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from typing import Dict
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import logging as log
import traceback
from concurrent.futures import Executor, ThreadPoolExecutor
import detectors
from analytic_unit_worker import AnalyticUnitWorker
from models import ModelCache
logger = log.getLogger('AnalyticUnitManager')
6 years ago
AnalyticUnitId = str
def get_detector_by_type(detector_type: str, analytic_unit_type: str) -> detectors.Detector:
if detector_type == 'pattern':
return detectors.PatternDetector(analytic_unit_type)
elif detector_type == 'threshold':
return detectors.ThresholdDetector()
raise ValueError('Unknown detector type "%s"' % detector_type)
def prepare_data(data: list):
Takes list
- converts it into pd.DataFrame,
- converts 'timestamp' column to pd.Datetime,
- subtracts min value from dataset
data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['timestamp', 'value'])
data['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(data['timestamp'], unit='ms')
data.fillna(value = np.nan, inplace = True)
return data
class AnalyticUnitManager:
def __init__(self):
self.analytic_workers: Dict[AnalyticUnitId, AnalyticUnitWorker] = dict()
self.workers_executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=WORKERS_EXECUTORS)
def __ensure_worker(
analytic_unit_id: AnalyticUnitId,
detector_type: str,
analytic_unit_type: str
) -> AnalyticUnitWorker:
if analytic_unit_id in self.analytic_workers:
# TODO: check that type is the same
return self.analytic_workers[analytic_unit_id]
detector = get_detector_by_type(detector_type, analytic_unit_type)
worker = AnalyticUnitWorker(analytic_unit_id, detector, self.workers_executor)
self.analytic_workers[analytic_unit_id] = worker
return worker
async def __handle_analytic_task(self, task) -> dict:
returns payload or None
analytic_unit_id: AnalyticUnitId = task['analyticUnitId']
if task['type'] == 'CANCEL':
if analytic_unit_id in self.analytic_workers:
payload = task['payload']
worker = self.__ensure_worker(analytic_unit_id, payload['detector'], payload['analyticUnitType'])
data = prepare_data(payload['data'])
if task['type'] == 'PUSH':
# TODO: do it a better way
res = await worker.recieve_data(data, payload['cache'])
res.update({ 'analyticUnitId': analytic_unit_id })
return res
elif task['type'] == 'LEARN':
if 'segments' in payload:
return await worker.do_train(payload['segments'], data, payload['cache'])
elif 'threshold' in payload:
return await worker.do_train(payload['threshold'], data, payload['cache'])
raise ValueError('No segments or threshold in LEARN payload')
elif task['type'] == 'DETECT':
return await worker.do_detect(data, payload['cache'])
raise ValueError('Unknown task type "%s"' % task['type'])
async def handle_analytic_task(self, task):
result_payload = await self.__handle_analytic_task(task)
result_message = {
'status': 'SUCCESS',
'payload': result_payload
return result_message
except Exception as e:
error_text = traceback.format_exc()
# TODO: move result to a class which renders to json for messaging to analytics
return {
'status': 'FAILED',
'error': str(e)