import { sendNotification, InfoMeta, AnalyticMeta, WebhookType, Notification } from './notification_service'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as AnalyticUnit from '../models/analytic_units'; import { Segment } from '../models/segment_model'; import { availableReporter } from '../utils/reporter'; import { ORG_ID } from '../config'; export class Alert { public enabled = true; constructor(protected analyticUnit: AnalyticUnit.AnalyticUnit) {}; public receive(segment: Segment) { if(this.enabled) { sendNotification(this.makeNotification(segment)); } }; protected makeNotification(segment: Segment): Notification { const meta = this.makeMeta(segment); const message = this.makeMessage(meta); return { meta, message }; } protected makeMeta(segment: Segment): AnalyticMeta { const datshdoardId = this.analyticUnit.panelId.split('/')[0]; const panelId = this.analyticUnit.panelId.split('/')[1]; const grafanaUrl = `${this.analyticUnit.grafanaUrl}/d/${datshdoardId}?panelId=${panelId}&edit=true&fullscreen=true?orgId=${ORG_ID}`; const alert: AnalyticMeta = { type: WebhookType.DETECT, analyticUnitType: this.analyticUnit.type, analyticUnitName:, analyticUnitId:, grafanaUrl, from: segment.from, to: }; return alert; } protected makeMessage(meta: AnalyticMeta): string { return [ `[${meta.analyticUnitType.toUpperCase()} ALERTING] ${meta.analyticUnitName}`, `URL: ${meta.grafanaUrl}`, ``, `From: ${new Date(meta.from)}`, `To: ${new Date(}`, `ID: ${meta.analyticUnitId}` ].join('\n'); } } class PatternAlert extends Alert { private lastSentSegment: Segment; public receive(segment: Segment) { if(this.lastSentSegment === undefined || !segment.equals(this.lastSentSegment) ) { this.lastSentSegment = segment; if(this.enabled) { sendNotification(this.makeNotification(segment)); } } } protected makeMessage(meta: AnalyticMeta): string { return [ `[PATTERN DETECTED] ${meta.analyticUnitName}`, `URL: ${meta.grafanaUrl}`, ``, `From: ${new Date(meta.from)}`, `To: ${new Date(}`, `ID: ${meta.analyticUnitId}` ].join('\n'); } }; class ThresholdAlert extends Alert { // TODO: configure threshold timing in panel like Grafana's alerts (`evaluate` time, `for` time) // TODO: make events for start and end of threshold EXPIRE_PERIOD_MS = 60000; lastOccurence = 0; public receive(segment: Segment) { if(this.lastOccurence === 0) { this.lastOccurence = segment.from; if(this.enabled) { sendNotification(this.makeNotification(segment)); } } else { if(segment.from - this.lastOccurence > this.EXPIRE_PERIOD_MS) { if(this.enabled) { console.log(`time between threshold occurences ${segment.from - this.lastOccurence}ms, send alert`); sendNotification(this.makeNotification(segment)); } } this.lastOccurence = segment.from; } } protected makeMessage(meta: AnalyticMeta): string { let message = [ `[THRESHOLD ALERTING] ${meta.analyticUnitName}`, `URL: ${meta.grafanaUrl}`, ``, `Starts at: ${new Date(meta.from)}`, `ID: ${meta.analyticUnitId}` ].join('\n'); if(meta.params !== undefined) { const metrics = ` Metrics: ${this.analyticUnit.metric.targets[0].expr}: ${meta.params.value} `; message += metrics; } return message; } } export class AlertService { // TODO: object -> Map private _alerts: { [id: string]: Alert }; private _alertingEnable: boolean; private _grafanaAvailableReporter: Function; private _datasourceAvailableReporters: Map; constructor() { this._alerts = {}; this._datasourceAvailableReporters = new Map(); this._grafanaAvailableReporter = availableReporter( ['[OK] Grafana available', WebhookType.RECOVERY], ['[FAILURE] Grafana unavailable for pulling data', WebhookType.FAILURE], this.sendMsg, this.sendMsg ); } public receiveAlert(analyticUnit: AnalyticUnit.AnalyticUnit, segment: Segment) { if(!this._alertingEnable) { return; } let id =; if(!_.has(this._alerts, id)) { this.addAnalyticUnit(analyticUnit); } this._alerts[id].receive(segment); }; public sendMsg(message: string, type: WebhookType, optionalInfo = {}) { const now =; const infoAlert: InfoMeta = { params: optionalInfo, type, from: now, to: now } sendNotification({ message, meta: infoAlert }); } public sendGrafanaAvailableWebhook() { this._grafanaAvailableReporter(true); } public sendGrafanaUnavailableWebhook() { this._grafanaAvailableReporter(false); } public sendDatasourceAvailableWebhook(url: string) { const reporter = this._getDatasourceAvailableReporter(url); reporter(true); } public sendDatasourceUnavailableWebhook(url: string) { const reporter = this._getDatasourceAvailableReporter(url); reporter(false); } public addAnalyticUnit(analyticUnit: AnalyticUnit.AnalyticUnit) { let alertsType = {}; alertsType[AnalyticUnit.DetectorType.THRESHOLD] = ThresholdAlert; alertsType[AnalyticUnit.DetectorType.PATTERN] = PatternAlert; alertsType[AnalyticUnit.DetectorType.ANOMALY] = Alert; this._alerts[] = new alertsType[analyticUnit.detectorType](analyticUnit); } public removeAnalyticUnit(analyticUnitId: AnalyticUnit.AnalyticUnitId) { delete this._alerts[analyticUnitId]; } public stopAlerting() { this._alertingEnable = false; } public startAlerting() { this._alertingEnable = true; } private _getDatasourceAvailableReporter(url: string) { if(!_.has(this._datasourceAvailableReporters, url)) { this._datasourceAvailableReporters[url] = availableReporter( [`[OK] Datasource ${url} available`, WebhookType.RECOVERY], [`[FAILURE] Datasource ${url} unavailable`, WebhookType.FAILURE], this.sendMsg, this.sendMsg ); } return this._datasourceAvailableReporters[url]; } }