import numpy as np def is_intersect(target_segment, segments): for segment in segments: start = max(segment['start'], target_segment[0]) finish = min(segment['finish'], target_segment[1]) if start <= finish: return True return False def exponential_smoothing(series, alpha): result = [series[0]] for n in range(1, len(series)): result.append(alpha * series[n] + (1 - alpha) * result[n - 1]) return result def find_steps(array, threshold): """ Finds local maxima by segmenting array based on positions at which the threshold value is crossed. Note that this thresholding is applied after the absolute value of the array is taken. Thus, the distinction between upward and downward steps is lost. However, get_step_sizes can be used to determine directionality after the fact. Parameters ---------- array : numpy array 1 dimensional array that represents time series of data points threshold : int / float Threshold value that defines a step Returns ------- steps : list List of indices of the detected steps """ steps = [] array = np.abs(array) above_points = np.where(array > threshold, 1, 0) ap_dif = np.diff(above_points) cross_ups = np.where(ap_dif == 1)[0] cross_dns = np.where(ap_dif == -1)[0] for upi, dni in zip(cross_ups,cross_dns): steps.append(np.argmax(array[upi:dni]) + upi) return steps def anomalies_to_timestamp(anomalies): for anomaly in anomalies: anomaly['start'] = int(anomaly['start'].timestamp() * 1000) anomaly['finish'] = int(anomaly['finish'].timestamp() * 1000) return anomalies def segments_box(segments): max_time = 0 min_time = float("inf") for segment in segments: min_time = min(min_time, segment['start']) max_time = max(max_time, segment['finish']) min_time = pd.to_datetime(min_time, unit='ms') max_time = pd.to_datetime(max_time, unit='ms') return min_time, max_time def intersection_segment(data, median): """ Finds all intersections between flatten data and median """ cen_ind = [] for i in range(1, len(data)-1): if data[i - 1] < median and data[i + 1] > median: cen_ind.append(i) del_ind = [] for i in range(1, len(cen_ind)): if cen_ind[i] == cen_ind[i - 1] + 1: del_ind.append(i - 1) return [x for (idx, x) in enumerate(cen_ind) if idx not in del_ind] def logistic_sigmoid_distribution(self, x1, x2, alpha, height): return map(lambda x: logistic_sigmoid(x, alpha, height), range(x1, x2)) def logistic_sigmoid(x, alpha, height): return height / (1 + math.exp(-x * alpha)) def MyLogisticSigmoid(interval, alpha, heigh): distribution = [] for i in range(-interval, interval): F = height / (1 + math.exp(-i * alpha)) distribution.append(F) return distribution def find_one_jump(data, x, size, height, err): l = [] for i in range(x + 1, x + size): if (data[i] > data[x] and data[x + size] > data[x] + height): l.append(data[i]) if len(l) > size * err: return x else: return 0 def find_all_jumps(data, size, height): possible_jump_list = [] for i in range(len(data - size)): x = find_one_jump(data, i, size, height, 0.9) if x > 0: possible_jump_list.append(x) return possible_jump_list def find_jump_center(cen_ind): jump_center = cen_ind[0] for i in range(len(cen_ind)): x = cen_ind[i] cx = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(pat_sigm, flat_data[x - WINDOW_SIZE : x + WINDOW_SIZE]) c.append(cx[2 * WINDOW_SIZE]) if i > 0 and cx > c[i - 1]: jump_center = x return jump_center def find_ind_median(median, segment_data): x = np.arange(0, len(segment_data)) f = [] for i in range(len(segment_data)): f.append(median) f = np.array(f) g = [] for i in segment_data: g.append(i) g = np.array(g) idx = np.argwhere(np.diff(np.sign(f - g)) != 0).reshape(-1) + 0 return idx def find_jump_length(segment_data, min_line, max_line): x = np.arange(0, len(segment_data)) f = [] l = [] for i in range(len(segment_data)): f.append(min_line) l.append(max_line) f = np.array(f) l = np.array(l) g = [] for i in segment_data: g.append(i) g = np.array(g) idx = np.argwhere(np.diff(np.sign(f - g)) != 0).reshape(-1) + 0 idl = np.argwhere(np.diff(np.sign(l - g)) != 0).reshape(-1) + 0 if (idl[0] - idx[-1] + 1) > 0: return idl[0] - idx[-1] + 1 else: return print("retard alert!") def find_jump(data, height, lenght): j_list = [] for i in range(len(data)-lenght-1): for x in range(1, lenght): if(data[i+x] > data[i] + height): j_list.append(i) return(j_list)