import { AnalyticsTask, AnalyticsTaskType } from '../models/analytics_task_model'; import { AnalyticsMessageMethod, AnalyticsMessage } from '../models/analytics_message_model'; import { WebhookType } from '../services/notification_service'; import * as config from '../config'; import { AlertService } from './alert_service'; import * as zmq from 'zeromq'; import * as childProcess from 'child_process' import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; export class AnalyticsService { private _alertService = new AlertService(); private _requester: any; private _ready: boolean = false; private _lastAlive: Date = null; private _pingResponded = false; private _zmqConnectionString: string = null; private _ipcPath: string = null; private _analyticsPinger: NodeJS.Timer = null; private _isClosed = false; private _productionMode = false; private _inDocker = false; private _queue: AnalyticsTask[] = []; constructor(private _onMessage: (message: AnalyticsMessage) => void) { this._productionMode = config.PRODUCTION_MODE; this._inDocker = config.INSIDE_DOCKER; this._init(); } public async sendTask(task: AnalyticsTask, fromQueue = false): Promise { if(!this._ready) { console.log('Analytics is not ready'); if(!fromQueue) { // TODO: add to db? this._queue.push(task); console.log('Adding task to queue'); } return; } let method = task.type === AnalyticsTaskType.PUSH ? AnalyticsMessageMethod.DATA : AnalyticsMessageMethod.TASK let message = new AnalyticsMessage( method, task.toObject() ); return this.sendMessage(message); } public async sendMessage(message: AnalyticsMessage): Promise { let strMessage = JSON.stringify(message); return this.sendText(strMessage); } public async sendText(text: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._requester.send(text, undefined, (err: any) => { if(err) { console.trace(`got error while sending ${err}`); reject(err); } else { resolve(); } }); }); } public close() { this._isClosed = true; console.log('Terminating analytics service...'); clearInterval(this._analyticsPinger); if(this._ipcPath !== null) { console.log('Remove ipc path: ' + this._ipcPath); fs.unlinkSync(this._ipcPath); } this._requester.close(); console.log('Terminating successful'); } public get ready(): boolean { return this._ready; } public get lastAlive(): Date { return this._lastAlive; } private async _init() { this._requester = zmq.socket('pair'); this._zmqConnectionString = config.ZMQ_CONNECTION_STRING; if(this._zmqConnectionString.startsWith('ipc')) { this._ipcPath = AnalyticsService.createIPCAddress(this._zmqConnectionString); } console.log("Binding to zmq... %s", this._zmqConnectionString); this._requester.connect(this._zmqConnectionString); this._requester.on("message", this._onAnalyticsMessage.bind(this)); console.log('Binding successful'); if(this._productionMode && !this._inDocker) { console.log('Creating analytics process...'); try { var cp = await AnalyticsService._runAnalyticsProcess(this._zmqConnectionString); } catch(error) { console.error('Can`t run analytics process: %s', error); return; } console.log('Analytics creating successful, pid: %s',; } console.log('Start analytics pinger...'); this._runAlalyticsPinger(); console.log('Analytics pinger started'); } /** * Spawns analytics process. Reads process stderr and fails if it isn`t empty. * No need to stop the process later. * * @returns Creaded child process * @throws Process start error or first exception during python start */ private static async _runAnalyticsProcess(zmqConnectionString: string): Promise { let cp: childProcess.ChildProcess; let cpOptions = { cwd: config.ANALYTICS_PATH, env: { ...process.env, ZMQ_CONNECTION_STRING: zmqConnectionString } }; if(fs.existsSync(path.join(config.ANALYTICS_PATH, 'dist/server/server'))) { console.log('dist/server/server'); cp = childProcess.spawn('dist/server/server', [], cpOptions); } else { const ANALYTICS_SERVER_PATH = path.join('bin', 'server'); console.log('python3 ' + ANALYTICS_SERVER_PATH); // If compiled analytics script doesn't exist - fallback to regular python console.log(config.ANALYTICS_PATH); // maybe starting it via bash better that put python3 cp = childProcess.spawn('python3', [ANALYTICS_SERVER_PATH], cpOptions); } if( === undefined) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { cp.on('error', reject); }); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var resolved = false; cp.stdout.on('data', (data) => { console.log(data.toString()); if(resolved) { return; } resolved = true; resolve(cp); }); cp.stderr.on('data', (data) => { console.error(data.toString()); if(resolved) { return; } resolved = true; reject(data); }); }); } private _onAnalyticsUp() { const msg = 'Analytics is up'; for(let i in _.range(this._queue.length)) { // TODO: check if task is done before removing it from the queue this.sendTask(this._queue.shift(), true); } console.log(msg); this._alertService.sendMsg(msg, WebhookType.RECOVERY); } private async _onAnalyticsDown() { const msg = 'Analytics is down'; console.log(msg); // TODO: enable analytics down webhooks when it stops bouncing this._alertService.sendMsg(msg, WebhookType.FAILURE); if(this._productionMode && !this._inDocker) { await AnalyticsService._runAnalyticsProcess(this._zmqConnectionString); } } private _onAnalyticsMessage(data: any) { let text = data.toString(); if(text === 'PONG') { this._pingResponded = true; this._lastAlive = new Date(; if(!this._ready) { this._ready = true; this._onAnalyticsUp(); } return; } let response; try { response = JSON.parse(text); } catch (e) { console.error("Can`t parse response from analytics as json:"); console.error(text); throw new Error('Unexpected response'); } this._onMessage(AnalyticsMessage.fromObject(response)); } private async _runAlalyticsPinger() { this._analyticsPinger = setInterval(() => { if(this._isClosed) { return; } if(!this._pingResponded && this._ready) { this._ready = false; this._onAnalyticsDown(); } this._pingResponded = false; // TODO: set life limit for this ping this.sendText('PING'); }, config.ANLYTICS_PING_INTERVAL); } private static createIPCAddress(zmqConnectionString: string): string { let filename = zmqConnectionString.substring(6); //without 'ipc://' fs.writeFileSync(filename, ''); return filename; } public get queueLength() { return this._queue.length; } }