import { Collection, makeDBQ } from '../services/data_service'; const db = makeDBQ(Collection.ANALYTIC_UNITS); export async function convertPanelUrlToPanelId() { const analyticUnits = await db.findMany({ panelUrl: { $exists: true } }); console.log(`Found ${analyticUnits.length} analytic units with panelUrl field`); if(analyticUnits.length === 0) { console.log('Nothing to migrate'); return; } const panelUrlRegex = /^(.+)\/d\/(\w+)\/.+panelId=(\d+)/; const newPanelUrlRegex = /^(.+)\/dashboard\/(\w+).+panelId=(\d+)/; const updatedAnalyticUnits = => { const parsedPanelUrl = analyticUnit.panelUrl.match(panelUrlRegex) || analyticUnit.panelUrl.match(newPanelUrlRegex); const grafanaUrl = parsedPanelUrl[1]; const dashboardId = parsedPanelUrl[2]; const oldPanelId = parsedPanelUrl[3]; const panelId = `${dashboardId}/${oldPanelId}`; return { _id: analyticUnit._id, grafanaUrl, panelId }; }); console.log(updatedAnalyticUnits); await updatedAnalyticUnits.forEach(analyticUnit => db.updateOne(analyticUnit._id, { panelUrl: undefined, ...analyticUnit })); }