import { DataQuery, DataSourceSettings, PanelModel } from '@grafana/data'; export interface PanelOptions {} export enum DatasourceType { INFLUXDB = 'influxdb', GRAPHITE = 'graphite', PROMETHEUS = 'prometheus', POSTGRES = 'postgres', ELASTICSEARCH = 'elasticsearch', MYSQL = 'mysql', } export enum PanelStatus { LOADING = 'Loading', DATASOURCE_ERROR = 'Datasource Error', PERMISSION_ERROR = 'Permission Error', OK = 'Ok', } export enum ExportStatus { EXPORTING = 'exporting', FINISHED = 'finished', ERROR = 'error', } export type ExportProgress = { time: number; exportedRowsCount: number; progress: number; status: ExportStatus; errorMessage?: string; }; export type ExportTask = { dashboardUid: string; username: string; queries: DashboardQuery[]; timeRange: { from: number; to: number; }; progress?: ExportProgress; id?: string; }; export type DashboardQuery = { selected: boolean; target: DataQuery; panel: PanelModel; datasource: DataSourceSettings; }; export interface Dashboard { /** * TODO docs */ annotations?: { list: any[]; }; /** * Description of dashboard. */ description?: string; /** * Whether a dashboard is editable or not. */ editable: boolean; /** * TODO docs */ fiscalYearStartMonth?: number; gnetId?: string; graphTooltip: any; /** * Unique numeric identifier for the dashboard. * TODO must isolate or remove identifiers local to a Grafana instance...? */ id?: number; /** * TODO docs */ links?: any[]; /** * TODO docs */ liveNow?: boolean; panels?: PanelModel[]; /** * TODO docs */ refresh?: string | false; /** * Version of the JSON schema, incremented each time a Grafana update brings * changes to said schema. * TODO this is the existing schema numbering system. It will be replaced by Thema's themaVersion */ schemaVersion: number; /** * Theme of dashboard. */ style: 'light' | 'dark'; /** * Tags associated with dashboard. */ tags?: string[]; /** * TODO docs */ templating?: { list: any[]; }; /** * Time range for dashboard, e.g. last 6 hours, last 7 days, etc */ time?: { from: string; to: string; }; /** * TODO docs * TODO this appears to be spread all over in the frontend. Concepts will likely need tidying in tandem with schema changes */ timepicker?: { /** * Whether timepicker is collapsed or not. */ collapse: boolean; /** * Whether timepicker is enabled or not. */ enable: boolean; /** * Whether timepicker is visible or not. */ hidden: boolean; /** * Selectable intervals for auto-refresh. */ refresh_intervals: string[]; /** * TODO docs */ time_options: string[]; }; /** * Timezone of dashboard, */ timezone?: 'browser' | 'utc' | string; /** * Title of dashboard. */ title?: string; /** * Unique dashboard identifier that can be generated by anyone. string (8-40) */ uid?: string; /** * Version of the dashboard, incremented each time the dashboard is updated. */ version?: number; /** * TODO docs */ weekStart?: string; }