Coin de Gamma
1 year ago
1 changed files with 100 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
use std::collections::HashSet; |
use std::collections::VecDeque; |
type Str = VecDeque<u8>; |
type Res = HashSet<u64>; |
fn nstr(n: u64) -> Str { |
let mut res = Str::new(); |
let mut nn = n; |
while nn > 0 { |
res.push_front((nn % 10) as u8); |
nn /= 10; |
} |
res |
} |
fn strn(s: &Str) -> u64 { |
let mut res = 0; |
for d in s.iter() { |
res *= 10; |
res += *d as u64; |
} |
res |
} |
fn strnn(s: &Str, p: usize) -> u64 { |
let mut ss = Str::new(); |
for q in p..p + 3 { |
ss.push_back(*s.get(q).unwrap()); |
} |
return strn(&ss); |
} |
fn test(s: &Str) -> bool { |
// {
// let nnn = strn(s);
// if nnn == 1406357289 {
// println!("!!{}", nnn);
// }
let ps = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17]; |
for k in 1..8 { |
let n = strnn(s, k); |
//println!("{}", n);
if n % ps[(k - 1)] != 0 { |
//println!("{} {}", n, ps[k-1]);
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
fn sp(s: &Str, fx: usize, k: usize) -> Str { |
let mut res = Str::new(); |
for i in 0..fx { |
res.push_back(s[i]); |
} |
res.push_back(s[k]); |
for i in fx..s.len() { |
if i != k { res.push_back(s[i]); } |
} |
res |
} |
fn lp(s: &Str, fx: usize, keep_first: bool, hs: &mut Res) { |
let kf = 0; //if keep_first { 0usize } else { 1usize };
for k in (fx + kf)..s.len() { |
let ss = sp(&s, fx, k); |
if ss != *s || keep_first { |
if test(&ss) { |
let n = strn(&ss); |
hs.insert(n); |
} |
} |
lp(&ss, fx + 1, false, hs); |
} |
} |
fn main() { |
let mut hs = HashSet::new(); |
let s = nstr(1234567890); |
let mut sum = 0u64; |
//let mut ttt = 9876543210u64;
// let rrrr = nstr(1406357289);
// let tt = test(&rrrr);
// println!("{}", tt);
lp(&s, 0, true, &mut hs); |
for h in hs.iter() { |
println!("{}", h); |
sum += *h; |
} |
println!("{}", sum); |
} |
Reference in new issue