import { TEST_ANALYTIC_UNIT_ID } from '../utils_for_tests/analytic_units'; import { buildSegments, clearSegmentsDB, convertSegmentsToTimeRanges } from '../utils_for_tests/segments'; import * as Segment from '../../src/models/segment_model'; afterEach(async () => { await clearSegmentsDB(); }); describe('mergeAndInsertSegments', function() { const initialSegments = buildSegments([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]); beforeEach(async () => { await Segment.mergeAndInsertSegments(initialSegments); }); it('Segments should be merged before insertion', async function() { const segmentsToInsert = buildSegments([[1, 2]]); await Segment.mergeAndInsertSegments(segmentsToInsert); const actualSegments = await Segment.findMany(TEST_ANALYTIC_UNIT_ID, {}); const actualRanges = convertSegmentsToTimeRanges(actualSegments); expect(actualRanges).toEqual([[0, 3], [4, 5]]); }); }); describe('findIntersectedSegments', () => { const initialSegments = buildSegments([[0, 3], [5, 6], [10, 13]]); beforeEach(async () => { await Segment.mergeAndInsertSegments(initialSegments); }); it('should find intersected segments', async () => { const testCases = [ { from: 1, to: 4, expected: [[0, 3]] }, { from: 11, to: 12, expected: [[10, 13]] }, { from: 6, to: 10, expected: [[5, 6], [10, 13]] }, { from: 16, to: 17, expected: [] }, { from: 5, expected: [[5, 6], [10, 13]] }, { to: 5, expected: [[0, 3], [5, 6]] }, { expected: [[0, 3], [5, 6], [10, 13]] } ]; for(let testCase of testCases) { const foundSegments = await Segment.findIntersectedSegments( TEST_ANALYTIC_UNIT_ID, testCase.from, ); const foundRanges = convertSegmentsToTimeRanges(foundSegments); expect(foundRanges).toEqual(testCase.expected); } }); });