4 changed files with 5 additions and 291 deletions
@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
import pandas as pd |
import os, re |
import numpy as np |
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlparse |
import urllib.request |
import json |
from time import time |
from config import HASTIC_API_KEY |
MS_IN_WEEK = 604800000 |
class GrafanaDataProvider: |
chunk_size = 50000 |
def __init__(self, datasource, target, data_filename): |
self.datasource = datasource |
self.target = target |
self.data_filename = data_filename |
self.last_time = None |
self.total_size = 0 |
self.last_chunk_index = 0 |
self.chunk_last_times = {} |
self.__init_chunks() |
self.synchronize() |
def get_dataframe(self, after_time=None): |
result = pd.DataFrame() |
for chunk_index, last_chunk_time in self.chunk_last_times.items(): |
if after_time is None or after_time <= last_chunk_time: |
chunk = self.__load_chunk(chunk_index) |
if after_time is not None: |
chunk = chunk[chunk['timestamp'] >= after_time] |
result = pd.concat([result, chunk]) |
return result |
def get_upper_bound(self, after_time): |
for chunk_index, last_chunk_time in self.chunk_last_times.items(): |
if after_time < last_chunk_time: |
chunk = self.__load_chunk(chunk_index) |
chunk = chunk[chunk['timestamp'] >= after_time] |
return chunk.index[0] |
return self.size() |
def size(self): |
return self.total_size |
def get_data_range(self, start_index, stop_index=None): |
return self.__get_data(start_index, stop_index) |
def transform_anomalies(self, anomalies): |
result = [] |
if len(anomalies) == 0: |
return result |
dataframe = self.get_dataframe(None) |
for anomaly in anomalies: |
start_time = pd.to_datetime(anomaly['start'] - 1, unit='ms') |
finish_time = pd.to_datetime(anomaly['finish'] + 1, unit='ms') |
current_index = (dataframe['timestamp'] >= start_time) & (dataframe['timestamp'] <= finish_time) |
anomaly_frame = dataframe[current_index] |
if anomaly_frame.empty: |
continue |
cur_anomaly = { |
'start': anomaly_frame.index[0], |
'finish': anomaly_frame.index[len(anomaly_frame) - 1], |
'labeled': anomaly['labeled'] |
} |
result.append(cur_anomaly) |
return result |
def inverse_transform_indexes(self, indexes): |
if len(indexes) == 0: |
return [] |
dataframe = self.get_data_range(indexes[0][0], indexes[-1][1] + 1) |
return [(dataframe['timestamp'][i1], dataframe['timestamp'][i2]) for (i1, i2) in indexes] |
def synchronize(self): |
append_dataframe = self.load_from_db(self.last_time) |
self.__append_data(append_dataframe) |
def custom_query(self, after_time, before_time = None): |
if self.datasource['type'] == 'influxdb': |
query = self.datasource['params']['q'] |
if after_time is not None: |
if before_time is not None: |
timeFilter = 'time >= %s AND time <= %s' % (after_time, before_time) |
else: |
timeFilter = 'time >= "%s"' % (str(after_time)) |
else: |
timeFilter = 'time > 0ms' |
query = re.sub(r'(?:time >.+?)(GROUP.+)*$', timeFilter + r' \1', query) |
return query |
else: |
raise 'Datasource type ' + self.datasource['type'] + ' is not supported yet' |
def load_from_db(self, after_time=None): |
result = self.__load_data_chunks(after_time) |
if result == None or len(result['values']) == 0: |
dataframe = pd.DataFrame([]) |
else: |
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(result['values'], columns = result['columns']) |
cols = dataframe.columns.tolist() |
cols.remove('time') |
cols = ['time'] + cols |
dataframe = dataframe[cols] |
dataframe['time'] = pd.to_datetime(dataframe['time'], unit='ms') |
dataframe = dataframe.dropna(axis=0, how='any') |
return dataframe |
def __load_data_chunks(self, after_time = None): |
params = self.datasource['params'] |
if after_time == None: |
res = { |
'columns': [], |
'values': [] |
} |
after_time = int(time() * 1000 - MS_IN_WEEK) |
before_time = int(time() * 1000) |
while True: |
params['q'] = self.custom_query(str(after_time) + 'ms', str(before_time) + 'ms') |
serie = self.__query_grafana(params) |
if serie != None: |
res['columns'] = serie['columns'] |
res['values'] += serie['values'] |
after_time -= MS_IN_WEEK |
before_time -= MS_IN_WEEK |
else: |
return res |
else: |
params['q'] = self.custom_query(str(after_time)) |
return self.__query_grafana(params) |
def __query_grafana(self, params): |
headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + HASTIC_API_KEY } |
url = self.datasource['origin'] + '/' + self.datasource['url'] + '?' + urlencode(params) |
req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers) |
with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as resp: |
res = json.loads(resp.read().decode('utf-8'))['results'][0] |
if 'series' in res: |
return res['series'][0] |
else: |
return None |
def __init_chunks(self): |
chunk_index = 0 |
self.last_chunk_index = 0 |
while True: |
filename = self.data_filename |
if chunk_index > 0: |
filename += "." + str(chunk_index) |
if os.path.exists(filename): |
self.last_chunk_index = chunk_index |
chunk = self.__load_chunk(chunk_index) |
chunk_last_time = chunk.iloc[len(chunk) - 1]['timestamp'] |
self.chunk_last_times[chunk_index] = chunk_last_time |
self.last_time = chunk_last_time |
else: |
break |
chunk_index += 1 |
self.total_size = self.last_chunk_index * self.chunk_size |
last_chunk = self.__load_chunk(self.last_chunk_index) |
self.total_size += len(last_chunk) |
def __load_chunk(self, index): |
filename = self.data_filename |
if index > 0: |
filename += "." + str(index) |
if os.path.exists(filename): |
chunk = pd.read_csv(filename, parse_dates=[0]) |
frame_index = np.arange(index * self.chunk_size, index * self.chunk_size + len(chunk)) |
chunk = chunk.set_index(frame_index) |
return chunk.rename(columns={chunk.columns[0]: "timestamp", chunk.columns[1]: "value"}) |
return pd.DataFrame() |
def __save_chunk(self, index, dataframe): |
filename = self.data_filename |
if index > 0: |
filename += "." + str(index) |
chunk_last_time = dataframe.iloc[len(dataframe) - 1]['time'] |
self.chunk_last_times[index] = chunk_last_time |
if os.path.exists(filename): |
dataframe.to_csv(filename, mode='a', index=False, header=False) |
else: |
dataframe.to_csv(filename, mode='w', index=False, header=True) |
def __append_data(self, dataframe): |
while len(dataframe) > 0: |
chunk = self.__load_chunk(self.last_chunk_index) |
rows_count = min(self.chunk_size - len(chunk), len(dataframe)) |
rows = dataframe.iloc[0:rows_count] |
if len(rows) > 0: |
self.__save_chunk(self.last_chunk_index, rows) |
self.total_size += rows_count |
self.last_time = rows.iloc[-1]['time'] |
dataframe = dataframe[rows_count:] |
if len(dataframe) > 0: |
self.last_chunk_index += 1 |
def __get_data(self, start_index, stop_index): |
result = pd.DataFrame() |
start_chunk = start_index // self.chunk_size |
finish_chunk = self.last_chunk_index |
if stop_index is not None: |
finish_chunk = stop_index // self.chunk_size |
for chunk_num in range(start_chunk, finish_chunk + 1): |
chunk = self.__load_chunk(chunk_num) |
if stop_index is not None and chunk_num == finish_chunk: |
chunk = chunk[:stop_index % self.chunk_size] |
if chunk_num == start_chunk: |
chunk = chunk[start_index % self.chunk_size:] |
result = pd.concat([result, chunk]) |
return result |
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