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116 lines
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116 lines
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6 years ago
from models import PeakModel, DropModel, TroughModel, JumpModel, GeneralModel
import aiounittest
from analytic_unit_manager import AnalyticUnitManager
from collections import namedtuple
TestData = namedtuple('TestData', ['uid', 'type', 'values', 'segments'])
def get_random_id() -> str:
return str(id(list()))
class TestDataset(aiounittest.AsyncTestCase):
timestep = 50 #ms
def _fill_task(self, uid, data, task_type, analytic_unit_type, segments=None, cache=None):
task = {
'analyticUnitId': uid,
'type': task_type,
'payload': {
'data': data,
'from': data[0][0],
'to': data[-1][0],
'analyticUnitType': analytic_unit_type,
'detector': 'pattern',
'cache': cache
'_id': get_random_id()
if segments: task['payload']['segments'] = segments
return task
def _convert_values(self, values) -> list:
from_t = 0
to_t = len(values) * self.timestep
return list(zip(range(from_t, to_t, self.timestep), values))
def _index_to_test_time(self, idx) -> int:
return idx * self.timestep
def _get_learn_task(self, test_data):
uid, analytic_unit_type, values, segments = test_data
data = self._convert_values(values)
segments = [{
'analyticUnitId': uid,
'from': self._index_to_test_time(s[0]),
'to': self._index_to_test_time(s[1]),
'labeled': True,
'deleted': False
} for s in segments]
return self._fill_task(uid, data, 'LEARN', analytic_unit_type, segments=segments)
def _get_detect_task(self, test_data, cache):
uid, analytic_unit_type, values, _ = test_data
data = self._convert_values(values)
return self._fill_task(uid, data, 'DETECT', analytic_unit_type, cache=cache)
def _get_test_dataset(self, pattern) -> tuple:
pattern name: ([dataset values], [list of segments])
segment - (begin, end) - indexes in dataset values
returns dataset in format (data: List[int], segments: List[List[int]])
datasets = {
'PEAK': ([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0], [[2, 8]]),
'JUMP': ([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4], [[1, 6]]),
'DROP': ([4, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0], [[1, 6]]),
'TROUGH': ([4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4], [[1, 9]]),
'GENERAL': ([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0], [[2, 8]])
return datasets[pattern]
async def _learn(self, task, manager=None) -> dict:
if not manager: manager = AnalyticUnitManager()
result = await manager.handle_analytic_task(task)
return result['payload']['cache']
async def _detect(self, task, manager=None) -> dict:
if not manager: manager = AnalyticUnitManager()
result = await manager.handle_analytic_task(task)
return result
async def _test_detect(self, test_data, manager=None):
learn_task = self._get_learn_task(test_data)
cache = await self._learn(learn_task, manager)
detect_task = self._get_detect_task(test_data, cache)
result = await self._detect(detect_task, manager)
return result
async def test_unit_manager(self):
test_data = TestData(get_random_id(), 'PEAK', [0,1,2,5,10,5,2,1,1,1,0,0,0,0], [[1,7]])
manager = AnalyticUnitManager()
with_manager = await self._test_detect(test_data, manager)
without_manager = await self._test_detect(test_data)
self.assertEqual(with_manager, without_manager)
async def test_cache(self):
cache_attrs = {
'PEAK': PeakModel().state.keys(),
'JUMP': JumpModel().state.keys(),
'DROP': DropModel().state.keys(),
'TROUGH': TroughModel().state.keys(),
'GENERAL': GeneralModel().state.keys()
for pattern, attrs in cache_attrs.items():
test_data = TestData(get_random_id(), pattern, *self._get_test_dataset(pattern))
learn_task = self._get_learn_task(test_data)
cache = await self._learn(learn_task)
for a in attrs:
self.assertTrue(a in cache.keys(), msg='{} not in cache keys: {}'.format(a, cache.keys()))