# Grafana Chartwerk Panel (beta) ![image](https://gitlab.com/chartwerk/grafana-chartwerk-panel/uploads/7a9a1150832c0d9184cbe44c8a70ce40/logo.png) **Grafana Chartwerk Panel** renders metrics using Chartwerk libraries. For now, it can render as Gauge. We are working on adding new visualizations. ![image](https://gitlab.com/chartwerk/grafana-chartwerk-panel/uploads/357c076a8f5d9e3a9d218e589d5b1b27/gauge.png) ## Features - 3 types of visualizations: - Gauge - Line Chart (coming soon) - Bar Chart (coming soon) - Gauge: dynamic thresholds and min / max - Gauge: conditional icons displaying - Gauge: reversed direction ## How to use 1. Create a new panel and select Chartwerk as the visualization 2. Add queries with unique aliases 3. Go to the Options Tab and setup panel: - Choose visualization type - Select metric in the Value -> Metric dropdown (the first query metric will be used as a default one) ## Demo see [demo](https://grafana.corpglory.com/d/8vGyMypGz/demo-home?orgId=4) ## Options [Gauge] - Visualization: - Pod: option to select chart type - Value: - Metric: select metric query from dropdown - Extemum: - Min: - type number for static minimum value OR - enable "Use metric" toggle switch to select metric as minimun - default value: 0 - Max: - type number for static maximum OR - enable "Use metric" toggle switch to select metric as maximum - default value: maximum of metric query ## Installation ### Linux / Mac OS X - Navigate to either: - `/data/plugins` (when installed from tarball or source) - or `/var/lib/grafana/plugins` (when installed from `.deb`/`.rpm` package) - Download Chartwerk panel ``` wget https://gitlab.com/chartwerk/grafana-chartwerk-panel/uploads/e8782155489bec4c216048e4d4e1f618/corpglory-chartwerk-panel-0.4.1.zip ``` - Unpack downloaded files ``` unzip -u corpglory-chartwerk-panel-0.4.1.zip -d corpglory-chartwerk-panel ``` - Restart grafana-server - For grafana installed via Standalone Linux Binaries: - Stop any running instances of grafana-server - Start grafana-server by: `$GRAFANA_PATH/bin/grafana-server` - For grafana installed via Package Manager: - type in `systemctl restart grafana-server` ### Grafana in Docker You can install Chartwerk panel to Grafana in Docker passing it as environment variable (as described in [Grafana docs](http://docs.grafana.org/installation/docker/#installing-plugins-from-other-sources)) ```bash docker run \ -p 3000:3000 \ -e "GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=https://gitlab.com/chartwerk/grafana-chartwerk-panel/uploads/e8782155489bec4c216048e4d4e1f618/corpglory-chartwerk-panel-0.4.1.zip;corpglory-chartwerk-panel" \ grafana/grafana ```