import { GaugeTimeSerie, GaugeOptions, Stat, Stop, IconConfig, IconPosition, PointCoordinate } from './types'; import { ChartwerkPod, VueChartwerkPodMixin, AxisFormat, CrosshairOrientation } from '@chartwerk/core'; import { findClosest } from './utils'; import * as d3 from 'd3'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; const SPACE_BETWEEN_CIRCLES = 2; const CIRCLES_ROUNDING = 0.25; //radians const BACKGROUND_COLOR = 'rgba(38, 38, 38, 0.1)'; const DEFAULT_INNER_RADIUS = 52; const DEFAULT_OUTER_RADIUS = 72; const STOPS_CIRCLE_WIDTH = 8; const DEFAULT_VALUE_TEXT_FONT_SIZE = 16; const VALUE_TEXT_MARGIN = 10; const DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE = 20; //px const DEFAULT_GAUGE_OPTIONS: GaugeOptions = { renderLegend: false, grid: { x: { enabled: false }, y: { enabled: false } }, zoomEvents: { mouse: { zoom: { isActive: false, }, pan: { isActive: false }, }, scroll: { zoom: { isActive: false }, pan: { isActive: false, } }, }, axis: { x: { isActive: false, format: AxisFormat.NUMERIC }, y: { isActive: false, format: AxisFormat.NUMERIC }, y1: { isActive: false, format: AxisFormat.NUMERIC }, }, margin: { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }, stops: [ { color: 'green', value: 10 }, { color: 'yellow', value: 20 } ], crosshair: { orientation: CrosshairOrientation.VERTICAL, color: 'red' }, defaultColor: 'red', stat: Stat.CURRENT, innerRadius: DEFAULT_INNER_RADIUS, outerRadius: DEFAULT_OUTER_RADIUS, icons: [], valueFontSize: null, valueArcBackgroundColor: BACKGROUND_COLOR, reversed: false, enableExtremumLabels: false, enableThresholdLabels: false, enableThresholdDrag: false, }; export class ChartwerkGaugePod extends ChartwerkPod { _draggableLines: any[] = []; _draggedThresholdValues: number[] = []; // threshold values after dragging _thresholdArc: any | null = null; _thresholdTextLabels: any[] = []; constructor(el: HTMLElement, _series: GaugeTimeSerie[] = [], _options: GaugeOptions = {}) { super( el, _series, _.defaults(_options, DEFAULT_GAUGE_OPTIONS) ); } renderMetrics(): void { if(this.series.length === 0 || this.series[0].datapoints.length === 0) { this.renderNoDataPointsMessage(); return; } this._renderOverlayBackground(); this._renderValueArc(); this._renderThresholdArc(); this._renderDraggableLines(); this._renderValue(); this._renderIcons(); this._renderLabels(); } protected updateOptions(newOptions: GaugeOptions): void { if(newOptions === undefined) { return; } let options = _.cloneDeep(newOptions); _.defaultsDeep(options, DEFAULT_GAUGE_OPTIONS); this.options = options; } get _gaugeTransform(): string { return `translate(${this.width / 2},${0.8 * this.height})`; } get _gaugeCenterTranform(): string { return `translate(${this._gaugeCenterCoordinate.x},${this._gaugeCenterCoordinate.y})`; } get _gaugeCenterCoordinate(): { x: number, y: number} { // TODO: 0.8 is the hardcoded value. It can be calculated return { x: this.width / 2 + this.margin.left, y: 0.8 * this.height } } get _minWH(): number { // TODO: 0.6 is the hardcoded value. It can be calculated return _.min([0.6 * this.width, this.height]); } private _renderIcons(): void { if(this.options.icons === undefined || this.options.icons.length === 0) { return; } => { this._renderIcon(icon); }); } private _renderIcon(icon: IconConfig): void { if(icon.src === undefined || icon.src.length === 0) { return; } this.svg .append('image') .attr('xlink:href', icon.src) .attr('x', this._getIconPosition(icon).x) .attr('y', this._getIconPosition(icon).y) .attr('width', `${this._getIconSize(icon)}px`) .attr('height', `${this._getIconSize(icon)}px`) .attr('pointer-events', 'none'); } private _getIconPosition(icon: IconConfig): { x: number, y: number } { const iconXCenter = this._gaugeCenterCoordinate.x - this._getIconSize(icon) / 2; const iconYCenter = 0.8 * this.height - this._getIconSize(icon) / 2; switch(icon.position) { case IconPosition.LEFT: // TOOD: refactor, it can be calculated by Math.sin, Math.cos const leftX = iconXCenter - this._innerRadius; const leftY = iconYCenter - 0.8 * this._outerRadius; return { x: leftX, y: leftY } case IconPosition.MIDDLE: const middleX = iconXCenter; const middleY = iconYCenter - 0.6 * this._innerRadius; return { x: middleX, y: middleY } case IconPosition.RIGHT: const rightX = iconXCenter + this._innerRadius; const rightY = iconYCenter - 0.8 * this._outerRadius; return { x: rightX, y: rightY } default: throw new Error(`Unknown type of icon position: ${icon.position}`); } } private _getIconSize(icon: IconConfig): number { if(icon.size === undefined) { return this.rescaleWith(DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE); } return this.rescaleWith(icon.size); } protected _renderOverlayBackground(): void { this.svg .append('rect') .attr('x', 0) .attr('y', 0) .attr('width', this.width) .attr('height', this.height) .classed('overlay', true) .attr('pointer-events', 'all') .attr('fill', 'none') .on('mouseover', this.onGaugeMouseOver.bind(this)) .on('mouseout', this.onGaugeMouseOut.bind(this)) .on('mousemove', this.onGaugeMouseMove.bind(this)); } private _renderValue(): void { this.svg .append('text') .attr('x', 0) .attr('y', 0) .text(this._valueText) .classed('value-text', true) .attr('font-family', 'Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif') .attr('font-size', `${this._valueTextFontSize}px`) .attr('transform', this._gaugeCenterTranform) .attr('text-anchor', 'middle') .attr('alignment-baseline', 'central') .attr('pointer-events', 'none') .attr('fill', this._mainCircleColor); } private _renderValueArc(): void { const arc = d3.arc() .innerRadius(this._innerRadius) .outerRadius(this._outerRadius) .padAngle(0); const valueArcs = this._d3Pie(this._valueRange); this.chartContainer.selectAll(null) .data(valueArcs) .enter() .append('path') .attr('class', (d: object, i: number) => { if(i === 0) { return 'value-arc'; } else { return 'backgroung-arc' } }) .style('fill', (d: object, i: number) => { return this._valueArcColors[i]; }) .attr('d', arc as any) .attr('transform', this._gaugeTransform); } private _renderThresholdArc(): void { if(this._sortedStops.length === 0) { return; } const thresholdArc = this._getThresholdArc(); const stopArcs = this._d3Pie(this._getStopsRange(this._stopsValues)); this._thresholdArc = this.chartContainer.selectAll(null) .data(stopArcs) .enter() .append('path') .attr('class', (d: object, i: number) => { return `stop-arc-${i}`; }) .style('fill', (d: object, i: number) => { return this._colors[i]; }) .attr('d', thresholdArc as any) .attr('transform', this._gaugeTransform); } protected _getThresholdArc(): d3.Arc { const spaceBetweenCircles = this.rescaleSpace(SPACE_BETWEEN_CIRCLES); const thresholdInnerRadius = this._outerRadius + spaceBetweenCircles; const stopCircleWidth = this.rescaleWith(STOPS_CIRCLE_WIDTH); // TODO: move to options const thresholdOuterRadius = thresholdInnerRadius + stopCircleWidth; const arc = d3.arc() .innerRadius(thresholdInnerRadius) .outerRadius(thresholdOuterRadius) .padAngle(0); return arc; } get arcScale(): d3.ScaleLinear { return d3.scaleLinear() .domain([this.options.minValue, this.options.maxValue]) .range([(-1 * Math.PI) / 2 - CIRCLES_ROUNDING, Math.PI / 2 + CIRCLES_ROUNDING]); } protected _renderDraggableLines(): void { if(this.options.enableThresholdDrag === false) { return; } this._stopsValues.forEach((stopValue, stopIdx) => this._renderDraggableLine(stopValue, stopIdx)); this._draggedThresholdValues = _.clone(this._stopsValues); } protected _renderDraggableLine(stopValue: number, idx: number): void { const arc = this._getThresholdArc(); const draggableSize = 0.025; const thresholdAngle = this.arcScale(stopValue); const pie = d3.pie() .startAngle(thresholdAngle - draggableSize) .endAngle(thresholdAngle + draggableSize) .sort(null); const drag = d3.drag() .on('drag', () => this.onDrag(idx)) .on('end', () => this.onDragEnd(idx)); const dragLine = this.svg.selectAll(null) .data(pie([1])) .enter() .append('path') .attr('class', 'drag-line') .style('fill', 'black') .attr('d', arc as any) .attr('transform', this._gaugeTransform) .style('cursor', 'grab') .attr('pointer-events', 'all');; this._draggableLines.push(dragLine); } onDrag(idx: number): void { const angle = this.getAngleFromCoordinates(d3.event.x, d3.event.y); const restrictedAngle = this.restrictAngle(angle, idx); this.updateDraggableLineByAngle(restrictedAngle, idx); const value = _.ceil(this.arcScale.invert(restrictedAngle), 1); this._draggedThresholdValues[idx] = value; this.updateThresholdArcByNewValues(this._draggedThresholdValues); this.updateThresholdLabel(value, idx); this.onGaugeMouseMove(); if(this.options.dragCallback) { this.options.dragCallback({ value, idx }); } } updateThresholdArcByNewValues(stops: number[]): void { const thresholdArc = this._getThresholdArc(); const stopArcs = this._d3Pie(this._getStopsRange(stops)); this._thresholdArc .data(stopArcs) .attr('d', thresholdArc as any); } updateThresholdLabel(value: number, idx: number): void { if(_.isEmpty(this._thresholdTextLabels) || !this._thresholdTextLabels[idx]) { return; } this._thresholdTextLabels[idx].text(value); } updateDraggableLineByAngle(angle: number, idx: number): void { const arc = this._getThresholdArc(); const draggableSize = 0.025; const pie = d3.pie() .startAngle(angle - draggableSize) .endAngle(angle + draggableSize) .sort(null); this._draggableLines[idx].data(pie([1])).attr('d', arc); } onDragEnd(idx: number): void { this.onGaugeMouseOut(); if(this.options.dragEndCallback) { this.options.dragEndCallback({ idx }); } } getAngleFromCoordinates(x: number, y: number): number { const vector1 = { start: this._gaugeCenterCoordinate, end: { x: this._gaugeCenterCoordinate.x, y: 0 } }; const vector2 = { start: this._gaugeCenterCoordinate, end: { x, y } }; let a1 = this.getAngleBetween2Vectors(vector1, vector2); if(x < this.width / 2) { // angle < 0 degree return -a1; } return a1; } getAngleBetween2Vectors( vector1: { start: PointCoordinate, end: PointCoordinate }, vector2: { start: PointCoordinate, end: PointCoordinate } ): number { const x1 = vector1.start.x; const y1 = vector1.start.y; const x2 = vector1.end.x; const y2 = vector1.end.y; const x3 = vector2.start.x; const y3 = vector2.start.y; const x4 = vector2.end.x; const y4 = vector2.end.y; return Math.acos( ((x2 - x1) * (x4 - x3) + (y2 - y1) * (y4 - y3)) / (Math.sqrt( (x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2 ) * Math.sqrt( (x4 - x3)**2 + (y4 - y3)**2 )) ) } restrictAngle(angle: number, idx: number): number { return _.clamp(angle, -1.8, 1.8); } protected _renderLabels(): void { const yOffset = this._valueTextFontSize + 8; if(this.options.enableThresholdLabels) { if(this._stopsValues && this._stopsValues[0]) { this.renderLabelBackground(0, yOffset / 2); this._thresholdTextLabels[0] = this.renderLabelText(this.width / 6, yOffset, String(this._stopsValues[0])); } if(this._stopsValues && this._stopsValues[1]) { this.renderLabelBackground(this.width * 2 / 3, yOffset / 2); this._thresholdTextLabels[1] = this.renderLabelText(this.width * 5 / 6, yOffset, String(this._stopsValues[1])); } } if(this.options.enableExtremumLabels) { this.renderLabelBackground(0, this.height - yOffset); this.renderLabelText(this.width / 6, this.height - yOffset / 2, String(this._minValue)); this.renderLabelBackground(this.width * 2 / 3, this.height - yOffset); this.renderLabelText(this.width * 5 / 6, this.height - yOffset / 2, String(this._maxValue)); } } protected renderLabelBackground(x: number, y: number): void { this.svg .append('rect') .attr('x', x) .attr('y', y) .attr('width', this.width / 3 + 'px') .attr('height', this._valueTextFontSize + 8 + 'px') .classed('label-background', true) .attr('rx', 16) .attr('fill', '#202330') .attr('pointer-events', 'none') .style('display', 'none') .attr('fill-opacity', 0.7); } protected renderLabelText(x: number, y: number, text: string): d3.Selection { return this.svg .append('text') .attr('x', x) .attr('y', y) .text(text) .classed('label-text', true) .attr('font-family', 'Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif') .attr('font-size', `${this._valueTextFontSize}px`) .attr('text-anchor', 'middle') .attr('alignment-baseline', 'central') .attr('pointer-events', 'none') .style('display', 'none') .attr('fill', 'white'); } private get _d3Pie(): d3.Pie { return d3.pie() .startAngle((-1 * Math.PI) / 2 - CIRCLES_ROUNDING) .endAngle(Math.PI / 2 + CIRCLES_ROUNDING) .sort(null); } private get _valueArcColors(): [string, string] { if(this.options.reversed === true) { return [this._valueArcBackgroundColor, this._mainCircleColor]; } return [this._mainCircleColor, this._valueArcBackgroundColor]; } private get _mainCircleColor(): string { if(this.aggregatedValue > _.max(this._stopsValues) || this._sortedStops.length === 0) { return this.options.defaultColor; } // TODO: refactor const closestIdx = findClosest(this._stopsValues, this.aggregatedValue); const closestStop = this._sortedStops[closestIdx]; if(this.aggregatedValue > closestStop.value) { return this._sortedStops[closestIdx + 1].color; } else { return closestStop.color; } } // TODO: better name private _getStopsRange(stops: number[]): number[] { // TODO: refactor // TODO: max value might be less than the latest stop let stopValues = [...stops, this._maxValue]; if(stopValues.length < 2) { return this.getUpdatedRangeWithMinValue(stopValues); } let range = [stopValues[0]]; for(let i = 1; i < stopValues.length; i++) { range.push(stopValues[i] - stopValues[i-1]); } return this.getUpdatedRangeWithMinValue(range); } getUpdatedRangeWithMinValue(range: number[]): number[] { let updatedRange = range; updatedRange[0] = range[0] - this._minValue; if(this.options.reversed === true) { return _.reverse(updatedRange); } return updatedRange; } private get _valueRange(): [number, number] { const valueRange = this._maxValue - this._minValue; const startValue = this.aggregatedValue - this._minValue; const endValue = valueRange - startValue; if(this.options.reversed === true) { return [endValue, startValue]; } return [startValue, endValue]; } private get _sortedStops(): Stop[] { return _.sortBy(this.options.stops, [stop => stop.value]); } private get _stopsValues(): number[] { return => stop.value); } private get _colors(): string[] { // TODO: refactor const colors = [ => stop.color), this.options.defaultColor]; if(this.options.reversed === true) { return _.reverse(colors); } return colors; } private get _valueText(): string { if(this.options.valueFormatter === undefined) { console.log('valueFormatter function is not specified, rendering raw value'); return this.aggregatedValue.toString(); } return this.options.valueFormatter(this.aggregatedValue); } private get _valueTextFontSize(): number { if(this.options.valueFontSize) { return this.options.valueFontSize; } let font; if(this._valueText.length <= 6) { font = DEFAULT_VALUE_TEXT_FONT_SIZE; } else if(this._valueText.length > 6 && this._valueText.length <= 10) { font = DEFAULT_VALUE_TEXT_FONT_SIZE - 2; } else if(this._valueText.length > 10 && this._valueText.length <= 12) { font = DEFAULT_VALUE_TEXT_FONT_SIZE - 4; } else { font = DEFAULT_VALUE_TEXT_FONT_SIZE - 6; } return this.rescaleValueFont(font); } private get _stat(): Stat { return this.options.stat; } private get _valueArcBackgroundColor(): string { return this.options.valueArcBackgroundColor; } private get _innerRadius(): number { // TODO: scale shouldn't be here return this.rescaleArcRadius(this.options.innerRadius); } private get _outerRadius(): number { // TODO: scale shouldn't be here return this.rescaleArcRadius(this.options.outerRadius); } rescaleArcRadius(radius: number): number { return radius * this._scaleFactor; } rescaleValueFont(fontsize: number): number { const scale = 0.8 * this._scaleFactor; return fontsize * scale; } rescaleSpace(space: number): number { const scale = 0.5 * this._scaleFactor; return space * scale; } rescaleWith(width: number): number { const scale = 0.6 * this._scaleFactor; return width * scale; } private get _scaleFactor(): number { const stopOuterRadius = this.options.outerRadius + SPACE_BETWEEN_CIRCLES + STOPS_CIRCLE_WIDTH; const marginForRounded = VALUE_TEXT_MARGIN + 10; const scale = this._minWH / (stopOuterRadius + marginForRounded); return scale; } private get aggregatedValue(): number { switch(this._stat) { case Stat.CURRENT: return _.last(this.series[0].datapoints)[1]; // TODO: support other stats default: throw new Error(`Unsupported stat: ${this._stat}`); } } private get _maxValue(): number { return this.options.maxValue || this.state.getMaxValueY(); } private get _minValue(): number { return this.options.minValue || 0; } /* handlers and overloads */ onMouseOver(): void {} onMouseMove(): void {} onMouseOut(): void {} onGaugeMouseOver(): void { this.svg.selectAll('.label-text').style('display', null); this.svg.selectAll('.label-background').style('display', null); } onGaugeMouseMove(): void { this.svg.selectAll('.label-text').style('display', null); this.svg.selectAll('.label-background').style('display', null); } onGaugeMouseOut(): void { this.svg.selectAll('.label-text').style('display', 'none'); this.svg.selectAll('.label-background').style('display', 'none'); } renderSharedCrosshair(): void {} hideSharedCrosshair(): void {} } // it is used with Vue.component, e.g.: Vue.component('chartwerk-gauge-pod', VueChartwerkGaugePodObject) export const VueChartwerkGaugePodObject = { // alternative to `template: '
'` render(createElement) { return createElement( 'div', { class: { 'chartwerk-gauge-pod': true }, attrs: { id: } } ) }, mixins: [VueChartwerkPodMixin], methods: { render() { if(this.pod === undefined) { this.pod = new ChartwerkGaugePod(document.getElementById(, this.series, this.options); this.pod.render(); } else { this.pod.updateData(this.series, this.options); } }, } }; export { GaugeOptions, GaugeTimeSerie, Stat };