import { queryByMetric } from 'grafana-datasource-kit'; jest.mock('grafana-datasource-kit', () => ( { ...(jest.requireActual('grafana-datasource-kit')), queryByMetric: jest.fn((metric, url, from, to, apiKey) => {}) } )); import { saveAnalyticUnitFromObject, runDetect, onDetect } from '../src/controllers/analytics_controller'; import * as AnalyticUnit from '../src/models/analytic_units'; import * as AnalyticUnitCache from '../src/models/analytic_unit_cache_model'; import * as Segment from '../src/models/segment_model'; import { TEST_ANALYTIC_UNIT_ID } from './utils_for_tests/analytic_units'; import { buildSegments, clearSegmentsDB, convertSegmentsToTimeRanges } from './utils_for_tests/segments'; import { HASTIC_API_KEY } from '../src/config'; describe('Check detection range', function() { const analyticUnitObj = { _id: 'test', name: "test", grafanaUrl: "", panelId: "ZLc0KfNZk/2", type: "GENERAL", metric: { datasource: { url: "api/datasources/proxy/5/query", method: "GET", data: null, params: { db:"dbname", q: "SELECT mean(\"value\") FROM \"autogen\".\"tcpconns_value\" WHERE time >= now() - 6h GROUP BY time(20s) fill(null)", epoch: "ms" }, type: "influxdb" }, targets: [ { groupBy: [ { params: ["$__interval"], type: "time" }, { params: ["null"], type: "fill" } ], measurement: "tcpconns_value", orderByTime: "ASC", policy: "autogen", refId: "A", resultFormat: "time_series", select: [[{"params":["value"],"type":"field"},{"params":[],"type":"mean"}]],"tags":[] } ] }, alert: false, labeledColor: "#FF99FF", deletedColor: "#00f0ff", detectorType: "pattern", visible: true, collapsed: false, createdAt: {"$$date":1564476040880}, updatedAt: {"$$date":1564476040880} } const WINDOW_SIZE = 10; const TIME_STEP = 1000; async function addTestUnitToDB(): Promise { const analyticUnitId = await saveAnalyticUnitFromObject(analyticUnitObj); await AnalyticUnit.update(analyticUnitId, {lastDetectionTime: 1000}); await AnalyticUnitCache.create(analyticUnitId); await AnalyticUnitCache.setData(analyticUnitId, { windowSize: WINDOW_SIZE, timeStep: TIME_STEP }); return analyticUnitId; }; it('check range >= 2 * window size * timeStep', async () => { const from = 1500000000000; const to = 1500000000001; const expectedFrom = to - WINDOW_SIZE * TIME_STEP * 2; const id = await addTestUnitToDB(); await runDetect(id, from, to); expect(queryByMetric).toBeCalledWith(analyticUnitObj.metric, undefined, expectedFrom, to, HASTIC_API_KEY); }); }); describe('onDetect', () => { const INITIAL_SEGMENTS = buildSegments([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]); beforeEach(async () => { await Segment.mergeAndInsertSegments(INITIAL_SEGMENTS); }); afterEach(async () => { await clearSegmentsDB(); }); it('should not send a webhook after merging', async () => { const detectedSegmentIds = await onDetect({ analyticUnitId: TEST_ANALYTIC_UNIT_ID, segments: buildSegments([[5, 6]]), lastDetectionTime: 0, cache: { data: { timeStep: 1 } } }); const detectedSegments = await Promise.all( => Segment.findOne(id)) ); const detectedRanges = convertSegmentsToTimeRanges(detectedSegments); expect(detectedRanges).toEqual([]); }); it('should send a webhook when there was no merging', async () => { const detectedSegmentIds = await onDetect({ analyticUnitId: TEST_ANALYTIC_UNIT_ID, segments: buildSegments([[7, 8]]), lastDetectionTime: 0 }); const detectedSegments = await Promise.all( => Segment.findOne(id)) ); const detectedRanges = convertSegmentsToTimeRanges(detectedSegments); expect(detectedRanges).toEqual([[7, 8]]); }); });