import { ChartwerkBase, VueChartwerkBaseMixin, TickOrientation, TimeFormat, AxisFormat } from '@chartwerk/base'; import * as d3 from 'd3'; export class ChartwerkGaugePod extends ChartwerkBase { // TODO: define the type better private _dValue: d3.Selection; constructor(el: HTMLElement, _series: any[] = [], _options: any = {}) { super(d3, el, _series, _options); this._init(); } private _init() { this._initValueText(); } private _initValueText(): void { this._dValue = this._chartContainer .append('text') .text('hey you') .attr('fill', 'black'); } _renderMetrics(): void { } /* handlers and overloads */ onMouseOver(): void {} onMouseMove(): void {} onMouseOut(): void { } renderSharedCrosshair(): void {} hideSharedCrosshair(): void {} } // it is used with Vue.component, e.g.: Vue.component('chartwerk-gauge-pod', VueChartwerkGaugePodObject) export const VueChartwerkGaugePodObject = { // alternative to `template: '
'` render(createElement) { return createElement( 'div', { class: { 'chartwerk-gauge-pod': true }, attrs: { id: } } ) }, mixins: [VueChartwerkBaseMixin], methods: { render() { const pod = new ChartwerkGaugePod(document.getElementById(, this.series, this.options); pod.render(); } } };