series) -> Generator[int, None, None]:
if not self.state.get('pattern_center'):
return []
window_size = self.state.get('WINDOW_SIZE', 0)
pattern_model = self.state.get('pattern_model', [])
for ind, val in segments:
watch_data = data[ind - window_size: ind + window_size + 1]
watch_data = utils.subtract_min_without_nan(watch_data)
convolve_segment = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(watch_data, pattern_model)
if len(convolve_segment) > 0:
watch_conv = max(convolve_segment)
if watch_conv < self.state['convolve_min'] * 0.8 or val < PEARSON_FACTOR:
if watch_conv < self.state['conv_del_max'] * 1.02 and watch_conv > self.state['conv_del_min'] * 0.98:
yield ind