import { TEST_ANALYTIC_UNIT_ID } from '../utils_for_tests/analytic_units'; import { insertSpans, clearSpansDB, convertSpansToOptions } from '../utils_for_tests/detection_spans'; import * as Detection from '../../src/models/detection_model'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; afterEach(clearSpansDB); describe('insertSpan', () => { it('should merge spans with the same status', async () => { /* * Config for test * insert -- what we want to insert in our test database * expectedAfterInsertion -- expected database state after insertion */ const insertSteps = [ { insert: [ { from: 1, to: 3, status: Detection.DetectionStatus.READY }, { from: 4, to: 5, status: Detection.DetectionStatus.RUNNING } ], expectedAfterInsertion: [ { from: 1, to: 3, status: Detection.DetectionStatus.READY }, { from: 4, to: 5, status: Detection.DetectionStatus.RUNNING } ] }, { insert: [ { from: 5, to: 9, status: Detection.DetectionStatus.RUNNING } ], expectedAfterInsertion: [ { from: 1, to: 3, status: Detection.DetectionStatus.READY }, { from: 4, to: 9, status: Detection.DetectionStatus.RUNNING } ] }, { insert: [ { from: 2, to: 5, status: Detection.DetectionStatus.READY } ], expectedAfterInsertion: [ { from: 1, to: 5, status: Detection.DetectionStatus.READY }, { from: 4, to: 9, status: Detection.DetectionStatus.RUNNING } ] }, ]; for(let step of insertSteps) { await insertSpans(step.insert); const spansInDB = await Detection.findMany(TEST_ANALYTIC_UNIT_ID, {}); const spansOptions = convertSpansToOptions(spansInDB); expect(spansOptions).toEqual(step.expectedAfterInsertion); } }); it('should merge spans if existing span is inside the one being inserted', async () => { await insertSpans([ { from: 1, to: 6, status: Detection.DetectionStatus.RUNNING } ]); const expectedSpans = [ { from: 1, to: 6, status: Detection.DetectionStatus.RUNNING } ]; const spansInDB = await Detection.findMany(TEST_ANALYTIC_UNIT_ID, {}); const spansOptions = convertSpansToOptions(spansInDB); expect(spansOptions).toEqual(expectedSpans); }); }); describe('getIntersectedSpans', () => { it('should find all intersections with the inserted span', async () => { await insertSpans([ { from: 1, to: 3, status: Detection.DetectionStatus.READY }, { from: 4, to: 5, status: Detection.DetectionStatus.RUNNING } ]); const testCases = [ { from: 1, to: 5, expected: [ { from: 1, to: 3, status: Detection.DetectionStatus.READY }, { from: 4, to: 5, status: Detection.DetectionStatus.RUNNING } ] }, { from: 4, to: 5, expected: [{ from: 4, to: 5, status: Detection.DetectionStatus.RUNNING }] }, { from: 6, to: 7, expected: [] } ] for(let testCase of testCases) { const intersectedSpans = await Detection.getIntersectedSpans(TEST_ANALYTIC_UNIT_ID, testCase.from,; const intersectedSpansOptions = convertSpansToOptions(intersectedSpans); expect(intersectedSpansOptions).toEqual(testCase.expected); } }); });