import { Segment } from './model/segment'; import { GraphTooltip } from './graph_tooltip'; import { ThresholdManager } from './threshold_manager'; import { convertValuesToHistogram, getSeriesValues } from './histogram'; import { AnomalyController, REGION_FILL_ALPHA as ANOMALY_REGION_FILL_ALPHA, REGION_STROKE_ALPHA as ANOMALY_REGION_STROKE_ALPHA, REGION_DELETE_COLOR_LIGHT as ANOMALY_REGION_DELETE_COLOR_LIGHT, REGION_DELETE_COLOR_DARK as ANOMALY_REGION_DELETE_COLOR_DARK } from './controllers/anomaly_controller'; import './vendor/flot/jquery.flot'; import './vendor/flot/jquery.flot.time'; import './vendor/flot/jquery.flot.selection'; import './vendor/flot/jquery.flot.stack'; import './vendor/flot/jquery.flot.stackpercent'; import './vendor/flot/jquery.flot.fillbelow'; import './vendor/flot/jquery.flot.crosshair'; import './vendor/flot/jquery.flot.dashes'; import './vendor/flot/'; // import { EventManager } from 'grafana/app/features/annotations/event_manager'; import TimeSeries from 'grafana/app/core/time_series2'; import { getFlotTickDecimals } from 'grafana/app/core/utils/ticks'; import { tickStep } from 'grafana/app/core/utils/ticks'; import { appEvents, coreModule } from 'grafana/app/core/core'; import kbn from 'grafana/app/core/utils/kbn'; import * as $ from 'jquery'; import _ from 'lodash'; import moment from 'moment'; const COLOR_SELECTION = '#666'; export class GraphRenderer { private _anomalyController: AnomalyController; private data: any; private tooltip: GraphTooltip; private thresholdManager: ThresholdManager; private panelWidth: number; private plot: any; private sortedSeries: any; private ctrl: any; private dashboard: any; private panel: any; // private eventManager; private flotOptions: any = {} private $elem: JQuery; private annotations: any[]; private contextSrv: any; private popoverSrv: any; private scope: any; private timeSrv: any; private _graphMousePosition: any; constructor ($elem: JQuery, timeSrv, popoverSrv, contextSrv, scope) { var self = this; this.$elem = $elem; this.ctrl = scope.ctrl; this.dashboard = this.ctrl.dashboard; this.panel = this.ctrl.panel; this.timeSrv = timeSrv; this.popoverSrv = popoverSrv; this.contextSrv = contextSrv; this.scope = scope; this._anomalyController = this.ctrl.anomalyController; if(this._anomalyController === undefined) { throw new Error('anomalyController is undefined'); } this.annotations = []; this.panelWidth = 0; // this.eventManager = new EventManager(this.ctrl); this.flotOptions = {} this.thresholdManager = new ThresholdManager(this.ctrl); this.tooltip = new GraphTooltip( $elem, this.dashboard, scope, () => this.sortedSeries, this._anomalyController.getAnomalySegmentsSearcher() ); // panel events'panel-teardown', () => { this.thresholdManager = null; if (this.plot) { this.plot.destroy(); this.plot = null; } }); // global events appEvents.on('graph-hover', this._onGraphHover.bind(this), scope); appEvents.on('graph-hover-clear', this._onGraphHoverClear.bind(this), scope); $elem.bind('plotselected', (event, selectionEvent) => { if (this.panel.xaxis.mode !== 'time') { // Skip if panel in histogram or series mode this.plot.clearSelection(); return; } if(this._isAnomalyEvent(selectionEvent)) { this.plot.clearSelection(); var id = this._anomalyController.getIdForNewLabelSegment() var segment = new Segment( id, Math.round(selectionEvent.xaxis.from), Math.round( ); if(this._anomalyController.labelingDeleteMode) { this._anomalyController.deleteLabelingAnomalySegmentsInRange( segment.from, ); } else { this._anomalyController.addLabelSegment(segment); } this._renderPanel(); return; } if ((selectionEvent.ctrlKey || selectionEvent.metaKey) && contextSrv.isEditor) { // Add annotation setTimeout(() => { // this.eventManager.updateTime(selectionEvent.xaxis); }, 100); } else { scope.$apply(function() { timeSrv.setTime({ from: moment.utc(selectionEvent.xaxis.from), to: moment.utc(, }); }); } }); $elem.bind('plotclick', (event, flotEvent, item) => { if (this.panel.xaxis.mode !== 'time') { // Skip if panel in histogram or series mode return; } if(this._isAnomalyEvent(flotEvent)) { return; } if ((flotEvent.ctrlKey || flotEvent.metaKey) && contextSrv.isEditor) { // Skip if range selected (added in "plotselected" event handler) let isRangeSelection = flotEvent.x !== flotEvent.x1; if (!isRangeSelection) { setTimeout(() => { // this.eventManager.updateTime({ from: flotEvent.x, to: null }); }, 100); } } }); $elem.mouseleave(() => { if (this.panel.tooltip.shared) { var plot = $; if (plot) { this.tooltip.clear(plot); } } appEvents.emit('graph-hover-clear'); }); $elem.bind("plothover", (event, pos, item) => {, item); pos.panelRelY = (pos.pageY - $elem.offset().top) / $elem.height(); self._graphMousePosition = this.plot.p2c(pos); appEvents.emit('graph-hover', { pos: pos, panel: this.panel }); }); $elem.bind("plotclick", (event, pos, item) => { appEvents.emit('graph-click', { pos: pos, panel: this.panel, item: item }); }); $elem.mousedown(e => { this._anomalyController.graphLocked = true; this._chooseSelectionColor(e); }); $(document).mouseup(e => { this._anomalyController.graphLocked = false; }) } public render(renderData) { = renderData ||; if (! { return; } this.annotations = this.ctrl.annotations || []; this._buildFlotPairs(; updateLegendValues(, this.panel); this._renderPanel(); if(this.tooltip.visible) { var pos = this.plot.c2p(this._graphMousePosition); var canvasOffset = this.$elem.find('.flot-overlay').offset();; this.plot.setCrosshair(pos); } } private _onGraphHover(evt: any) { if (!this.dashboard.sharedTooltipModeEnabled()) { return; } // ignore if we are the emitter if (!this.plot || === || this.ctrl.otherPanelInFullscreenMode()) { return; } this._graphMousePosition = this.plot.p2c(evt.pos);; } private _onGraphHoverClear() { if (this.plot) { this.tooltip.clear(this.plot); } } private _shouldAbortRender() { if (! { return true; } if (this.panelWidth === 0) { return true; } return false; } private _drawHook(plot) { // add left axis labels if (this.panel.yaxes[0].label && this.panel.yaxes[0].show) { $("
") .text(this.panel.yaxes[0].label) .appendTo(this.$elem); } // add right axis labels if (this.panel.yaxes[1].label && this.panel.yaxes[1].show) { $("
") .text(this.panel.yaxes[1].label) .appendTo(this.$elem); } if (this.ctrl.dataWarning) { $(`
`).appendTo(this.$elem); } this.thresholdManager.draw(plot); } private _processOffsetHook(plot, gridMargin) { var left = this.panel.yaxes[0]; var right = this.panel.yaxes[1]; if ( && left.label) { gridMargin.left = 20; } if ( && right.label) { gridMargin.right = 20; } // apply y-axis min/max options var yaxis = plot.getYAxes(); for (var i = 0; i < yaxis.length; i++) { var axis = yaxis[i]; var panelOptions = this.panel.yaxes[i]; axis.options.max = axis.options.max !== null ? axis.options.max : panelOptions.max; axis.options.min = axis.options.min !== null ? axis.options.min : panelOptions.min; } } // Series could have different timeSteps, // let's find the smallest one so that bars are correctly rendered. // In addition, only take series which are rendered as bars for this. private _getMinTimeStepOfSeries(data) { var min = Number.MAX_VALUE; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (!data[i].stats.timeStep) { continue; } if (this.panel.bars) { if (data[i].bars && data[i] === false) { continue; } } else { if (typeof data[i].bars === 'undefined' || typeof data[i] === 'undefined' || !data[i] { continue; } } if (data[i].stats.timeStep < min) { min = data[i].stats.timeStep; } } return min; } // Function for rendering panel private _renderPanel() { this.panelWidth = this.$elem.width(); if (this._shouldAbortRender()) { return; } // give space to alert editing this.thresholdManager.prepare(this.$elem,; // un-check dashes if lines are unchecked this.panel.dashes = this.panel.lines ? this.panel.dashes : false; // Populate element this._buildFlotOptions(this.panel); this._prepareXAxis(this.panel); this._configureYAxisOptions(; this.thresholdManager.addFlotOptions(this.flotOptions, this.panel); // this.eventManager.addFlotEvents(this.annotations, this.flotOptions); this._anomalyController.updateFlotEvents(this.contextSrv.isEditor, this.flotOptions); this.sortedSeries = this._sortSeries(, this.panel); this._callPlot(true); } private _chooseSelectionColor(e) { var color = COLOR_SELECTION; var fillAlpha = 0.4; var strokeAlpha = 0.4; if(this._isAnomalyEvent(e)) { if(this._anomalyController.labelingDeleteMode) { color = this.contextSrv.user.lightTheme ? ANOMALY_REGION_DELETE_COLOR_LIGHT : ANOMALY_REGION_DELETE_COLOR_DARK; } else { color = this._anomalyController.labelingAnomaly.color; } fillAlpha = ANOMALY_REGION_FILL_ALPHA; strokeAlpha = ANOMALY_REGION_STROKE_ALPHA; } this.plot.getOptions().selection.color = color } private _buildFlotPairs(data) { for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { let series = data[i]; = series.getFlotPairs(series.nullPointMode || this.panel.nullPointMode); // if hidden remove points and disable stack if (this.ctrl.hiddenSeries[series.alias]) { = []; series.stack = false; } } } private _prepareXAxis(panel) { switch (panel.xaxis.mode) { case 'series': { this.flotOptions.series.bars.barWidth = 0.7; this.flotOptions.series.bars.align = 'center'; for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { let series =[i]; = [[i + 1, series.stats[panel.xaxis.values[0]]]]; } this._addXSeriesAxis(); break; } case 'histogram': { let bucketSize: number; let values = getSeriesValues(; if ( && values.length) { let histMin = _.min(, (s:any) => s.stats.min)); let histMax = _.max(, (s:any) => s.stats.max)); let ticks = panel.xaxis.buckets || this.panelWidth / 50; bucketSize = tickStep(histMin, histMax, ticks); let histogram = convertValuesToHistogram(values, bucketSize);[0].data = histogram; this.flotOptions.series.bars.barWidth = bucketSize * 0.8; } else { bucketSize = 0; } this._addXHistogramAxis(bucketSize); break; } case 'table': { this.flotOptions.series.bars.barWidth = 0.7; this.flotOptions.series.bars.align = 'center'; this._addXTableAxis(); break; } default: { this.flotOptions.series.bars.barWidth = this._getMinTimeStepOfSeries( / 1.5; this._addTimeAxis(); break; } } } private _callPlot(incrementRenderCounter) { try { this.plot = $.plot(this.$elem, this.sortedSeries, this.flotOptions); if (this.ctrl.renderError) { delete this.ctrl.error; delete this.ctrl.inspector; } } catch (e) { console.log('flotcharts error', e); this.ctrl.error = e.message || 'Render Error'; this.ctrl.renderError = true; this.ctrl.inspector = { error: e }; } if (incrementRenderCounter) { this.ctrl.renderingCompleted(); } } private _buildFlotOptions(panel) { const stack = panel.stack ? true : null; this.flotOptions = { hooks: { draw: [this._drawHook.bind(this)], processOffset: [this._processOffsetHook.bind(this)], }, legend: { show: false }, series: { stackpercent: panel.stack ? panel.percentage : false, stack: panel.percentage ? null : stack, lines: { show: panel.lines, zero: false, fill: this._translateFillOption(panel.fill), lineWidth: panel.dashes ? 0 : panel.linewidth, steps: panel.steppedLine, }, dashes: { show: panel.dashes, lineWidth: panel.linewidth, dashLength: [panel.dashLength, panel.spaceLength], }, bars: { show: panel.bars, fill: 1, barWidth: 1, zero: false, lineWidth: 0, }, points: { show: panel.points, fill: 1, fillColor: false, radius: panel.points ? panel.pointradius : 2, }, shadowSize: 0, }, yaxes: [], xaxis: {}, grid: { minBorderMargin: 0, markings: [], backgroundColor: null, borderWidth: 0, hoverable: true, clickable: true, color: '#c8c8c8', margin: { left: 0, right: 0 }, labelMarginX: 0, }, selection: { mode: 'x' }, crosshair: { mode: 'x', }, }; } private _sortSeries(series, panel) { var sortBy = panel.legend.sort; var sortOrder = panel.legend.sortDesc; var haveSortBy = sortBy !== null || sortBy !== undefined; var haveSortOrder = sortOrder !== null || sortOrder !== undefined; var shouldSortBy = panel.stack && haveSortBy && haveSortOrder; var sortDesc = panel.legend.sortDesc === true ? -1 : 1; series.sort((x, y) => { if (x.zindex > y.zindex) { return 1; } if (x.zindex < y.zindex) { return -1; } if (shouldSortBy) { if (x.stats[sortBy] > y.stats[sortBy]) { return 1 * sortDesc; } if (x.stats[sortBy] < y.stats[sortBy]) { return -1 * sortDesc; } } return 0; }); return series; } private _translateFillOption(fill) { if (this.panel.percentage && this.panel.stack) { return fill === 0 ? 0.001 : fill / 10; } else { return fill / 10; } } private _addTimeAxis() { var ticks = this.panelWidth / 100; var min = _.isUndefined(this.ctrl.range.from) ? null : this.ctrl.range.from.valueOf(); var max = _.isUndefined( ? null :; this.flotOptions.xaxis = { timezone: this.dashboard.getTimezone(), show:, mode: 'time', min: min, max: max, label: 'Datetime', ticks: ticks, timeformat: this._timeFormat(ticks, min, max), }; } private _addXSeriesAxis() { var ticks =, function(series: any, index) { return [index + 1, series.alias]; }); this.flotOptions.xaxis = { timezone: this.dashboard.getTimezone(), show:, mode: null, min: 0, max: ticks.length + 1, label: 'Datetime', ticks: ticks, }; } private _addXHistogramAxis(bucketSize) { let ticks, min, max; let defaultTicks = this.panelWidth / 50; if ( && bucketSize) { ticks =[0].data, point => point[0]); min = _.min(ticks); max = _.max(ticks); // Adjust tick step let tickStep = bucketSize; let ticks_num = Math.floor((max - min) / tickStep); while (ticks_num > defaultTicks) { tickStep = tickStep * 2; ticks_num = Math.ceil((max - min) / tickStep); } // Expand ticks for pretty view min = Math.floor(min / tickStep) * tickStep; max = Math.ceil(max / tickStep) * tickStep; ticks = []; for (let i = min; i <= max; i += tickStep) { ticks.push(i); } } else { // Set defaults if no data ticks = defaultTicks / 2; min = 0; max = 1; } this.flotOptions.xaxis = { timezone: this.dashboard.getTimezone(), show:, mode: null, min: min, max: max, label: 'Histogram', ticks: ticks, }; // Use 'short' format for histogram values this._configureAxisMode(this.flotOptions.xaxis, 'short'); } private _addXTableAxis() { var ticks =, function(series: any, seriesIndex) { return, function(point, pointIndex) { var tickIndex = seriesIndex * series.datapoints.length + pointIndex; return [tickIndex + 1, point[1]]; }); }); ticks = _.flatten(ticks, true); this.flotOptions.xaxis = { timezone: this.dashboard.getTimezone(), show:, mode: null, min: 0, max: ticks.length + 1, label: 'Datetime', ticks: ticks, }; } private _configureYAxisOptions(data) { var defaults = { position: 'left', show: this.panel.yaxes[0].show, index: 1, logBase: this.panel.yaxes[0].logBase || 1, min: this._parseNumber(this.panel.yaxes[0].min), max: this._parseNumber(this.panel.yaxes[0].max), tickDecimals: this.panel.yaxes[0].decimals, }; this.flotOptions.yaxes.push(defaults); if (_.find(data, { yaxis: 2 })) { var secondY = _.clone(defaults); secondY.index = 2; = this.panel.yaxes[1].show; secondY.logBase = this.panel.yaxes[1].logBase || 1; secondY.position = 'right'; secondY.min = this._parseNumber(this.panel.yaxes[1].min); secondY.max = this._parseNumber(this.panel.yaxes[1].max); secondY.tickDecimals = this.panel.yaxes[1].decimals; this.flotOptions.yaxes.push(secondY); this._applyLogScale(this.flotOptions.yaxes[1], data); this._configureAxisMode(this.flotOptions.yaxes[1], this.panel.percentage && this.panel.stack ? 'percent' : this.panel.yaxes[1].format); } this._applyLogScale(this.flotOptions.yaxes[0], data); this._configureAxisMode(this.flotOptions.yaxes[0], this.panel.percentage && this.panel.stack ? 'percent' : this.panel.yaxes[0].format); } private _parseNumber(value: any) { if (value === null || typeof value === 'undefined') { return null; } return _.toNumber(value); } private _applyLogScale(axis, data) { if (axis.logBase === 1) { return; } const minSetToZero = axis.min === 0; if (axis.min < Number.MIN_VALUE) { axis.min = null; } if (axis.max < Number.MIN_VALUE) { axis.max = null; } var series, i; var max = axis.max, min = axis.min; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { series = data[i]; if (series.yaxis === axis.index) { if (!max || max < series.stats.max) { max = series.stats.max; } if (!min || min > series.stats.logmin) { min = series.stats.logmin; } } } axis.transform = function(v) { return v < Number.MIN_VALUE ? null : Math.log(v) / Math.log(axis.logBase); }; axis.inverseTransform = function(v) { return Math.pow(axis.logBase, v); }; if (!max && !min) { max = axis.inverseTransform(+2); min = axis.inverseTransform(-2); } else if (!max) { max = min * axis.inverseTransform(+4); } else if (!min) { min = max * axis.inverseTransform(-4); } if (axis.min) { min = axis.inverseTransform(Math.ceil(axis.transform(axis.min))); } else { min = axis.min = axis.inverseTransform(Math.floor(axis.transform(min))); } if (axis.max) { max = axis.inverseTransform(Math.floor(axis.transform(axis.max))); } else { max = axis.max = axis.inverseTransform(Math.ceil(axis.transform(max))); } if (!min || min < Number.MIN_VALUE || !max || max < Number.MIN_VALUE) { return; } if (Number.isFinite(min) && Number.isFinite(max)) { if (minSetToZero) { axis.min = 0.1; min = 1; } axis.ticks = this._generateTicksForLogScaleYAxis(min, max, axis.logBase); if (minSetToZero) { axis.ticks.unshift(0.1); } if (axis.ticks[axis.ticks.length - 1] > axis.max) { axis.max = axis.ticks[axis.ticks.length - 1]; } } else { axis.ticks = [1, 2]; delete axis.min; delete axis.max; } } private _generateTicksForLogScaleYAxis(min, max, logBase) { let ticks = []; var nextTick; for (nextTick = min; nextTick <= max; nextTick *= logBase) { ticks.push(nextTick); } const maxNumTicks = Math.ceil(this.ctrl.height / 25); const numTicks = ticks.length; if (numTicks > maxNumTicks) { const factor = Math.ceil(numTicks / maxNumTicks) * logBase; ticks = []; for (nextTick = min; nextTick <= max * factor; nextTick *= factor) { ticks.push(nextTick); } } return ticks; } private _configureAxisMode(axis, format) { axis.tickFormatter = function(val, axis) { return kbn.valueFormats[format](val, axis.tickDecimals, axis.scaledDecimals); }; } private _timeFormat(ticks, min, max) { if (min && max && ticks) { var range = max - min; var secPerTick = range / ticks / 1000; var oneDay = 86400000; var oneYear = 31536000000; if (secPerTick <= 45) { return '%H:%M:%S'; } if (secPerTick <= 7200 || range <= oneDay) { return '%H:%M'; } if (secPerTick <= 80000) { return '%m/%d %H:%M'; } if (secPerTick <= 2419200 || range <= oneYear) { return '%m/%d'; } return '%Y-%m'; } return '%H:%M'; } private _isAnomalyEvent(obj: any) { return (obj.ctrlKey || obj.metaKey) && this.contextSrv.isEditor && this._anomalyController.labelingMode; } } function updateLegendValues(data: TimeSeries[], panel) { for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { let series = data[i]; let yaxes = panel.yaxes; const seriesYAxis = series.yaxis || 1; let axis = yaxes[seriesYAxis - 1]; let { tickDecimals, scaledDecimals } = getFlotTickDecimals(data, axis); let formater = kbn.valueFormats[panel.yaxes[seriesYAxis - 1].format]; // decimal override if (_.isNumber(panel.decimals)) { series.updateLegendValues(formater, panel.decimals, null); } else { // auto decimals // legend and tooltip gets one more decimal precision // than graph legend ticks tickDecimals = (tickDecimals || -1) + 1; series.updateLegendValues(formater, tickDecimals, scaledDecimals + 2); } } }