import { GaugeTimeSerie, GaugeOptions } from './types'; import { ChartwerkPod, VueChartwerkPodMixin, ZoomType } from '@chartwerk/base'; import * as d3 from 'd3'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; const DEFAULT_GAUGE_OPTIONS: GaugeOptions = { usePanning: false, renderLegend: false, renderYaxis: false, renderXaxis: false, renderGrid: false, zoom: { type: ZoomType.NONE } }; export class ChartwerkGaugePod extends ChartwerkPod { gaugeCenter = ''; // it will be options colors = ['green', 'yellow', 'red']; stops = [10, 30, 100]; value = 140; constructor(el: HTMLElement, _series: GaugeTimeSerie[] = [], _options: GaugeOptions = {}) { super( d3, el, _series, _.defaults(_options, DEFAULT_GAUGE_OPTIONS) ); } get valueRange(): number[] { if(this.stops.length < 2) { return this.stops; } let range = [this.stops[0]]; for(let i = 1; i < this.stops.length; i++) { range.push(this.stops[i] - this.stops[i-1]); } return range; } renderLine(): void { let scale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, this.maxValue]).range([0, 180]); this.chartContainer.selectAll('.needle').data([this.value]) .transition() .ease(d3.easeElasticOut) .duration(1000) .attr('transform', (d: number) => { return this.gaugeCenter + 'rotate(' + scale(d) + ')' }); } renderMetrics(): void { this.gaugeCenter = `translate(${this.width / 2},${this.height - 10})`; let arc = d3.arc() .innerRadius(50) .outerRadius(80) .padAngle(0); let pie = d3.pie() .startAngle((-1 * Math.PI) / 2) .endAngle(Math.PI / 2) .sort(null); let arcs = pie(this.valueRange); this.chartContainer.selectAll('path') .data(arcs) .enter() .append('path') .style('fill', (d: object, i: number) => { return this.colors[i]; }) .attr('d', arc as any) .attr('transform', this.gaugeCenter) let needle = this.chartContainer.selectAll('.needle') .data([0]) .enter() .append('line') .attr('x1', 0) .attr('x2', -80) .attr('y1', 0) .attr('y2', 0) .classed('needle', true) .style('stroke', 'black') .attr('transform', (d: number) => { return this.gaugeCenter + 'rotate(' + d + ')' }); this.renderLine(); } /* handlers and overloads */ onMouseOver(): void {} onMouseMove(): void {} onMouseOut(): void { } renderSharedCrosshair(): void {} hideSharedCrosshair(): void {} } // it is used with Vue.component, e.g.: Vue.component('chartwerk-gauge-pod', VueChartwerkGaugePodObject) export const VueChartwerkGaugePodObject = { // alternative to `template: '
'` render(createElement) { return createElement( 'div', { class: { 'chartwerk-gauge-pod': true }, attrs: { id: } } ) }, mixins: [VueChartwerkPodMixin], methods: { render() { const pod = new ChartwerkGaugePod(document.getElementById(, this.series, this.options); pod.render(); } } };