import * as AnalyticUnit from '../models/analytic_units'; import { HASTIC_WEBHOOK_URL, HASTIC_WEBHOOK_TYPE, HASTIC_WEBHOOK_SECRET, HASTIC_INSTANCE_NAME } from '../config'; import axios from 'axios'; import * as querystring from 'querystring'; enum ContentType { JSON = 'application/json', URLENCODED ='application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } export enum WebhookType { DETECT = 'DETECT', FAILURE = 'FAILURE', RECOVERY = 'RECOVERY', MESSAGE = 'MESSAGE' } export declare type AnalyticAlert = { type: WebhookType, analyticUnitType: string, analyticUnitName: string, analyticUnitId: AnalyticUnit.AnalyticUnitId, grafanaUrl: string, from: number, to: number params?: any, regionImage?: any } export declare type InfoAlert = { type: WebhookType, message: string, from: number, to: number, params?: any } // TODO: send webhook with payload without dep to AnalyticUnit export async function sendAnalyticWebhook(alert: AnalyticAlert) { const fromTime = new Date(alert.from).toLocaleTimeString(); const toTime = new Date(; console.log(`Sending alert unit: ${alert.analyticUnitName} from: ${fromTime} to: ${toTime}`); sendWebhook(alert); } export async function sendInfoWebhook(alert: InfoAlert) { if(alert && typeof alert === 'object') { console.log(`Sending info webhook ${JSON.stringify(alert.message)}`); sendWebhook(alert); } else { console.error(`skip sending Info webhook, got corrupted message ${alert}`); } } export async function sendWebhook(payload: any) { if(HASTIC_WEBHOOK_URL === null) { throw new Error(`Can't send alert, HASTIC_WEBHOOK_URL is undefined`); } payload.instanceName = HASTIC_INSTANCE_NAME; let data; if(HASTIC_WEBHOOK_TYPE === ContentType.JSON) { data = JSON.stringify(payload); } else if(HASTIC_WEBHOOK_TYPE === ContentType.URLENCODED) { data = querystring.stringify(payload); } else { throw new Error(`Unknown webhook type: ${HASTIC_WEBHOOK_TYPE}`); } // TODO: use HASTIC_WEBHOOK_SECRET const options = { method: 'POST', url: HASTIC_WEBHOOK_URL, data, headers: { 'Content-Type': HASTIC_WEBHOOK_TYPE } }; try { await axios(options); } catch(err) { console.error(`Can't send alert to ${HASTIC_WEBHOOK_URL}. Error: ${err.message}`); } }