import { SegmentId } from '../models/segment'; import { MetricExpanded } from '../models/metric'; import { DatasourceRequest } from '../models/datasource'; import { SegmentsSet } from '../models/segment_set'; import { AnalyticUnitId, AnalyticUnit, AnalyticSegment } from '../models/analytic_units/analytic_unit'; import { HasticServerInfo, HasticServerInfoUnknown } from '../models/hastic_server_info'; import { DetectionSpan } from '../models/detection'; import { isHasticServerResponse, isSupportedServerVersion, SUPPORTED_SERVER_VERSION } from '../../../utlis'; import { appEvents } from 'grafana/app/core/core'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; // TODO: TableTimeSeries is bad name export type TableTimeSeries = { values: [number, number][]; columns: string[]; }; export class AnalyticService { private _isUp: boolean = false; constructor( private _hasticDatasourceURL: string, private $http ) { if(this._hasticDatasourceURL === undefined) { throw new TypeError('_hasticDatasourceURL is undefined'); } } async getAnalyticUnitTypes() { const resp = await this.get('/analyticUnits/types'); if(resp === undefined) { return {}; } return resp; } async getAnalyticUnits(panelId: string) { const resp = await this.get('/analyticUnits/units', { panelId }); if(resp === undefined) { return []; } return resp.analyticUnits; } async postNewAnalyticUnit( analyticUnit: AnalyticUnit, metric: MetricExpanded, datasource: DatasourceRequest, grafanaUrl: string, panelId: string ): Promise { const analyticUnitJson = analyticUnit.toJSON(); const response = await'/analyticUnits', { grafanaUrl, panelId, metric: metric.toJSON(), datasource, ...analyticUnitJson }); return as AnalyticUnitId; } async updateMetric( analyticUnitId: AnalyticUnitId, metric: MetricExpanded, datasource: DatasourceRequest ) { await this.patch('/analyticUnits/metric', { analyticUnitId, metric: metric.toJSON(), datasource }); } async removeAnalyticUnit(id: AnalyticUnitId) { return this.delete('/analyticUnits', { id }); } async isDatasourceOk(): Promise { if(!this._checkDatasourceConfig()) { this._isUp = false; return false; } const response = await this.get('/'); if(!isHasticServerResponse(response)) { this.displayWrongUrlAlert(); this._isUp = false; } else if(!isSupportedServerVersion(response)) { this.displayUnsupportedVersionAlert(response.packageVersion); this._isUp = false; } return this._isUp; } async updateSegments( id: AnalyticUnitId, addedSegments: SegmentsSet, removedSegments: SegmentsSet ): Promise { const getJSONs = (segs: SegmentsSet) => segs.getSegments().map(segment => ({ from: segment.from, to:, labeled: segment.labeled, deleted: segment.deleted })); const payload = { id, addedSegments: getJSONs(addedSegments), removedSegments: removedSegments.getSegments().map(s => }; const data = await this.patch('/segments', payload); if(data.addedIds === undefined) { throw new Error('Server didn`t send addedIds'); } return data.addedIds as SegmentId[]; } async getDetectionSpans(id: AnalyticUnitId, from: number, to: number): Promise { if(id === undefined) { throw new Error('id is undefined'); } let payload: any = { id, from, to }; const data = await this.get('/detections/spans', payload); if(data === undefined || data.spans === undefined) { throw new Error('Server didn`t return spans array'); } return data.spans; } async getSegments(id: AnalyticUnitId, from?: number, to?: number): Promise { if(id === undefined) { throw new Error('id is undefined'); } var payload: any = { id }; if(from !== undefined) { payload['from'] = from; } if(to !== undefined) { payload['to'] = to; } var data = await this.get('/segments', payload); if(data.segments === undefined) { throw new Error('Server didn`t return segments array'); } var segments = data.segments as { id: SegmentId, from: number, to: number, labeled: boolean, deleted: boolean }[]; return => new AnalyticSegment(s.labeled,, s.from,, s.deleted)); } getStatusGenerator( id: AnalyticUnitId, duration: number ): AsyncIterableIterator<{ status: string, errorMessage?: string }> { return getGenerator<{ status: string, errorMessage?: string }>( id, duration, async (id) => { try { return this.get('/analyticUnits/status', { id }); } catch(error) { if(error.status === 404) { return { status: '404' }; } throw error; } } ); } getDetectionsGenerator( id: AnalyticUnitId, from: number, to: number, duration: number ): AsyncIterableIterator { return getGenerator( id, duration, this.getDetectionSpans.bind(this), from, to ); } async getServerInfo(): Promise { const data = await this.get('/'); if(data === undefined) { return HasticServerInfoUnknown; } return { nodeVersion: data.nodeVersion, packageVersion: data.packageVersion, npmUserAgent: data.npmUserAgent, docker: data.docker, zmqConectionString: data.zmqConectionString, serverPort: data.serverPort, gitBranch: data.git.branch, gitCommitHash: data.git.commitHash }; } async getHSR(analyticUnitId: AnalyticUnitId, from: number, to: number): Promise<{ hsr: TableTimeSeries, lowerBound?: TableTimeSeries, upperBound?: TableTimeSeries } | null> { const data = await this.get('/query', { analyticUnitId, from, to }); if(data === undefined) { return null; } return data.results; } async setAnalyticUnitAlert(analyticUnit: AnalyticUnit) { return this.patch('/analyticUnits/alert', { analyticUnitId:, alert: analyticUnit.alert }); } async updateAnalyticUnit(updateObj: any) { return this.patch('/analyticUnits', updateObj); } async runDetect(ids: AnalyticUnitId | AnalyticUnitId[], from?: number, to?: number) { if(!_.isArray(ids)) { ids = [ids]; } return'/analyticUnits/detect', { ids, from, to }); } private async _analyticRequest(method: string, url: string, data?: any) { try { method = method.toUpperCase(); url = this._hasticDatasourceURL + url; let requestObject: any = { method, url }; if(method === 'GET' || method === 'DELETE') { requestObject.params = data; } else { = data; } const response = await this.$http(requestObject); this._isUp = true; return; } catch(error) { // xhrStatus may be one of: ('complete', 'error', 'timeout' or 'abort') // See: if(error.xhrStatus !== 'complete' || error.status === 502) { this.displayConnectionErrorAlert(); this._isUp = false; } else { this._isUp = true; } } } get hasticDatasourceURL(): string { return this._hasticDatasourceURL; } private _checkDatasourceConfig(): boolean { if(this._hasticDatasourceURL === null || this._hasticDatasourceURL === undefined || this._hasticDatasourceURL === '') { appEvents.emit( 'alert-warning', [ `Hastic Datasource is missing`, `Please setup Hastic Datasource. More info:` ] ); return false; } return true; } private async get(url, params?) { return this._analyticRequest('GET', url, params); } private async post(url, data?) { return this._analyticRequest('POST', url, data); } private async patch(url, data?) { return this._analyticRequest('PATCH', url, data); } private async delete(url, data?) { return this._analyticRequest('DELETE', url, data); } private displayConnectionErrorAlert() { appEvents.emit( 'alert-error', [ 'No connection to Hastic Server', `Hastic Datasource URL: "${this._hasticDatasourceURL}"`, ] ); } private displayWrongUrlAlert() { appEvents.emit( 'alert-error', [ 'Please check Hastic Server URL', `Something is working at "${this._hasticDatasourceURL}" but it's not Hastic Server`, ] ); } private displayUnsupportedVersionAlert(actual: string) { appEvents.emit( 'alert-error', [ 'Unsupported Hastic Server version', `Hastic Server at "${this._hasticDatasourceURL}" has unsupported version (got ${actual}, should be ${SUPPORTED_SERVER_VERSION})`, ] ); } public get isUp(): boolean { return this._isUp; } } async function *getGenerator( id: AnalyticUnitId, duration: number, func: (...args: any[]) => Promise, ...args ): AsyncIterableIterator { if(id === undefined) { throw new Error('id is undefined'); } let timeout = async () => new Promise( resolve => setTimeout(resolve, duration) ); while(true) { yield await func(id, ...args); await timeout(); } }