You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

125 lines
3.5 KiB

import styles from './ConfigurationForm.module.css';
import Block from '../../../GBlock/Block';
import Text from '../../../Text/Text';
import PluginState from '../../../../plugin_state';
import { Button, Field, Form, Input } from '@grafana/ui';
import cn from 'classnames/bind';
import { SubmitHandler } from 'react-hook-form';
import React, { FC, useCallback, useState } from 'react';
import { isEmpty } from 'lodash-es';
const cx = cn.bind(styles);
type Props = {
onSuccessfulSetup: () => void;
defaultDataExporterApiUrl: string;
type FormProps = {
dataExporterApiUrl: string;
const isValidUrl = (url: string): boolean => {
try {
new URL(url);
return true;
} catch (_) {
return false;
const FormErrorMessage: FC<{ errorMsg: string }> = ({ errorMsg }) => (
<Text type="link">{errorMsg}</Text>
<Block withBackground className={cx('info-block')}>
<Text type="secondary">
Need help?
<br />- file bugs on our GitHub Issues page{' '}
<Text type="link">here</Text>
const ConfigurationForm: FC<Props> = ({ onSuccessfulSetup, defaultDataExporterApiUrl }) => {
const [setupErrorMsg, setSetupErrorMsg] = useState<string | null>(null);
const [formLoading, setFormLoading] = useState<boolean>(false);
const setupPlugin: SubmitHandler<FormProps> = useCallback(
async ({ dataExporterApiUrl }) => {
const errorMsg = await PluginState.installPlugin(dataExporterApiUrl);
if (!errorMsg) {
} else {
return (
<Form<FormProps> defaultValues={{ dataExporterApiUrl: defaultDataExporterApiUrl }} onSubmit={setupPlugin}>
{({ register, errors }) => (
<div className={cx('info-block')}>
<p>1. Launch the DataExporter backend</p>
<Text type="secondary">
Run the backend. See{' '}
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">
<Text type="link">here</Text>
</a>{' '}
on how to get started.
<div className={cx('info-block')}>
<p>2. Let us know the base URL of your DataExporter API</p>
<Text type="secondary">
The DataExporter backend must be reachable from your Grafana installation. Some examples are:
<br />
- http://host.docker.internal:8000
<br />- http://localhost:8000
<Field label="DataExporter backend URL" invalid={!!errors.dataExporterApiUrl} error="Must be a valid URL">
{...register('dataExporterApiUrl', {
required: true,
validate: isValidUrl,
{setupErrorMsg && <FormErrorMessage errorMsg={setupErrorMsg} />}
<Button type="submit" size="md" disabled={formLoading || !isEmpty(errors)}>
export default ConfigurationForm;