import './series_overrides_ctrl'; import template from './template.html'; import { GraphRenderer } from './graph_renderer'; import { GraphLegend } from './graph_legend'; import { DataProcessor } from './data_processor'; import { MetricExpanded } from './models/metric'; import { DatasourceRequest } from './models/datasource'; import { AnalyticUnitId, AnalyticUnit, LabelingMode } from './models/analytic_units/analytic_unit'; import { BOUND_TYPES } from './models/analytic_units/anomaly_analytic_unit'; import { AnalyticService } from './services/analytic_service'; import { AnalyticController } from './controllers/analytic_controller'; import { HasticPanelInfo } from './models/hastic_panel_info'; import { axesEditorComponent } from './axes_editor'; import { MetricsPanelCtrl } from 'grafana/app/plugins/sdk'; import { appEvents } from 'grafana/app/core/core' import { BackendSrv } from 'grafana/app/core/services/backend_srv'; import _ from 'lodash'; class GraphCtrl extends MetricsPanelCtrl { static template = template; analyticService: AnalyticService; hiddenSeries: any = {}; seriesList: any = []; dataList: any = []; // annotations: any = []; private _datasourceRequest: DatasourceRequest; private _datasources: any; private _renderError: boolean = false; // annotationsPromise: any; dataWarning: any; colors: any = []; subTabIndex: number; processor: DataProcessor; analyticsController: AnalyticController; _graphRenderer: GraphRenderer; _graphLegend: GraphLegend; _panelInfo: HasticPanelInfo; private _analyticUnitTypes: any; private _hasticDatasources: any[]; private $graphElem: any; private $legendElem: any; private _grafanaUrl: string; private _panelId: string; private _dataTimerange: { from?: number, to?: number }; panelDefaults = { // datasource name, null = default datasource datasource: null, hasticDatasource: null, // sets client side (flot) or native graphite png renderer (png) renderer: 'flot', yaxes: [ { label: null, show: true, logBase: 1, min: null, max: null, format: 'short', }, { label: null, show: true, logBase: 1, min: null, max: null, format: 'short', }, ], xaxis: { show: true, mode: 'time', name: null, values: [], buckets: null, }, // show/hide lines lines: true, // fill factor fill: 1, // line width in pixels linewidth: 1, // show/hide dashed line dashes: false, // length of a dash dashLength: 10, // length of space between two dashes spaceLength: 10, // show hide points points: false, // point radius in pixels pointradius: 5, // show hide bars bars: false, // enable/disable stacking stack: false, // stack percentage mode percentage: false, // legend options legend: { show: true, // disable/enable legend values: false, // disable/enable legend values min: false, max: false, current: false, total: false, avg: false, }, // how null points should be handled nullPointMode: 'null', // staircase line mode steppedLine: false, // tooltip options tooltip: { value_type: 'individual', shared: true, sort: 0, }, // time overrides timeFrom: null, timeShift: null, // metric queries targets: [{}], // series color overrides aliasColors: {}, // other style overrides seriesOverrides: [] }; /** @ngInject */ constructor( $scope, $injector, private $http, private annotationsSrv, private backendSrv: BackendSrv, private popoverSrv, private contextSrv ) { super($scope, $injector); _.defaults(this.panel, this.panelDefaults); _.defaults(this.panel.tooltip, this.panelDefaults.tooltip); _.defaults(this.panel.legend, this.panelDefaults.legend); _.defaults(this.panel.xaxis, this.panelDefaults.xaxis); // because of'init-edit-mode', this.onInitEditMode.bind(this)); const grafanaUrlRegex = /^(.+)\/d/; const parsedUrl = window.location.href.match(grafanaUrlRegex); // api-rendering parameter is added for webhook images rendering // We disable alerts in this case if('api-rendering')) { appEvents.emit = function() { }; } if(parsedUrl !== null) { this._grafanaUrl = parsedUrl[1]; } else { throw new Error('Cannot parse grafana url'); } this._panelId = `${this.dashboard.uid}/${}`; this._datasources = {}; this._dataTimerange = {}; } rebindKeys() { const dKeyCode = 68; const uKeyCode = 85; $(document).off('keydown.hasticDKey'); $(document).on('keydown.hasticDKey', (e) => { if(e.keyCode === dKeyCode) { this.onDKey(); } }); $(document).off('keydown.hasticUKey'); $(document).on('keydown.hasticUKey', (e) => { if(e.keyCode === uKeyCode) { this.onUKey(); } }); } editPanel() { super.editPanel(); this.rebindKeys(); } get hasticDatasource(): { url: string, name: string } | undefined { const hasticDatasourceId = this.panel.hasticDatasource; if(hasticDatasourceId !== undefined && hasticDatasourceId !== null) { const hasticDatasource = _.find(this._hasticDatasources, { id: hasticDatasourceId }); if(hasticDatasource === undefined) { return undefined; } let url = hasticDatasource.url; if(hasticDatasource.access === 'proxy') { url = `api/datasources/proxy/${}`; } return { url, name: }; } return undefined; } async updateAnalyticUnitTypes() { const analyticUnitTypes = await this.analyticService.getAnalyticUnitTypes(); this._analyticUnitTypes = analyticUnitTypes; this.$scope.$digest(); } get analyticUnitTypes() { return this._analyticUnitTypes; } get analyticUnitDetectorTypes() { return _.keys(this._analyticUnitTypes); } async runDatasourceConnectivityCheck() { try { const connected = await this.analyticService.isDatasourceOk(); if(connected) { this.updateAnalyticUnitTypes(); appEvents.emit( 'alert-success', [ 'Connected to Hastic Datasource', `Hastic datasource URL: "${this.analyticService.hasticDatasourceURL}"` ] ); } } catch(err) { console.error(err); } } async link(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) { this.$graphElem = $(elem[0]).find('#graphPanel'); this.$legendElem = $(elem[0]).find('#graphLegend'); this.onHasticDatasourceChange();'render', this.onRender.bind(this));'data-received', this.onDataReceived.bind(this));'data-error', this.onDataError.bind(this));'data-snapshot-load', this.onDataSnapshotLoad.bind(this));'init-panel-actions', this.onInitPanelActions.bind(this));'analytic-unit-status-change', async (analyticUnit: AnalyticUnit) => { if(analyticUnit === undefined) { throw new Error('analyticUnit is undefined'); } if(analyticUnit.status === '404') { await this.analyticsController.removeAnalyticUnit(, true); } this.refresh(); }); appEvents.on('ds-request-response', data => { let requestConfig = data.config; this._datasourceRequest = { url: requestConfig.url, method: requestConfig.method, data:, params: requestConfig.params, type: undefined }; }); } onInitEditMode() { this.rebindKeys(); // a small hask: bind if we open page in edit mode this.addEditorTab('Analytics', `${this.partialsPath}/tab_analytics.html`, 2); this.addEditorTab('Webhooks', `${this.partialsPath}/tab_webhooks.html`, 3); this.addEditorTab('Axes', axesEditorComponent, 4); this.addEditorTab('Legend', `${this.partialsPath}/tab_legend.html`, 5); this.addEditorTab('Display', `${this.partialsPath}/tab_display.html`, 6); this.addEditorTab('Hastic info', `${this.partialsPath}/tab_info.html`, 7); this.subTabIndex = 0; } onInitPanelActions(actions) { actions.push({ text: 'Export CSV', click: 'ctrl.exportCsv()' }); actions.push({ text: 'Toggle legend', click: 'ctrl.toggleLegend()' }); } async onHasticDatasourceChange() { this.processor = new DataProcessor(this.panel); await this._fetchHasticDatasources(); const hasticDatasource = this.hasticDatasource; if(hasticDatasource === undefined) { delete this.analyticService; } else { this.analyticService = new AnalyticService(hasticDatasource.url, this.$http); this.runDatasourceConnectivityCheck(); } this.analyticsController = new AnalyticController(this._grafanaUrl, this._panelId, this.panel,, this.analyticService); this._updatePanelInfo(); this.analyticsController.updateServerInfo(); this._graphRenderer = new GraphRenderer( this.$graphElem, this.timeSrv, this.contextSrv, this.$scope, this.analyticsController ); this._graphLegend = new GraphLegend(this.$legendElem, this.popoverSrv, this.$scope, this.analyticsController); } issueQueries(datasource) { // this.annotationsPromise = this.annotationsSrv.getAnnotations({ // dashboard: this.dashboard, // panel: this.panel, // range: this.range, // }); return super.issueQueries(datasource); } zoomOut(evt) { this.publishAppEvent('zoom-out', 2); } onDataSnapshotLoad(snapshotData) { // this.annotationsPromise = this.annotationsSrv.getAnnotations({ // dashboard: this.dashboard, // panel: this.panel, // range: this.range, // }); this.onDataReceived(snapshotData); } onDataError(err) { this.seriesList = []; // this.annotations = []; this.render([]); } async onDataReceived(dataList) { this.dataList = dataList; this.loading = true; let seriesList = this.processor.getSeriesList({ dataList: this.dataList, range: this.range, }); this.dataWarning = null; const hasSomePoint = seriesList.some(s => s.datapoints.length > 0); if(!hasSomePoint) { this.dataWarning = { title: 'No data points', tip: 'No datapoints returned from data query', }; } else { for(let series of seriesList) { if(series.isOutsideRange) { this.dataWarning = { title: 'Data points outside time range', tip: 'Can be caused by timezone mismatch or missing time filter in query', }; break; } } // TODO: multiple metrics will be supported const from = _.find(seriesList[0].datapoints, datapoint => datapoint[0] !== null); const to = _.findLast(seriesList[0].datapoints, datapoint => datapoint[0] !== null); if (from !== undefined && to !== undefined) { this._dataTimerange = { from: from[1], to: to[1] }; } } if(this.analyticsController !== undefined) { let { from, to } = this.rangeTimestamp; if(!_.isEmpty(this._dataTimerange)) { from = this._dataTimerange.from; to =; } const hsrData = await this.analyticsController.getHSRSeries(from, to); const hsrSeries = this.processor.getSeriesList({ dataList: hsrData, range: this.range, }); seriesList = _.concat(seriesList, hsrSeries); await this.analyticsController.fetchAnalyticUnitsSegments(from, to); // TODO: make statuses and detection spans connected this.analyticsController.fetchAnalyticUnitsStatuses(); this.analyticsController.stopAnalyticUnitsDetectionsFetching(); // TODO: re-run detection waiters if this._dataTimerange is changed this.analyticsController.fetchAnalyticUnitsDetections( this._dataTimerange.from, ); } this.seriesList = seriesList; this.render(); this.loading = false; } onRender() { if(!this.seriesList) { return; } for(let series of this.seriesList) { if(series.unit) { this.panel.yaxes[series.yaxis - 1].format = series.unit; } } if(this.analyticsController === undefined || !this.analyticsController.graphLocked) { this._graphRenderer.render(this.seriesList); this._graphLegend.render(); this._graphRenderer.renderPanel(); } } changeSeriesColor(series, color) { series.color = color; this.panel.aliasColors[series.alias] = series.color; this.render(); } toggleSeries(serie, event) { if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey) { if (this.hiddenSeries[serie.alias]) { delete this.hiddenSeries[serie.alias]; } else { this.hiddenSeries[serie.alias] = true; } } else { this.toggleSeriesExclusiveMode(serie); } this.render(); } toggleSeriesExclusiveMode(serie) { var hidden = this.hiddenSeries; if (hidden[serie.alias]) { delete hidden[serie.alias]; } // check if every other series is hidden var alreadyExclusive = _.every(this.seriesList, value => { if (value.alias === serie.alias) { return true; } return hidden[value.alias]; }); if (alreadyExclusive) { // remove all hidden series _.each(this.seriesList, value => { delete this.hiddenSeries[value.alias]; }); } else { // hide all but this serie _.each(this.seriesList, value => { if (value.alias === serie.alias) { return; } this.hiddenSeries[value.alias] = true; }); } } toggleAxis(info) { var override: any = _.find(this.panel.seriesOverrides, { alias: info.alias }); if (!override) { override = { alias: info.alias }; this.panel.seriesOverrides.push(override); } info.yaxis = override.yaxis = info.yaxis === 2 ? 1 : 2; this.render(); } addSeriesOverride(override) { this.panel.seriesOverrides.push(override || {}); } removeSeriesOverride(override) { this.panel.seriesOverrides = _.without(this.panel.seriesOverrides, override); this.render(); } toggleLegend() { = !; this.refresh(); } legendValuesOptionChanged() { var legend = this.panel.legend; legend.values = legend.min || legend.max || legend.avg || legend.current ||; this.render(); } exportCsv() { var scope = this.$scope.$new(true); scope.seriesList = this.seriesList; this.publishAppEvent('show-modal', { templateHtml: '', scope, modalClass: 'modal--narrow', }); } // getAnnotationsByTag(tag) { // var res = []; // for (var annotation of this.annotations) { // if (annotation.tags.indexOf(tag) >= 0) { // res.push(annotation); // } // } // return res; // } // get annotationTags() { // var res = []; // for (var annotation of this.annotations) { // for (var tag of annotation.tags) { // if (res.indexOf(tag) < 0) { // res.push(tag); // } // } // } // return res; // } get pluginPath() { return 'public/plugins/corpglory-hastic-app'; } get panelPath() { return `${this.pluginPath}/panel/graph_panel`; } get partialsPath() { return `${this.panelPath}/partials`; } get grafanaVersion() { if(_.has(window, 'grafanaBootData.settings.buildInfo.version')) { return window.grafanaBootData.settings.buildInfo.version; } return null; } getTemplatePath(filename: string) { const grafanaVersion = this.grafanaVersion; if(grafanaVersion === null) { throw new Error('Unknown Grafana version'); } if(grafanaVersion[0] === '5') { return `${this.partialsPath}/${filename}_5.x.html`; } if(grafanaVersion[0] === '6') { return `${this.partialsPath}/${filename}_6.x.html`; } throw new Error(`Unsupported Grafana version: ${grafanaVersion}`); } createNew() { this.analyticsController.createNew(); } cancelCreation() { this.analyticsController.cancelCreation(); } redetectAll() { const { from, to } = this.rangeTimestamp; this.analyticsController.redetectAll(from, to); } async runDetectInCurrentRange(analyticUnit: AnalyticUnit) { const { from, to } = this.rangeTimestamp; if(analyticUnit.changed) { await this.onAnalyticUnitSave(analyticUnit); } this.analyticsController.runDetect(, from, to ); } async saveNew() { try { const datasource = await this._getDatasourceRequest(); await this.analyticsController.saveNew( new MetricExpanded(this.panel.datasource, this.panel.targets), datasource ); } catch(e) { appEvents.emit( 'alert-error', [ 'Error while saving analytic unit', e.message ] ); } this.refresh(); } async onAnalyticUnitAlertChange(analyticUnit: AnalyticUnit) { await this.analyticsController.toggleAnalyticUnitAlert(analyticUnit); } onAnalyticUnitChange(analyticUnit: AnalyticUnit) { this.analyticsController.toggleAnalyticUnitChange(analyticUnit, true); } async onAnalyticUnitSave(analyticUnit: AnalyticUnit) { if( this.analyticsController.labelingUnit !== null && === ) { await this.onToggleLabelingMode( } await this.analyticsController.saveAnalyticUnit(analyticUnit); this.refresh(); } async onColorChange(id: AnalyticUnitId, deleted: boolean, value: string) { if(id === undefined) { throw new Error('id is undefined'); } await this.analyticsController.onAnalyticUnitColorChange(id, value, deleted); this.refresh(); } async onRemove(id: AnalyticUnitId) { if(id === undefined) { throw new Error('id is undefined'); } await this.analyticsController.removeAnalyticUnit(id); this.refresh(); } onCancelLabeling(id: AnalyticUnitId) { this.$scope.$root.appEvent('confirm-modal', { title: 'Clear labeling', text2: 'Your changes will be lost.', yesText: 'Clear', icon: 'fa-warning', altActionText: 'Save', onAltAction: () => { this.onToggleLabelingMode(id); }, onConfirm: () => { this.analyticsController.undoLabeling(); this.render(); }, }); } async onToggleLabelingMode(id: AnalyticUnitId) { this.refresh(); const datasource = await this._getDatasourceRequest(); const metric = new MetricExpanded(this.panel.datasource, this.panel.targets); await this.analyticsController.toggleAnalyticUnitLabelingMode(id, metric, datasource); this.$scope.$digest(); this.render(); } onDKey() { if(!this.analyticsController.inLabelingMode) { return; } this.analyticsController.toggleLabelingMode(LabelingMode.DELETING); this.refresh(); } onUKey() { if(!this.analyticsController.inLabelingMode) { return; } this.analyticsController.toggleLabelingMode(LabelingMode.UNLABELING); this.refresh(); } onToggleVisibility(id: AnalyticUnitId) { this.analyticsController.toggleVisibility(id); this.refresh(); } onToggleInspect(id: AnalyticUnitId) { this.analyticsController.toggleInspect(id); this.refresh(); } onToggleCollapsed(id: AnalyticUnitId) { this.analyticsController.toggleCollapsed(id); this.refresh(); } onSeasonalityChange(id: AnalyticUnitId, value?: number) { this.analyticsController.updateSeasonality(id, value); this.refresh(); } private async _updatePanelInfo() { let datasource = undefined; if(this.panel.datasource) { datasource = await this._getDatasourceByName(this.panel.datasource); } const hasticDatasource = this.hasticDatasource; let grafanaVersion = this.grafanaVersion; if(grafanaVersion === null) { grafanaVersion = 'unknown'; } this._panelInfo = { grafanaVersion, grafanaUrl:, datasourceName: datasource === undefined ? 'unknown' :, datasourceType: datasource === undefined ? 'unknown' : datasource.type, hasticDatasourceName: hasticDatasource === undefined || datasource === undefined ? 'unknown' :, hasticDatasourceUrl: hasticDatasource === undefined ? 'unknown' : hasticDatasource.url }; } private async _getDatasourceRequest() { if(this._datasourceRequest.type === undefined) { const datasource = await this._getDatasourceByName(this.panel.datasource); if(datasource.access !== 'proxy') { throw new Error(`"${}" datasource has "Browser" access type but only "Server" is supported`); } this._datasourceRequest.type = datasource.type; } return this._datasourceRequest; } private async _getDatasourceByName(name: string) { if(this._datasources[name] === undefined) { if(name === null) { // Default datasource has null name const datasources = await this.backendSrv.get(`api/datasources`); this._datasources[name] = _.find(datasources, datasource => datasource.isDefault); if(this._datasources[name] === undefined) { throw new Error('No default datasource found'); } } else { this._datasources[name] = await this.backendSrv.get(`api/datasources/name/${name}`); } } return this._datasources[name]; } private async _fetchHasticDatasources() { this._hasticDatasources = await this.backendSrv.get('api/datasources'); this._hasticDatasources = this._hasticDatasources.filter(ds => ds.type === 'corpglory-hastic-datasource'); this.$scope.$digest(); } get rangeTimestamp(): { from: number, to: number } { if(this.range === undefined) { this.updateTimeRange(); } return { from: +this.range.from, to: }; } get hasticDatasources() { return this._hasticDatasources; } get panelInfo() { return this._panelInfo; } get renderError(): boolean { return this._renderError; } set renderError(value: boolean) { this._renderError = value; } get boundTypes() { return BOUND_TYPES; } } export { GraphCtrl, GraphCtrl as PanelCtrl };