import { ANALYTIC_UNIT_COLORS } from '../src/colors'; import { MetricExpanded } from '../src/models/metric'; import { DatasourceRequest } from '../src/models/datasource'; import { analyticController } from './setup_tests'; describe('AnalyticController', function () { it('should create analytic units with colors from palette', async function () { for (let color of ANALYTIC_UNIT_COLORS) { analyticController.createNew(); expect(analyticController.newAnalyticUnit.color).toBe(color); await analyticController.saveNew({} as MetricExpanded, {} as DatasourceRequest, 1); } }); it('should save analytic units', function () { expect(analyticController.analyticUnits).toHaveLength(ANALYTIC_UNIT_COLORS.length); }); it('should remove analytic unit with right id', async function () { await analyticController.removeAnalyticUnit('2'); for (let analyticUnit of analyticController.analyticUnits) { expect('2'); } }); it('should change color on choosing from palette', function () { analyticController.onAnalyticUnitColorChange('1', 'red'); expect(analyticController.analyticUnits[0].color).toBe('red'); }); });