// Corresponds to https://github.com/hastic/hastic-server/blob/master/server/src/models/analytic_unit.ts import { AnalyticService } from '../services/analytic_service' import { AnalyticUnitId, AnalyticUnit, AnalyticUnitsSet, AnalyticSegment, AnalyticSegmentsSearcher, AnalyticSegmentPair, LabelingMode } from '../models/analytic_unit'; import { MetricExpanded } from '../models/metric'; import { DatasourceRequest } from '../models/datasource'; import { Segment, SegmentId } from '../models/segment'; import { SegmentsSet } from '../models/segment_set'; import { SegmentArray } from '../models/segment_array'; import { HasticServerInfo, HasticServerInfoUnknown } from '../models/hastic_server_info'; import { Threshold, Condition } from '../models/threshold'; import { DetectionStatus, DETECTION_STATUS_TEXT, DetectionSpan } from '../models/detection'; import text from '../partials/help_section.html'; import { ANALYTIC_UNIT_COLORS, LABELED_SEGMENT_BORDER_COLOR, DELETED_SEGMENT_BORDER_COLOR, SEGMENT_FILL_ALPHA, SEGMENT_STROKE_ALPHA, LABELING_MODE_ALPHA, DETECTION_STATUS_COLORS } from '../colors'; import { Emitter } from 'grafana/app/core/utils/emitter'; import _ from 'lodash'; import * as tinycolor from 'tinycolor2'; export type HSRTimeSeries = { datapoints: [number, number][]; target: string; }; export class AnalyticController { private _analyticUnitsSet: AnalyticUnitsSet; private _selectedAnalyticUnitId: AnalyticUnitId = null; private _labelingDataAddedSegments: SegmentsSet; private _labelingDataRemovedSegments: SegmentsSet; private _newAnalyticUnit: AnalyticUnit = null; private _creatingNewAnalyticType: boolean = false; private _savingNewAnalyticUnit: boolean = false; private _tempIdCounted: number = -1; private _graphLocked: boolean = false; private _statusRunners: Set = new Set(); private _detectionRunners: Set = new Set(); private _serverInfo: HasticServerInfo; private _currentMetric: MetricExpanded; private _currentDatasource: DatasourceRequest; private _thresholds: Threshold[]; private _loading = true; constructor( private _grafanaUrl: string, private _panelId: string, private _panelObject: any, private _emitter: Emitter, private _analyticService?: AnalyticService, ) { this._labelingDataAddedSegments = new SegmentArray(); this._labelingDataRemovedSegments = new SegmentArray(); this._analyticUnitsSet = new AnalyticUnitsSet([]); this.fetchAnalyticUnits(); this._thresholds = []; this.updateThresholds(); } get helpSectionText() { return text; } get loading() { return this._loading; } getSegmentsSearcher(): AnalyticSegmentsSearcher { return this._segmentsSearcher.bind(this); } private _segmentsSearcher(point: number, rangeDist: number): AnalyticSegmentPair[] { var result: AnalyticSegmentPair[] = []; this._analyticUnitsSet.items.forEach(at => { var segs = at.segments.findSegments(point, rangeDist); segs.forEach(s => { result.push({ analyticUnit: at, segment: s }); }) }) return result; } async sendThresholdParamsToServer(id: AnalyticUnitId) { await this.saveThreshold(id); await this._analyticService.runDetect(id); await this._runStatusWaiter(this._analyticUnitsSet.byId(id)); } createNew() { this._newAnalyticUnit = new AnalyticUnit(); this._creatingNewAnalyticType = true; this._savingNewAnalyticUnit = false; if(this.analyticUnits.length === 0) { this._newAnalyticUnit.labeledColor = ANALYTIC_UNIT_COLORS[0]; } else { let colorIndex = ANALYTIC_UNIT_COLORS.indexOf(_.last(this.analyticUnits).labeledColor) + 1; colorIndex %= ANALYTIC_UNIT_COLORS.length; this._newAnalyticUnit.labeledColor = ANALYTIC_UNIT_COLORS[colorIndex]; } } async saveNew(metric: MetricExpanded, datasource: DatasourceRequest) { this._savingNewAnalyticUnit = true; this._newAnalyticUnit.id = await this._analyticService.postNewAnalyticUnit( this._newAnalyticUnit, metric, datasource, this._grafanaUrl, this._panelId ); if(this._newAnalyticUnit.detectorType === 'threshold') { await this.saveThreshold(this._newAnalyticUnit.id); } this._analyticUnitsSet.addItem(this._newAnalyticUnit); this._creatingNewAnalyticType = false; this._savingNewAnalyticUnit = false; } get creatingNew() { return this._creatingNewAnalyticType; } get saving() { return this._savingNewAnalyticUnit; } get newAnalyticUnit(): AnalyticUnit { return this._newAnalyticUnit; } get graphLocked() { return this._graphLocked; } set graphLocked(value) { this._graphLocked = value; } get labelingUnit(): AnalyticUnit { if(this._selectedAnalyticUnitId === null) { return null; } return this._analyticUnitsSet.byId(this._selectedAnalyticUnitId); } async toggleAnalyticUnitLabelingMode(id: AnalyticUnitId, metric: MetricExpanded, datasource: DatasourceRequest) { this._currentMetric = metric; this._currentDatasource = datasource; if(this.labelingUnit && this.labelingUnit.saving) { throw new Error('Can`t toggle during saving'); } if(this._selectedAnalyticUnitId === id) { return this.disableLabeling(); } await this.disableLabeling(); this._selectedAnalyticUnitId = id; this.labelingUnit.selected = true; this.toggleLabelingMode(LabelingMode.LABELING); } async disableLabeling() { if(this._selectedAnalyticUnitId === null) { return; } this.labelingUnit.saving = true; const newIds = await this._saveLabelingData(); this._labelingDataAddedSegments.getSegments().forEach((s, i) => { this.labelingUnit.segments.updateId(s.id, newIds[i]); }); this.labelingUnit.saving = false; let unit = this.labelingUnit; this.dropLabeling(); this._runStatusWaiter(unit); } undoLabeling() { this._labelingDataAddedSegments.getSegments().forEach(s => { this.labelingUnit.segments.remove(s.id); }); this._labelingDataRemovedSegments.getSegments().forEach(s => { this.labelingUnit.segments.addSegment(s); }); this.dropLabeling(); } dropLabeling() { this._labelingDataAddedSegments.clear(); this._labelingDataRemovedSegments.clear(); this.labelingUnit.selected = false; this._selectedAnalyticUnitId = null; this._tempIdCounted = -1; } get inLabelingMode(): boolean { return this._selectedAnalyticUnitId !== null; } get labelingMode(): LabelingMode { if(!this.inLabelingMode) { return LabelingMode.NOT_IN_LABELING_MODE; } return this.labelingUnit.labelingMode; } set labelingMode(labelingMode: LabelingMode) { this.labelingUnit.labelingMode = labelingMode; } addLabelSegment(segment: Segment, deleted = false) { const asegment = this.labelingUnit.addLabeledSegment(segment, deleted); this._labelingDataAddedSegments.addSegment(asegment); } get analyticUnits(): AnalyticUnit[] { return this._analyticUnitsSet.items; } async onAnalyticUnitColorChange(id: AnalyticUnitId, value: string, deleted: boolean) { if(id === undefined) { throw new Error('id is undefined'); } const analyticUnit = this._analyticUnitsSet.byId(id); if(deleted) { analyticUnit.deletedColor = value; } else { analyticUnit.labeledColor = value; } await this.saveAnalyticUnit(analyticUnit); } fetchAnalyticUnitsStatuses() { this.analyticUnits.forEach(a => this._runStatusWaiter(a)); } fetchAnalyticUnitsDetections(from: number | null, to: number | null) { if(from === null || to === null) { return; } this.analyticUnits.forEach(analyticUnit => { if(analyticUnit.status === 'READY') { this._runDetectionsWaiter(analyticUnit, from, to); } }); } stopAnalyticUnitsDetectionsFetching() { this.analyticUnits.forEach(analyticUnit => this._detectionRunners.delete(analyticUnit.id)); } async fetchAnalyticUnitsDetectionSpans(from: number, to: number): Promise { if(!_.isNumber(+from)) { throw new Error('from isn`t number'); } if(!_.isNumber(+to)) { throw new Error('to isn`t number'); } const tasks = this.analyticUnits .map(analyticUnit => this.fetchDetectionSpans(analyticUnit, from, to)); return Promise.all(tasks); } async fetchDetectionSpans(analyticUnit: AnalyticUnit, from: number, to: number): Promise { if(!_.isNumber(+from)) { throw new Error('from isn`t number'); } if(!_.isNumber(+to)) { throw new Error('to isn`t number'); } analyticUnit.detectionSpans = await this._analyticService.getDetectionSpans(analyticUnit.id, from, to); } async fetchAnalyticUnitsSegments(from: number, to: number): Promise { if(!_.isNumber(+from)) { throw new Error('from isn`t number'); } if(!_.isNumber(+to)) { throw new Error('to isn`t number'); } const tasks = this.analyticUnits.map(a => this.fetchSegments(a, from, to)); return Promise.all(tasks); } async fetchSegments(analyticUnit: AnalyticUnit, from: number, to: number): Promise { if(!_.isNumber(+from)) { throw new Error('from isn`t number'); } if(!_.isNumber(+to)) { throw new Error('to isn`t number'); } var allSegmentsList = await this._analyticService.getSegments(analyticUnit.id, from, to); var allSegmentsSet = new SegmentArray(allSegmentsList); if(analyticUnit.selected) { this._labelingDataAddedSegments.getSegments().forEach(s => allSegmentsSet.addSegment(s)); this._labelingDataRemovedSegments.getSegments().forEach(s => allSegmentsSet.remove(s.id)); } analyticUnit.segments = allSegmentsSet; } private async _saveLabelingData(): Promise { let unit = this.labelingUnit; if(unit === null) { throw new Error('analytic unit is not selected'); } if( this._labelingDataAddedSegments.length === 0 && this._labelingDataRemovedSegments.length === 0 ) { return []; } await this._analyticService.updateMetric(unit.id, this._currentMetric, this._currentDatasource); const newIds = await this._analyticService.updateSegments( unit.id, this._labelingDataAddedSegments, this._labelingDataRemovedSegments ); if(unit.labelingMode !== LabelingMode.UNLABELING) { await this._analyticService.runDetect(unit.id); } return newIds; } async redetectAll() { this.analyticUnits.forEach(unit => { unit.segments.clear(); unit.status = null; }); const ids = this.analyticUnits.map(analyticUnit => analyticUnit.id); await this._analyticService.runDetect(ids); _.each(this.analyticUnits, analyticUnit => this._runStatusWaiter(analyticUnit)); } // TODO: move to renderer updateFlotEvents(isEditMode: boolean, plot: any): void { // We get a reference to flot options so we can change it and it'll be rendered let options = plot.getOptions(); if(options.grid.markings === undefined) { options.grid.markings = []; } for(let i = 0; i < this.analyticUnits.length; i++) { const analyticUnit = this.analyticUnits[i]; if(!analyticUnit.visible) { continue; } let defaultBorderColor = addAlphaToRGB(analyticUnit.labeledColor, SEGMENT_STROKE_ALPHA); let defaultFillColor = addAlphaToRGB(analyticUnit.labeledColor, SEGMENT_FILL_ALPHA); let labeledSegmentBorderColor = tinycolor(LABELED_SEGMENT_BORDER_COLOR).toRgbString(); labeledSegmentBorderColor = addAlphaToRGB(labeledSegmentBorderColor, SEGMENT_STROKE_ALPHA); let deletedSegmentFillColor = tinycolor(analyticUnit.deletedColor).toRgbString(); deletedSegmentFillColor = addAlphaToRGB(deletedSegmentFillColor, SEGMENT_FILL_ALPHA); let deletedSegmentBorderColor = tinycolor(DELETED_SEGMENT_BORDER_COLOR).toRgbString(); deletedSegmentBorderColor = addAlphaToRGB(deletedSegmentBorderColor, SEGMENT_STROKE_ALPHA); if(isEditMode && this.inLabelingMode && analyticUnit.selected) { defaultBorderColor = addAlphaToRGB(defaultBorderColor, LABELING_MODE_ALPHA); defaultFillColor = addAlphaToRGB(defaultFillColor, LABELING_MODE_ALPHA); labeledSegmentBorderColor = addAlphaToRGB(labeledSegmentBorderColor, LABELING_MODE_ALPHA); deletedSegmentFillColor = addAlphaToRGB(deletedSegmentFillColor, LABELING_MODE_ALPHA); deletedSegmentBorderColor = addAlphaToRGB(deletedSegmentBorderColor, LABELING_MODE_ALPHA); } const segments = analyticUnit.segments.getSegments(); const rangeDist = +options.xaxis.max - +options.xaxis.min; segments.forEach(s => { let segmentBorderColor = defaultBorderColor; let segmentFillColor = defaultFillColor; if(s.deleted) { segmentBorderColor = deletedSegmentBorderColor; segmentFillColor = deletedSegmentFillColor; } else { if(s.labeled) { segmentBorderColor = labeledSegmentBorderColor; } } const expanded = s.expandDist(rangeDist, 0.01); options.grid.markings.push({ xaxis: { from: expanded.from, to: expanded.to }, color: segmentFillColor }); options.grid.markings.push({ xaxis: { from: expanded.from, to: expanded.from }, color: segmentBorderColor }); options.grid.markings.push({ xaxis: { from: expanded.to, to: expanded.to }, color: segmentBorderColor }); }); if(!analyticUnit.inspect) { continue; } const detectionSpans = analyticUnit.detectionSpans; if(detectionSpans === undefined) { continue; } const minValue = _.min(_.map(plot.getYAxes(), axis => axis.min)); detectionSpans.forEach(detectionSpan => { const underlineColor = DETECTION_STATUS_COLORS.get(detectionSpan.status);; options.grid.markings.push({ xaxis: { from: detectionSpan.from, to: detectionSpan.to }, color: underlineColor, yaxis: { from: minValue, to: minValue } }); }); } } updateLegend($elem: any) { const analyticUnit = this.inspectedAnalyticUnit; if(analyticUnit === null) { return; } let detectionStatuses: DetectionStatus[] = []; if(analyticUnit.detectionSpans !== undefined) { const statuses = analyticUnit.detectionSpans.map(span => span.status); detectionStatuses = _.concat(detectionStatuses, statuses); } detectionStatuses = _.uniq(detectionStatuses); detectionStatuses.forEach(status => { const html = ` `; $elem.append(html); }); } deleteLabelingAnalyticUnitSegmentsInRange(from: number, to: number): void { const allRemovedSegs = this.labelingUnit.removeSegmentsInRange(from, to); allRemovedSegs.forEach(s => { if(!this._labelingDataAddedSegments.has(s.id)) { this._labelingDataRemovedSegments.addSegment(s); } }); this._labelingDataAddedSegments.removeInRange(from, to); } toggleLabelingMode(labelingMode: LabelingMode): void { if(!this.inLabelingMode) { throw new Error(`Can't enter ${labelingMode} mode when labeling mode is disabled`); } if(this.labelingUnit.labelingMode === labelingMode) { this.labelingUnit.labelingMode = LabelingMode.LABELING; } else { this.labelingUnit.labelingMode = labelingMode; } } async removeAnalyticUnit(id: AnalyticUnitId, silent: boolean = false): Promise { if(id === this._selectedAnalyticUnitId) { this.dropLabeling(); } if(!silent) { await this._analyticService.removeAnalyticUnit(id); } this._statusRunners.delete(id); this._detectionRunners.delete(id); this._analyticUnitsSet.removeItem(id); } async toggleAnalyticUnitAlert(analyticUnit: AnalyticUnit): Promise { analyticUnit.alert = analyticUnit.alert ? true : false; // TODO: saveAnalyticUnit instead of specific method await this._analyticService.setAnalyticUnitAlert(analyticUnit); } async saveAnalyticUnit(analyticUnit: AnalyticUnit): Promise { if(analyticUnit.id === null || analyticUnit.id === undefined) { throw new Error('Cannot save analytic unit without id'); } analyticUnit.saving = true; await this._analyticService.updateAnalyticUnit(analyticUnit.serverObject); analyticUnit.saving = false; } async getAnalyticUnits(): Promise { if(this._analyticService === undefined) { return []; } return this._analyticService.getAnalyticUnits(this._panelId); } async fetchAnalyticUnits(): Promise { const units = await this.getAnalyticUnits(); this._analyticUnitsSet = new AnalyticUnitsSet(units); this._loading = false; this.fetchAnalyticUnitsStatuses(); } async getHSR(from: number, to: number): Promise { // Returns HSR (Hastic Signal Representation) for inspected analytic unit // Returns null when there is no analytic units in Inspect mode if(this.inspectedAnalyticUnit === null) { return null; } const hsr = await this._analyticService.getHSR(this.inspectedAnalyticUnit.id, from, to); const datapoints = hsr.values.map(value => value.reverse() as [number, number]); return { target: 'HSR', datapoints }; } async getHSRSeries(from: number, to: number) { const hsr = await this.getHSR(from, to); if(hsr === null) { return []; } return { ...hsr, color: ANALYTIC_UNIT_COLORS[0], // TODO: render it separately from series overrides: [{ alias: 'HSR', linewidth: 3 }] }; } get inspectedAnalyticUnit(): AnalyticUnit | null { for(let analyticUnit of this.analyticUnits) { if(analyticUnit.inspect) { return analyticUnit; } }; return null; } async updateThresholds(): Promise { if(this._analyticService === undefined) { return; } const ids = _.map(this._panelObject.analyticUnits, (analyticUnit: any) => analyticUnit.id); const thresholds = await this._analyticService.getThresholds(ids); this._thresholds = thresholds; } getThreshold(id: AnalyticUnitId): Threshold { let threshold = _.find(this._thresholds, { id }); if(threshold === undefined) { threshold = { id, value: 0, condition: Condition.ABOVE }; this._thresholds.push(threshold); } return threshold; } async saveThreshold(id: AnalyticUnitId) { const threshold = this.getThreshold(id); if(threshold.value === undefined) { throw new Error('Cannot save threshold with undefined value'); } if(threshold.condition === undefined) { throw new Error('Cannot save threshold with undefined condition'); } return this._analyticService.updateThreshold(threshold); } public get conditions() { return _.values(Condition); } private async _runStatusWaiter(analyticUnit: AnalyticUnit) { const statusGenerator = this._analyticService.getStatusGenerator( analyticUnit.id, 1000 ); return this._runWaiter<{ status: string, errorMessage?: string }>( analyticUnit, this._statusRunners, statusGenerator, (data) => { const status = data.status; const error = data.errorMessage; if(analyticUnit.status !== status) { analyticUnit.status = status; if(error !== undefined) { analyticUnit.error = error; } this._emitter.emit('analytic-unit-status-change', analyticUnit); } if(!analyticUnit.isActiveStatus) { return true; } return false; } ); } // TODO: range type with "from" and "to" fields private async _runDetectionsWaiter(analyticUnit: AnalyticUnit, from: number, to: number) { const detectionsGenerator = this._analyticService.getDetectionsGenerator(analyticUnit.id, from, to, 1000); return this._runWaiter( analyticUnit, this._detectionRunners, detectionsGenerator, (data) => { if(!_.isEqual(data, analyticUnit.detectionSpans)) { this._emitter.emit('analytic-unit-status-change', analyticUnit); } analyticUnit.detectionSpans = data; let isFinished = true; for (let detection of data) { if(detection.status === DetectionStatus.RUNNING) { isFinished = false; } } return isFinished; } ); } private async _runWaiter( analyticUnit: AnalyticUnit, runners: Set, generator: AsyncIterableIterator, iteration: (data: T) => boolean ) { if(this._analyticService === undefined) { return; } if(analyticUnit === undefined || analyticUnit === null) { throw new Error('analyticUnit not defined'); } if(analyticUnit.id === undefined) { throw new Error('analyticUnit.id is undefined'); } if(runners.has(analyticUnit.id)) { return; } runners.add(analyticUnit.id); for await (const data of generator) { if(data === undefined) { break; } if(!runners.has(analyticUnit.id)) { break; } const shouldBreak = iteration(data); if(shouldBreak) { break; } } runners.delete(analyticUnit.id); } public getNewTempSegmentId(): SegmentId { this._tempIdCounted--; return this._tempIdCounted.toString(); } public async toggleVisibility(id: AnalyticUnitId, value?: boolean) { const analyticUnit = this._analyticUnitsSet.byId(id); if(value !== undefined) { analyticUnit.visible = value; } else { analyticUnit.visible = !analyticUnit.visible; } await this.saveAnalyticUnit(analyticUnit); } public async toggleInspect(id: AnalyticUnitId) { const analyticUnit = this._analyticUnitsSet.byId(id); if(!analyticUnit.inspect) { this.analyticUnits.forEach(analyticUnit => analyticUnit.inspect = false); } analyticUnit.inspect = !analyticUnit.inspect; } public onAnalyticUnitDetectorChange(analyticUnitTypes: any) { this.newAnalyticUnit.type = analyticUnitTypes[this.newAnalyticUnit.detectorType][0].value; } public async updateServerInfo() { if(!this._analyticService) { this._serverInfo = HasticServerInfoUnknown; return; } this._serverInfo = await this._analyticService.getServerInfo(); } public get serverInfo() { return this._serverInfo; } public get serverStatus(): boolean { if(this._analyticService === undefined) { return false; } return this._analyticService.isUp; } } function addAlphaToRGB(colorString: string, alpha: number): string { let color = tinycolor(colorString); if (color.isValid()) { color.setAlpha(color.getAlpha() * alpha); return color.toRgbString(); } else { return colorString; } }