import { PanelPlugin } from '@grafana/data'; import { SimpleOptions } from './types'; import { SimplePanel } from './SimplePanel'; export const plugin = new PanelPlugin(SimplePanel).setPanelOptions((builder) => { return builder .addTextInput({ path: 'text', name: 'Simple text option', description: 'Description of panel option', defaultValue: 'Default value of text input option', }) .addBooleanSwitch({ path: 'showSeriesCount', name: 'Show series counter', defaultValue: false, }) .addRadio({ path: 'seriesCountSize', defaultValue: 'sm', name: 'Series counter size', settings: { options: [ { value: 'sm', label: 'Small', }, { value: 'md', label: 'Medium', }, { value: 'lg', label: 'Large', }, ], }, showIf: (config) => config.showSeriesCount, }); });