import { HasticPod } from './hastic_pod'; import { AnomalyHSR, TimeRange } from '@/types'; import { Segment } from "@/types/segment"; import { LineTimeSerie } from '@chartwerk/line-pod'; import { SegmentsSet } from '@/types/segment_set'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; export type UpdateDataCallback = (range: TimeRange) => Promise<{ timeserie: LineTimeSerie[], hsr: AnomalyHSR, segments: Segment[] }>; export type SetSeasonalityCallback = (from: number, to: number) => void; export class AnomalyPod extends HasticPod { private _ssc: SetSeasonalityCallback; private _hsr: AnomalyHSR; private _zKeyIsDown: boolean; private _labelSeasonality: boolean; constructor( el: HTMLElement, udc: UpdateDataCallback, ssc: SetSeasonalityCallback, segmentSet: SegmentsSet ) { super(el, udc, segmentSet); this._zKeyIsDown = false; this._ssc = ssc; window.addEventListener("keydown", e => { if(e.code == "KeyZ") { this._zKeyIsDown = true; } }); window.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => { if(e.code == "KeyZ") { this._zKeyIsDown = false; } }); this.fetchData(); } protected onBrushStart(): void { if(this._zKeyIsDown) { this._labelSeasonality = true;'.selection') .attr('fill', 'orange'); } // TODO: move to state this.isBrushing === true; const selection = this.d3.event.selection; if(selection !== null && selection.length > 0) { this.brushStartSelection = this.d3.event.selection[0]; } this.onMouseOut(); } protected onBrushEnd(): void { console.log("END"); if(!this._labelSeasonality) { super.onBrushEnd(); } else { const extent = this.d3.event.selection; this.isBrushing === false; if(extent === undefined || extent === null || extent.length < 2) { return; } this.chartContainer .call(this.brush.move, null); const startTimestamp = this.xScale.invert(extent[0]); const endTimestamp = this.xScale.invert(extent[1]); if(this._labelSeasonality) { this._ssc(startTimestamp, endTimestamp); this._labelSeasonality = false; } } } public fetchData(): void { let to = Math.floor( / 1000); let from = to - 50000; // -50000 seconds if(!(this.state.xValueRange[0] == 0 && this.state.xValueRange[1] == 1)) { [from, to] = this.state?.xValueRange; } this.udc({ from, to }) .then(resp => { this.updateSegments(resp.segments); this.updateHSR(resp.hsr); this.updateData(resp.timeserie, undefined, true); }) .catch(() => { /* set "error" message */ }) } renderMetrics() { this.renderHSR() super.renderMetrics(); } updateHSR(hsr: AnomalyHSR) { this._hsr = hsr; } renderHSR() { // TODO: check the case when this._bounds == undefined if(this._hsr == undefined) { return; } const pointsUp =[t, v, [p, q]]) => [t, q]); const pointsDown =[t, v, [p, q]]) => [t, p]); const points = pointsUp.reverse().concat(pointsDown) .map(([t, v]) => `${this.xScale(t)},${this.yScale(v)}`) .join(' ') this.metricContainer .append('g') .append('polygon') .attr('fill', 'green') .attr('stroke', 'none') .attr('fill-opacity', 0.2) .attr('pointer-events', 'none') .attr('points', points); // seasonality grid let ts = this._hsr.timestamp; this._renderHSRGridLine(ts, true); ts -= this._hsr.seasonality; while(ts > this.state.xValueRange[0]) { this._renderHSRGridLine(ts, false); ts -= this._hsr.seasonality; } } _renderHSRGridLine(timestamp, head) { const x = this.xScale(timestamp); this.metricContainer .append('line') .attr('x1', x) .attr('x2', x) .attr('y1', 0) .attr('y2', this.height) .attr("style", `stroke:blue;stroke-width: ${head ? 2 : 1}`) .attr('opacity', head ? 0.5 : 0.3) } }