You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { queryByMetric } from 'grafana-datasource-kit';
jest.mock('grafana-datasource-kit', () => (
queryByMetric: jest.fn((metric, url, from, to, apiKey) => {
return { values:[], columns:[] }
import { runDetect, onDetect, getHSR } from '../src/controllers/analytics_controller';
import * as AnalyticUnitCache from '../src/models/analytic_unit_cache_model';
import * as Segment from '../src/models/segment_model';
import { TEST_ANALYTIC_UNIT_ID, createTestDB, clearTestDB, DEFAULT_METRIC } from './utils_for_tests/analytic_units';
import { buildSegments, clearSegmentsDB, convertSegmentsToTimeRanges } from './utils_for_tests/segments';
import { HASTIC_API_KEY, GRAFANA_URL } from '../src/config';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as AnalyticUnit from '../src/models/analytic_units';
const WINDOW_SIZE = 10;
const TIME_STEP = 1000;
beforeEach(async () => {
await clearTestDB();
await createTestDB();
describe('Check detection range', function() {
it('range should be >= 2 * windowSize * timeStep', async () => {
const from = 1500000000000;
const to = 1500000000001;
const expectedFrom = to - WINDOW_SIZE * TIME_STEP * 2;
await AnalyticUnitCache.setData(TEST_ANALYTIC_UNIT_ID, { timeStep: TIME_STEP, windowSize: WINDOW_SIZE });
console.log(await AnalyticUnitCache.findById(TEST_ANALYTIC_UNIT_ID));
await runDetect(TEST_ANALYTIC_UNIT_ID, from, to);
expect(queryByMetric).toBeCalledWith(DEFAULT_METRIC, GRAFANA_URL, expectedFrom, to, HASTIC_API_KEY);
describe('onDetect', () => {
const INITIAL_SEGMENTS = buildSegments([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]);
beforeEach(async () => {
await Segment.mergeAndInsertSegments(INITIAL_SEGMENTS);
afterEach(async () => {
await clearSegmentsDB();
it('should not send a webhook after merging', async () => {
const detectedSegmentIds = await onDetect({
segments: buildSegments([[5, 6]]),
lastDetectionTime: 0,
cache: {
data: {
timeStep: 1
const detectedSegments = await Promise.all( => Segment.findOne(id))
const detectedRanges = convertSegmentsToTimeRanges(detectedSegments);
it('should send a webhook when there was no merging', async () => {
const detectedSegmentIds = await onDetect({
segments: buildSegments([[7, 8]]),
lastDetectionTime: 0
const detectedSegments = await Promise.all( => Segment.findOne(id))
const detectedRanges = convertSegmentsToTimeRanges(detectedSegments);
expect(detectedRanges).toEqual([[7, 8]]);
describe('getHSR', function() {
let cacheToSave: AnalyticUnitCache.AnalyticUnitCache;
beforeAll(async () => {
await clearTestDB();
await createTestDB(false);
afterAll(async () => {
await AnalyticUnitCache.create(TEST_ANALYTIC_UNIT_ID);
await AnalyticUnitCache.setData(TEST_ANALYTIC_UNIT_ID,;
it('should return nothing if unit state is LEARNING', async () => {
const unit = await AnalyticUnit.findById(TEST_ANALYTIC_UNIT_ID);
unit.status = AnalyticUnit.AnalyticUnitStatus.LEARNING;
const result = await getHSR(unit, 9000, 100000);
expect(result).toEqual({"hsr": {"columns": [], "values": []}});