/* How to add a migration: - create migration function - add it with the next revision number to REVISIONS Map It will be automatically applied if actual DB revision < added revision Note: do not import code from other modules here because it can be changed */ import { Collection, makeDBQ } from './services/data_service'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; const metaDB = makeDBQ(Collection.DB_META); const analyticUnitsDB = makeDBQ(Collection.ANALYTIC_UNITS); const analyticUnitCachesDB = makeDBQ(Collection.ANALYTIC_UNIT_CACHES); const thresholdsDB = makeDBQ(Collection.THRESHOLD); const DB_META_ID = '000000000000000000000001'; //24 symbols for mongodb type DbMeta = { revision: number }; const REVISIONS = new Map([ [1, convertPanelUrlToPanelId], [2, convertUnderscoreToCamelCase], [3, integrateThresholdsIntoAnalyticUnits], [4, addDetectorTypes], [5, switchBoundsDisabling] ]); export async function applyDBMigrations() { let meta: DbMeta = await metaDB.findOne(DB_META_ID); if(meta === null) { meta = { revision: 0 }; await metaDB.insertOne({ _id: DB_META_ID, ...meta }); } await REVISIONS.forEach(async (migration, revision) => { if(meta.revision < revision) { console.log(`Applying migration ${revision}`); await migration(); meta.revision = revision; await metaDB.updateOne(DB_META_ID, meta); } }); } async function convertPanelUrlToPanelId() { const analyticUnits = await analyticUnitsDB.findMany({ panelUrl: { $exists: true } }); if(analyticUnits.length === 0) { return; } const PANEL_URL_REGEX = /^(.+)\/d\/([^\/]+)\/.+panelId=(\d+)/; const NEW_PANEL_URL_REGEX = /^(.+)\/dashboard\/(\w+).+panelId=(\d+)/; const updatedAnalyticUnits = analyticUnits .map(analyticUnit => { const parsedPanelUrl = analyticUnit.panelUrl.match(PANEL_URL_REGEX) || analyticUnit.panelUrl.match(NEW_PANEL_URL_REGEX); if(parsedPanelUrl === null) { return null; } const grafanaUrl = parsedPanelUrl[1]; const dashboardId = parsedPanelUrl[2]; const oldPanelId = parsedPanelUrl[3]; const panelId = `${dashboardId}/${oldPanelId}`; return { _id: analyticUnit._id, grafanaUrl, panelId }; }) .filter(analyticUnit => analyticUnit !== null); console.log(updatedAnalyticUnits); const promises = updatedAnalyticUnits.map(analyticUnit => analyticUnitsDB.updateOne(analyticUnit._id, { panelUrl: undefined, ...analyticUnit }) ); await Promise.all(promises); } async function convertUnderscoreToCamelCase() { const analyticUnitCaches = await analyticUnitCachesDB.findMany({}); const updatedAnalyticUnitCaches = analyticUnitCaches.map(analyticUnitCache => { let data = null; if(analyticUnitCache.data !== null) { data = _.mapKeys(analyticUnitCache.data, (value, key) => _.camelCase(key)); } return { data, _id: analyticUnitCache._id }; }); const promises = updatedAnalyticUnitCaches.map(analyticUnitCache => analyticUnitCachesDB.updateOne(analyticUnitCache._id, { data: analyticUnitCache.data }) ); await Promise.all(promises); } async function integrateThresholdsIntoAnalyticUnits() { const thresholds = await thresholdsDB.findMany({}); const promises = thresholds.map(threshold => analyticUnitsDB.updateOne(threshold._id, { value: threshold.value, condition: threshold.condition }) ); await Promise.all(promises); await thresholdsDB.removeMany({}); } async function addDetectorTypes() { const analyticUnits = await analyticUnitsDB.findMany({ detectorType: { $exists: false } }); const promises = analyticUnits.map(analyticUnit => analyticUnitsDB.updateOne(analyticUnit._id, { detectorType: getDetectorByType(analyticUnit.type) }) ); await Promise.all(promises); } async function switchBoundsDisabling() { const analyticUnits = await analyticUnitsDB.findMany({ disableBound: { $exists: true } }); const promises = analyticUnits.map(analyticUnit => { let enableBounds; if(analyticUnit.disableBound === 'NONE') { enableBounds = 'ALL'; } if(analyticUnit.disableBound === 'UPPER') { enableBounds = 'LOWER'; } else { enableBounds = 'UPPER'; } analyticUnitsDB.updateOne(analyticUnit._id, { enableBounds }) }); await Promise.all(promises); } function getDetectorByType(analyticUnitType: string): string { const analyticUnitTypesMapping = { pattern: [ 'GENERAL', 'PEAK', 'TROUGH', 'JUMP', 'DROP' ], anomaly: [ 'ANOMALY' ], threshold: [ 'THRESHOLD' ] }; let detector; _.forOwn(analyticUnitTypesMapping, (types, detectorType) => { if(_.includes(types, analyticUnitType)) { detector = detectorType; } }); if(detector === undefined) { throw new Error(`Can't find detector for analytic unit of type "${analyticUnitType}"`); } return detector; }