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@ -1,79 +1,82 @@
# Grafana app plugin template
# Grafana Data Exporter App
This template is a starting point for building an app plugin for Grafana.
Grafana plugin for exporting data from Grafana panels as CSV.
## What are Grafana app plugins?
Supported datasources:
- PostgreSQL
App plugins can let you create a custom out-of-the-box monitoring experience by custom pages, nested datasources and panel plugins.
## Prerequisites
- [Grafana 9.0.0+](
- [Grafana Data Exporter](
- set Grafana `app_mode` as `development` (it won't be necessary after we sign the plugin):
- find the configuration file: [](
- change `app_mode = production` to `app_mode = development`
## Getting started
## Plugin installation
### Frontend
The easiest way to install plugins is by using the `grafana-cli` tool which is bundled with Grafana. See [Using grafana-cli](#using-grafana-cli) paragraph.
1. Install dependencies
If there is no `grafana-cli` tool in your system, plugins can be installed [manually](#manual-installation).
yarn install
### Table of contents
- [Using grafana-cli](#using-grafana-cli)
- [Install plugin](#install-update-plugin)
- [Manual installation](#manual-installation)
- [Docker installation](#docker-installation)
2. Build plugin in development mode or run in watch mode
### Using grafana-cli
yarn dev
Grafana docs about plugin installation: [](
# or
#### Install / update plugin
grafana-cli --pluginUrl "" plugins install corpglory-dataexporter-app
sudo systemctl restart grafana-server
yarn watch
### Manual installation
3. Build plugin in production mode
- Navigate to Grafana plugins directory:
- For Grafana installed from `.deb`/`.rpm` package:
- `/var/lib/grafana/plugins`
- For Grafana installed using Standalone Linux Binaries or source:
- `<GRAFANA_PATH>/data/plugins`
yarn build
- Download corpglory-dataexporter-app
wget -O corpglory-dataexporter-app.tar.gz
4. Run the tests (using Jest)
- Unpack downloaded files
tar -zxvf corpglory-dataexporter-app.tar.gz
# Runs the tests and watches for changes
yarn test
# Exists after running all the tests
yarn lint:ci
- Restart Grafana
- For Grafana installed from `.deb`/`.rpm` package:
- `systemctl restart grafana-server`
- For Grafana installed using Standalone Linux Binaries or source:
- Stop any running instances of grafana-server
- Start grafana-server: `cd <GRAFANA_PATH> && ./bin/grafana-server`
5. Spin up a Grafana instance and run the plugin inside it (using Docker)
### Docker installation
yarn server
You can install Data Exporter App to Grafana in Docker passing it as the environment variable.
6. Run the E2E tests (using Cypress)
docker run \
-p 3000:3000 \
-e "GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=;corpglory-dataexporter-app" \
# Spin up a Grafana instance first that we tests against
yarn server
# Start the tests
yarn e2e
#### Useful links
- Grafana docs about Docker installation: [](
7. Run the linter
## Support and Consulting
yarn lint
# or
Commercial support, professional services **or any help** — send us your inquiry at
yarn lint:fix
## Learn more
Below you can find source code for existing app plugins and other related documentation.
- [Basic app plugin example](
- [Plugin.json documentation](
- [How to sign a plugin?](
## About CorpGlory Inc.
Grafana Data Exporter is developed by [CorpGlory Inc.](, a company which provides high quality software development, data visualization, Grafana and monitoring consulting.


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "corpglory-dataexporter-app",
"version": "1.0.5",
"version": "1.0.6",
"description": "",
"scripts": {
"lint": "eslint --cache --ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx --max-warnings=0 ./src",


@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"dependencies": {
"grafanaDependency": ">=7.0.0",
"grafanaDependency": ">=9.0.0",
"plugins": []
