import { GrafanaPanelTemplate, GrafanaTemplateVariables } from '../models/grafana_panel_model'; import { exportPanel, importPanel } from '../services/grafana_service'; import * as Router from 'koa-router'; async function exportGrafanaPanelTemplate(ctx: Router.IRouterContext) { let panelId = ctx.request.query.panelId; if(panelId === undefined) { throw new Error('Cannot export analytic units with undefined panelId'); } const panelTemplate = await exportPanel(panelId); ctx.response.body = panelTemplate; } async function importGrafanaPanelTemplate(ctx: Router.IRouterContext) { const { panelTemplate, templateVariables } = ctx.request.body as { panelTemplate: GrafanaPanelTemplate, templateVariables: GrafanaTemplateVariables }; // TODO: move to model if(panelTemplate.analyticUnits === undefined) { throw new Error('Cannot import analytic units with undefined analyticUnits'); } if(panelTemplate.caches === undefined) { throw new Error('Cannot import analytic units with undefined caches'); } if(panelTemplate.detectionSpans === undefined) { throw new Error('Cannot import analytic units with undefined detectionSpans'); } if(panelTemplate.segments === undefined) { throw new Error('Cannot import analytic units with undefined segments'); } if(templateVariables.grafanaUrl === undefined) { throw new Error('Cannot make analytic unit from template with undefined grafanaUrl'); } if(templateVariables.panelId === undefined) { throw new Error('Cannot make analytic unit from template with undefined panelId'); } if(templateVariables.datasourceUrl === undefined) { throw new Error('Cannot make analytic unit from template with undefined datasourceUrl'); } await importPanel(panelTemplate, templateVariables); ctx.response.status = 200; } export var router = new Router(); router.get('/template', exportGrafanaPanelTemplate);'/template', importGrafanaPanelTemplate);