You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

184 lines
7.0 KiB

import PluginState, { PluginConnectedStatusResponse } from '../../plugin_state';
import ConfigurationForm from './parts/ConfigurationForm';
import RemoveCurrentConfigurationButton from './parts/RemoveCurrentConfigurationButton';
import StatusMessageBlock from './parts/StatusMessageBlock';
import { DataExporterPluginConfigPageProps } from '../../types';
import { Legend, LoadingPlaceholder } from '@grafana/ui';
import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';
import React, { FC, useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
const PLUGIN_CONFIGURED_QUERY_PARAM = 'pluginConfigured';
const PLUGIN_CONFIGURED_VERSION_QUERY_PARAM = 'pluginConfiguredVersion';
const DEFAULT_API_URL = 'http://localhost:8000';
* When everything is successfully configured, reload the page, and pass along a few query parameters
* so that we avoid an infinite configuration-check/data-sync loop
* Don't refresh the page if the plugin is already enabled..
export const reloadPageWithPluginConfiguredQueryParams = (
{ version }: PluginConnectedStatusResponse,
pluginEnabled: boolean
): void => {
if (!pluginEnabled) {
* remove the query params used to track state for a page reload after successful configuration, without triggering
* a page reload
export const removePluginConfiguredQueryParams = (pluginIsEnabled?: boolean): void => {
if (window.history.pushState && pluginIsEnabled) {
const newurl = `${window.location.protocol}//${}${window.location.pathname}`;
window.history.pushState({ path: newurl }, '', newurl);
export const PluginConfigPage: FC<DataExporterPluginConfigPageProps> = ({
plugin: {
meta: { jsonData, enabled: pluginIsEnabled },
}) => {
const { search } = useLocation();
const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(search);
const pluginConfiguredQueryParam = queryParams.get(PLUGIN_CONFIGURED_QUERY_PARAM);
const pluginConfiguredVersionQueryParam = queryParams.get(PLUGIN_CONFIGURED_VERSION_QUERY_PARAM);
const pluginConfiguredRedirect = pluginConfiguredQueryParam === PLUGIN_CONFIGURED_QUERY_PARAM_TRUTHY_VALUE;
const [checkingIfPluginIsConnected, setCheckingIfPluginIsConnected] = useState<boolean>(!pluginConfiguredRedirect);
const [pluginConnectionCheckError, setPluginConnectionCheckError] = useState<string | null>(null);
const [pluginIsConnected, setPluginIsConnected] = useState<PluginConnectedStatusResponse | null>(
pluginConfiguredRedirect ? { version: pluginConfiguredVersionQueryParam as string } : null
const [resettingPlugin, setResettingPlugin] = useState<boolean>(false);
const [pluginResetError, setPluginResetError] = useState<string | null>(null);
const pluginMetaDataExporterApiUrl = jsonData?.dataExporterApiUrl;
const resetQueryParams = useCallback(() => removePluginConfiguredQueryParams(pluginIsEnabled), [pluginIsEnabled]);
const checkConnection = useCallback(
async (grafanaDataExporterUrl?: string) => {
const backendUrl = grafanaDataExporterUrl || pluginMetaDataExporterApiUrl;
if (!backendUrl) {
const pluginConnectionResponse = await PluginState.checkIfPluginIsConnected(backendUrl);
if (typeof pluginConnectionResponse === 'string') {
} else {
reloadPageWithPluginConfiguredQueryParams(pluginConnectionResponse, true);
useEffect(resetQueryParams, [resetQueryParams]);
useEffect(() => {
* don't check the plugin status if the user was just redirected after a successful
* plugin setup
if (!pluginConfiguredRedirect) {
}, [pluginMetaDataExporterApiUrl, pluginConfiguredRedirect, checkConnection]);
const resetState = useCallback(() => {
}, [resetQueryParams]);
* NOTE: there is a possible edge case when resetting the plugin, that would lead to an error message being shown
* (which could be fixed by just reloading the page)
* This would happen if the user removes the plugin configuration, leaves the page, then comes back to the plugin
* configuration.
* This is because the props being passed into this component wouldn't reflect the actual plugin
* provisioning state. The props would still have DataExporterApiUrl set in the plugin jsonData, so when we make the API
* call to check the plugin state w/ DataExporter API the plugin-proxy would return a 502 Bad Gateway because the actual
* provisioned plugin doesn't know about the DataExporterApiUrl.
* This could be fixed by instead of passing in the plugin provisioning information as props always fetching it
* when this component renders (via a useEffect). We probably don't need to worry about this because it should happen
* very rarely, if ever
const triggerPluginReset = useCallback(async () => {
try {
await PluginState.resetPlugin();
} catch (e) {
// this should rarely, if ever happen, but we should handle the case nevertheless
setPluginResetError('There was an error resetting your plugin, try again.');
}, [resetState]);
const RemoveConfigButton = useCallback(
() => <RemoveCurrentConfigurationButton disabled={resettingPlugin} onClick={triggerPluginReset} />,
[resettingPlugin, triggerPluginReset]
let content: React.ReactNode;
if (checkingIfPluginIsConnected) {
content = <LoadingPlaceholder text="Validating your plugin connection..." />;
} else if (pluginConnectionCheckError || pluginResetError) {
content = (
<StatusMessageBlock text={(pluginConnectionCheckError || pluginResetError) as string} />
<RemoveConfigButton />
} else if (!pluginIsConnected) {
content = <ConfigurationForm onSuccessfulSetup={checkConnection} defaultDataExporterApiUrl={DEFAULT_API_URL} />;
} else {
// plugin is fully connected and synced
content = <RemoveConfigButton />;
return (
<Legend>Configure DataExporter</Legend>
{pluginIsConnected ? (
<p>Plugin is connected! You can now go to a dashboard and add the DataExporter panel there.</p>
<StatusMessageBlock text={`Connected to DataExporter`} />
) : (
<p>This page will help you configure the DataExporter plugin 👋</p>