import { AnalyticUnitId } from './analytic_units'; import { Collection, makeDBQ } from '../services/data_service'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; let db = makeDBQ(Collection.DETECTION_SPANS); export enum DetectionStatus { READY = 'READY', RUNNING = 'RUNNING', FAILED = 'FAILED' } export type SpanId = string; /** * Detection-span represents the state of dataset segment: * - READY: detection is done * - RUNNING: detection is running * - FAILED: detection failed */ export class DetectionSpan { constructor( public analyticUnitId: AnalyticUnitId, public from: number, public to: number, public status: DetectionStatus, public id?: SpanId, ) { if(analyticUnitId === undefined) { throw new Error('AnalyticUnitId is undefined'); } if(from === undefined) { throw new Error('from is undefined'); } if(isNaN(from)) { throw new Error('from is NaN'); } if(to === undefined) { throw new Error('to is undefined'); } if(isNaN(to)) { throw new Error('to is NaN'); } if(status === undefined) { throw new Error('status is undefined'); } } public toObject() { return { _id:, analyticUnitId: this.analyticUnitId, from: this.from, to:, status: this.status }; } public toTemplate(): any { return { ...this.toObject(), _id: undefined, analyticUnitId: undefined }; } static fromObject(obj: any): DetectionSpan { if(obj === undefined) { throw new Error('obj is undefined'); } return new DetectionSpan( obj.analyticUnitId, +obj.from,, obj.status, obj._id ); } } export type FindManyQuery = { status?: DetectionStatus, // TODO: // from?: { $gte?: number, $lte?: number } // to?: { $gte?: number, $lte?: number } timeFromLTE?: number, timeToGTE?: number, timeFromGTE?: number, timeToLTE?: number, } export async function findMany(id: AnalyticUnitId, query?: FindManyQuery): Promise { let dbQuery: any = { analyticUnitId: id }; if(query.status !== undefined) { dbQuery.status = query.status; } if(query.timeFromLTE !== undefined) { dbQuery.from = { $lte: query.timeFromLTE }; } if(query.timeToGTE !== undefined) { = { $gte: query.timeToGTE }; } if(query.timeFromGTE !== undefined) { dbQuery.from = { $gte: query.timeFromGTE }; } if(query.timeToLTE !== undefined) { = { $lte: query.timeToLTE }; } const spans = await db.findMany(dbQuery); if(spans === null) { return []; } return; } // TODO: maybe it could have a better name export async function findByAnalyticUnitIds(analyticUnitIds: AnalyticUnitId[]): Promise { const spans = await db.findMany({ analyticUnitId: { $in: analyticUnitIds } }); if(spans === null) { return []; } return; } export async function getIntersectedSpans( analyticUnitId: AnalyticUnitId, from: number, to: number, status?: DetectionStatus ): Promise { return findMany(analyticUnitId, { status, timeFromLTE: to, timeToGTE: from }); } export async function insertSpan(span: DetectionSpan): Promise { let spanToInsert = span.toObject(); const intersections = await getIntersectedSpans(span.analyticUnitId, span.from,; if(_.isEmpty(intersections)) { return db.insertOne(spanToInsert); } const spansWithSameStatus = intersections.filter( intersectedSpan => intersectedSpan.status === span.status ); let from = span.from; let to =; if(!_.isEmpty(spansWithSameStatus)) { let minFrom = _.minBy(spansWithSameStatus, s => s.from).from; from = Math.min(from, minFrom); let maxTo = _.maxBy(spansWithSameStatus, s =>; to = Math.max(to, maxTo); } const spansInside = intersections.filter( intersectedSpan => intersectedSpan.from >= span.from && <= ); const spanIdsToRemove = _.concat( =>, => ); await db.removeMany(spanIdsToRemove); spanToInsert = new DetectionSpan(span.analyticUnitId, from, to, span.status).toObject(); return db.insertOne(spanToInsert); } export async function insertMany(detectionSpans: any[]): Promise { return db.insertMany(detectionSpans); } export function clearSpans(analyticUnitId: AnalyticUnitId) { return db.removeMany({ analyticUnitId }); }