You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
885 lines
29 KiB
885 lines
29 KiB
import { AxisRange } from './types'; |
import VueChartwerkPodMixin from './VueChartwerkPodMixin'; |
import { Grid } from './components/grid'; |
import { PodState } from './models/state'; |
import { CoreSeries, CORE_SERIE_DEFAULTS } from './models/series'; |
import { CoreOptions, CORE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS } from './models/options'; |
import styles from './css/style.css'; |
import { |
Margin, |
Serie, |
Options, |
TimeFormat, |
BrushOrientation, |
AxisFormat, |
CrosshairOrientation, |
SvgElementAttributes, |
KeyEvent, |
PanOrientation, |
yAxisOrientation, |
ScrollPanOrientation, |
ScrollPanDirection, |
AxisOption, |
AxesOptions, |
RenderComponent, |
} from './types'; |
import { uid } from './utils'; |
import { palette } from './colors'; |
import * as d3 from 'd3'; |
import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'; |
const DEFAULT_TICK_SIZE = 2; |
class ChartwerkPod<T extends Serie, O extends Options> { |
protected series: CoreSeries<T>; |
protected options: CoreOptions<O>; |
protected d3Node?: d3.Selection<HTMLElement, unknown, null, undefined>; |
protected overlay?: d3.Selection<SVGRectElement, unknown, null, undefined>; |
protected crosshair?: d3.Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, null, undefined>; |
protected brush?: d3.BrushBehavior<unknown>; |
protected zoom?: any; |
protected svg?: d3.Selection<SVGElement, unknown, null, undefined>; |
protected state: PodState<T, O>; |
protected pan?: d3.ZoomBehavior<Element, unknown>; |
protected clipPath?: any; |
protected isPanning = false; |
protected isBrushing = false; |
protected brushStartSelection: [number, number] | null = null; |
protected initScaleX?: d3.ScaleLinear<any, any>; |
protected initScaleY?: d3.ScaleLinear<any, any>; |
protected initScaleY1?: d3.ScaleLinear<any, any>; |
protected xAxisElement?: d3.Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, null, undefined>; |
protected yAxisElement?: d3.Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, null, undefined>; |
protected y1AxisElement?: d3.Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, null, undefined>; |
protected yAxisTicksColors?: string[] = []; |
private _clipPathUID = ''; |
protected readonly d3: typeof d3; |
protected deltaYTransform = 0; |
// TODO: forceRerender is a hack, it will be remove someday. But we need to update state on resize |
protected debouncedRender = debounce(this.forceRerender.bind(this), 100); |
// containers |
// TODO: add better names |
protected chartContainer: d3.Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, null, undefined>; |
protected metricContainer: d3.Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, null, undefined>; |
// components |
protected grid: Grid; |
constructor( |
protected readonly el: HTMLElement, |
_series: T[] = [], |
_options: O |
) { |
// need to call explicitly because option lazyStyleTag |
// in webpack style-loader |
styles.use(); |
this.options = new CoreOptions(_options); |
this.series = new CoreSeries(_series); |
this.d3Node =; |
this.addEventListeners(); |
this.createSvg(); |
this.initPodState(); |
this.initComponents(); |
} |
protected addEventListeners(): void { |
window.addEventListener('resize', this.debouncedRender); |
} |
protected removeEventListeners(): void { |
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.debouncedRender); |
} |
public render(): void { |
this.options.callbackRenderStart(); |
this.renderClipPath(); |
this.addEvents(); |
this.renderAxes(); |
this.renderGrid(); |
this.renderCrosshair(); |
this.renderMetricsContainer(); |
this.renderMetrics(); |
this.renderLegend(); |
this.renderYLabel(); |
this.renderXLabel(); |
this.options.callbackRenderEnd(); |
} |
public updateData(series?: T[], options?: O, shouldRerender = true): void { |
this.updateSeries(series); |
this.updateOptions(options); |
if(shouldRerender) { |
this.forceRerender(); |
} |
} |
public forceRerender(): void { |
// TODO: it is a hack. It is not nessesary to recreate svg. |
// the only purpose for this action, to clear d3.zoom.transform (see |
this.createSvg(); |
this.initPodState(); |
this.initComponents(); |
this.render(); |
} |
protected updateOptions(newOptions: O): void { |
if(newOptions === undefined) { |
return; |
} |
this.options.updateOptions(newOptions); |
} |
protected updateSeries(newSeries: T[]): void { |
if(newSeries === undefined) { |
return; |
} |
this.series.updateSeries(newSeries); |
} |
protected renderMetrics(): void {} |
protected onMouseOver(): void {} |
protected onMouseOut(): void {} |
protected onMouseMove(): void {} |
protected onMouseClick(): void { } |
public renderSharedCrosshair(values: { x?: number, y?: number }): void {} |
public hideSharedCrosshair(): void {} |
protected initPodState(): void { |
const boxPararms = { |
height: this.height, |
width: this.width, |
} |
this.state = new PodState(boxPararms, this.series, this.options); |
} |
protected initComponents(): void { |
// TODO: make chartContainer a separate class with SvgElParams inside to avoid duplication |
// TODO: bad connection between State and Grid |
const svgElParams = { |
height: this.height, |
width: this.width, |
xScale: this.state.xScale, |
yScale: this.state.yScale, |
} |
this.grid = new Grid(this.chartContainer, svgElParams, this.options.grid); |
} |
protected renderMetricsContainer(): void { |
|'.metrics-container').remove(); |
// TODO: it should be a class with svgElParams as fields |
// container for clip path |
const clipContatiner = this.chartContainer |
.append('g') |
.attr('clip-path', `url(#${this.rectClipId})`) |
.attr('class', 'metrics-container'); |
// container for panning |
this.metricContainer = clipContatiner |
.append('g') |
.attr('class', 'metrics-rect'); |
this.options.callbackComponentRenderEnd(RenderComponent.METRICS_CONTAINER); |
} |
protected createSvg(): void { |
|'svg').remove(); |
this.svg = this.d3Node |
.append('svg') |
.style('width', '100%') |
.style('height', '100%') |
.style('backface-visibility', 'hidden'); |
this.chartContainer = this.svg |
.append('g') |
.attr('transform', `translate(${this.margin.left},${})`); |
} |
protected renderGrid(): void { |
this.grid.render(); |
this.options.callbackComponentRenderEnd(RenderComponent.GRID); |
} |
protected renderAxes(): void { |
// TODO: remove duplicates |
this.renderXAxis(); |
this.renderYAxis(); |
this.renderY1Axis(); |
this.options.callbackComponentRenderEnd(RenderComponent.AXES); |
} |
protected renderXAxis(): void { |
if(this.options.axis.x.isActive === false) { |
return; |
} |
|'#x-axis-container').remove(); |
this.xAxisElement = this.chartContainer |
.append('g') |
.attr('transform', `translate(0,${this.height})`) |
.attr('id', 'x-axis-container') |
.style('pointer-events', 'none') |
.call( |
d3.axisBottom(this.state.xScale) |
.ticks(this.options.axis.x.ticksCount) |
.tickFormat(this.getAxisTicksFormatter(this.options.axis.x)) |
); |
} |
protected renderYAxis(): void { |
if(this.options.axis.y.isActive === false) { |
return; |
} |
|'#y-axis-container').remove(); |
this.yAxisTicksColors = []; |
this.yAxisElement = this.chartContainer |
.append('g') |
.attr('id', 'y-axis-container') |
.style('pointer-events', 'none') |
// TODO: number of ticks shouldn't be hardcoded |
.call( |
d3.axisLeft(this.state.yScale) |
.ticks(this.options.axis.y.ticksCount) |
.tickFormat(this.getAxisTicksFormatter(this.options.axis.y)) |
); |
const ticks = this.yAxisElement.selectAll(`.tick`).select('text').nodes(); |
|, index) => { |
if(ticks === undefined || ticks[index] === undefined) { |
return; |
} |
|[index]).attr('color', color); |
}); |
} |
protected renderY1Axis(): void { |
if(this.options.axis.y1.isActive === false) { |
return; |
} |
|'#y1-axis-container').remove(); |
this.y1AxisElement = this.chartContainer |
.append('g') |
.attr('id', 'y1-axis-container') |
.attr('transform', `translate(${this.width},0)`) |
.style('pointer-events', 'none') |
// TODO: number of ticks shouldn't be hardcoded |
.call( |
d3.axisRight(this.state.y1Scale) |
.ticks(this.options.axis.y1.ticksCount) |
.tickFormat(this.getAxisTicksFormatter(this.options.axis.y1)) |
); |
} |
protected renderCrosshair(): void { |
|'#crosshair-container').remove(); |
this.crosshair = this.chartContainer.append('g') |
.attr('id', 'crosshair-container') |
.style('display', 'none'); |
if( |
this.options.crosshair.orientation === CrosshairOrientation.VERTICAL || |
this.options.crosshair.orientation === CrosshairOrientation.BOTH |
) { |
this.crosshair.append('line') |
.attr('class', 'crosshair-line') |
.attr('id', 'crosshair-line-x') |
.attr('fill', this.options.crosshair.color) |
.attr('stroke', this.options.crosshair.color) |
.attr('stroke-width', '1px') |
.attr('y1', 0) |
.attr('y2', this.height) |
.style('pointer-events', 'none'); |
} |
if( |
this.options.crosshair.orientation === CrosshairOrientation.HORIZONTAL || |
this.options.crosshair.orientation === CrosshairOrientation.BOTH |
) { |
this.crosshair.append('line') |
.attr('class', 'crosshair-line') |
.attr('id', 'crosshair-line-y') |
.attr('fill', this.options.crosshair.color) |
.attr('stroke', this.options.crosshair.color) |
.attr('stroke-width', '1px') |
.attr('x1', 0) |
.attr('x2', this.width) |
.style('pointer-events', 'none'); |
} |
this.options.callbackComponentRenderEnd(RenderComponent.CROSSHAIR); |
} |
protected addEvents(): void { |
// TODO: refactor for a new mouse/scroll events |
const panKeyEvent = this.options.mousePanEvent.keyEvent; |
const isPanActive = this.options.mousePanEvent.isActive; |
const isBrushActive = this.options.mouseZoomEvent.isActive; |
if(panKeyEvent === KeyEvent.MAIN) { |
if(isPanActive) { |
this.initPan(); |
} |
if(isBrushActive) { |
this.initBrush(); |
} |
} else { |
if(isBrushActive) { |
this.initBrush(); |
} |
if(isPanActive) { |
this.initPan(); |
} |
} |
this.ensureOverlayExisting(); |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.overlay |
.on('mouseover', this.onMouseOver.bind(this)) |
.on('mouseout', this.onMouseOut.bind(this)) |
.on('mousemove', this.onMouseMove.bind(this)) |
.on('click', this.onMouseClick.bind(this)) |
.on('dblclick', () => { |
d3.event.stopPropagation(); |
// TODO: add the same check as we have in line-pod |
this.zoomOut(); |
}) |
.on('dblclick.zoom', () => { |
d3.event.stopPropagation(); |
// TODO: add the same check as we have in line-pod |
this.zoomOut(); |
}); |
}, 0); |
} |
protected ensureOverlayExisting(): void { |
this.overlay ='.overlay'); |
// init cumstom overlay to handle all events |
if(this.overlay.empty()) { |
this.overlay = this.chartContainer.append('rect') |
.attr('class', 'overlay') |
.attr('width', this.width) |
.attr('height', this.height) |
.attr('x', 0) |
.attr('y', 0) |
.attr('pointer-events', 'all') |
.attr('cursor', 'crosshair') |
.attr('fill', 'none'); |
} |
this.options.callbackComponentRenderEnd(RenderComponent.OVERLAY); |
} |
protected initBrush(): void { |
switch(this.options.mouseZoomEvent.orientation) { |
case BrushOrientation.VERTICAL: |
this.brush = d3.brushY(); |
break; |
case BrushOrientation.HORIZONTAL: |
this.brush = d3.brushX(); |
break; |
case BrushOrientation.SQUARE: |
case BrushOrientation.RECTANGLE: |
this.brush = d3.brush(); |
break; |
default: |
this.brush = d3.brushX(); |
} |
const keyEvent = this.options.mouseZoomEvent.keyEvent; |
this.brush.extent([ |
[0, 0], |
[this.width, this.height] |
]) |
.handleSize(20) |
// TODO: brush selection is hidden if keyEvent is shift |
.filter(this.filterByKeyEvent(keyEvent)) |
.on('start', this.onBrushStart.bind(this)) |
.on('brush', this.onBrush.bind(this)) |
.on('end', this.onBrushEnd.bind(this)); |
|; |
} |
protected filterByKeyEvent(key: KeyEvent): () => boolean { |
// TODO: refactor |
switch(key) { |
case KeyEvent.MAIN: |
return () => !d3.event.shiftKey && !d3.event.button; |
case KeyEvent.SHIFT: |
return () => d3.event.shiftKey && !d3.event.button; |
default: |
throw new Error(`Unknown type of KeyEvent: ${key}`); |
} |
} |
protected isD3EventKeyEqualOption(event: d3.D3ZoomEvent<any, any>, optionsKeyEvent: KeyEvent): boolean { |
if(!event || !event.sourceEvent) { |
return false; |
} |
const isShiftKey = event.sourceEvent.shiftKey; |
const isOptionShift = optionsKeyEvent === KeyEvent.SHIFT; |
return isShiftKey === isOptionShift; |
} |
protected initPan(): void { |
if( |
this.options.mousePanEvent.isActive === false && |
this.options.scrollPanEvent.isActive === false && |
this.options.scrollZoomEvent.isActive === false |
) { |
return; |
} |
this.initScaleX = this.state.xScale.copy(); |
this.initScaleY = this.state.yScale.copy(); |
if(this.options.axis.y1.isActive) { |
this.initScaleY1 = this.state.y1Scale.copy(); |
} |
this.pan = d3.zoom() |
.on('zoom', this.onPanning.bind(this)) |
.on('end', this.onPanningEnd.bind(this)); |
|; |
} |
protected renderClipPath(): void { |
this.clipPath = this.chartContainer.append('defs').append('SVG:clipPath') |
.attr('id', this.rectClipId) |
.append('SVG:rect') |
.attr('width', this.width) |
.attr('height', this.height) |
.attr('x', 0) |
.attr('y', 0); |
this.options.callbackComponentRenderEnd(RenderComponent.CLIP_PATH); |
} |
protected renderLegend(): void { |
if(this.options.allOptions.renderLegend === false) { |
return; |
} |
if(!this.series.isSeriesAvailable) { |
return; |
} |
let legendRow = this.chartContainer |
.append('g') |
.attr('class', 'legend-row'); |
const series = this.series.allSeries; |
for(let idx = 0; idx < series.length; idx++) { |
let node = legendRow.selectAll('text').node(); |
let rowWidth = 0; |
if(node !== null) { |
rowWidth = legendRow.node().getBBox().width + 25; |
} |
const isChecked = series[idx].visible !== false; |
legendRow.append('foreignObject') |
.attr('x', rowWidth) |
.attr('y', this.legendRowPositionY - 12) |
.attr('width', 13) |
.attr('height', 15) |
.html(`<form><input type=checkbox ${isChecked? 'checked' : ''} /></form>`) |
.on('click', () => this.options.callbackLegendClick(idx)); |
legendRow.append('text') |
.attr('x', rowWidth + 20) |
.attr('y', this.legendRowPositionY) |
.attr('class', `metric-legend-${idx}`) |
.style('font-size', '12px') |
.style('fill', series[idx].color) |
.text(series[idx].target) |
.on('click', () => this.options.callbackLegendLabelClick(idx)); |
} |
this.options.callbackComponentRenderEnd(RenderComponent.LEGEND); |
} |
protected renderYLabel(): void { |
if(this.options.axis.y.label === undefined) { |
return; |
} |
this.chartContainer.append('text') |
.attr('y', 0 - this.margin.left) |
.attr('x', 0 - (this.height / 2)) |
.attr('dy', '1em') |
.attr('class', 'y-axis-label') |
.attr('transform', 'rotate(-90)') |
.style('text-anchor', 'middle') |
.style('font-size', '14px') |
.style('fill', 'currentColor') |
.text(this.options.axis.y.label); |
} |
protected renderXLabel(): void { |
if(this.options.axis.x.label === undefined) { |
return; |
} |
let yPosition = this.height + + this.margin.bottom - 35; |
if(!this.series.isSeriesAvailable) { |
yPosition += 20; |
} |
this.chartContainer.append('text') |
.attr('class', 'x-axis-label') |
.attr('x', this.width / 2) |
.attr('y', yPosition) |
.style('text-anchor', 'middle') |
.style('font-size', '14px') |
.style('fill', 'currentColor') |
.text(this.options.axis.x.label); |
} |
protected renderNoDataPointsMessage(): void { |
this.chartContainer.append('text') |
.attr('class', 'alert-text') |
.attr('x', this.width / 2) |
.attr('y', this.height / 2) |
.style('text-anchor', 'middle') |
.style('font-size', '14px') |
.style('fill', 'currentColor') |
.text('No data points'); |
} |
private disableScrollForward(event: any): boolean { |
return event.sourceEvent.wheelDelta > 0 |
&& this.options.scrollPanEvent.direction === ScrollPanDirection.FORWARD; |
} |
private disableScrollBackward(event: any): boolean { |
return event.sourceEvent.wheelDelta < 0 |
&& this.options.scrollPanEvent.direction === ScrollPanDirection.BACKWARD; |
} |
protected onPanning(): void { |
const event = d3.event; |
if(event.sourceEvent === null || event.sourceEvent === undefined) { |
return; |
} |
if (event.sourceEvent.type === 'wheel' |
&& (this.disableScrollBackward(event) || this.disableScrollForward(event))) { |
return; |
} |
this.rescaleMetricAndAxis(event); |
this.options.callbackPanning({ |
ranges: [this.state.xValueRange, this.state.yValueRange, this.state.y1ValueRange], |
d3Event: event |
}); |
} |
public rescaleMetricAndAxis(event: d3.D3ZoomEvent<any, any>): void { |
this.isPanning = true; |
this.onMouseOut(); |
this.onPanningRescale(event); |
// TODO: check clear state for necessity |
this.renderYAxis(); |
this.renderXAxis(); |
// metrics-rect wrapper is required for panning and any rescaling |
|'.metrics-rect') |
.attr('transform', `translate(${this.state.transform.x},${this.state.transform.y}), scale(${this.state.transform.k})`); |
} |
protected onPanningRescale(event: d3.D3ZoomEvent<any, any>): void { |
// rescale metrics and axis on mouse and scroll panning |
const eventType = event.sourceEvent.type; // 'wheel' or 'mousemove' |
const scrollPanOptions = this.options.scrollPanEvent; |
const scrollZoomOptions = this.options.scrollZoomEvent; |
// TODO: maybe use switch and move it to onPanning |
if(eventType === 'wheel') { |
if(scrollPanOptions.isActive === true && this.isD3EventKeyEqualOption(event, scrollPanOptions.keyEvent)) { |
this.onScrollPanningRescale(event); |
return; |
} |
if(scrollZoomOptions.isActive === true && this.isD3EventKeyEqualOption(event, scrollZoomOptions.keyEvent)) { |
const orientation = scrollZoomOptions.orientation; |
let k; |
switch(orientation) { |
case PanOrientation.HORIZONTAL: |
k = `${event.transform.k},1`; |
this.rescaleAxisX(event.transform.x); |
break; |
case PanOrientation.VERTICAL: |
k = `1,${event.transform.k}`; |
this.rescaleAxisY(event.transform.y); |
break; |
case PanOrientation.BOTH: |
k = event.transform.k; |
this.rescaleAxisX(event.transform.x); |
this.rescaleAxisY(event.transform.y); |
break; |
default: |
throw new Error(`Unknown type of PanOrientation: ${orientation}`); |
} |
this.state.transform.k = k; |
return; |
} |
return; |
} |
const panOrientation = this.options.mousePanEvent.orientation; |
if(panOrientation === PanOrientation.HORIZONTAL || panOrientation === PanOrientation.BOTH) { |
this.rescaleAxisX(event.transform.x); |
} |
if(panOrientation === PanOrientation.VERTICAL || panOrientation === PanOrientation.BOTH) { |
this.rescaleAxisY(event.transform.y); |
} |
} |
// TODO: refactor, divide between classes |
rescaleAxisX(transformX: number): void { |
this.state.transform = { x: transformX }; |
const rescaleX = d3.event.transform.rescaleX(this.initScaleX); |
|; |
this.state.xValueRange = [rescaleX.invert(0), rescaleX.invert(this.width)]; |
} |
rescaleAxisY(transformY: number): void { |
this.state.transform = { y: transformY }; |
const rescaleY = d3.event.transform.rescaleY(this.initScaleY); |
|; |
this.state.yValueRange = [rescaleY.invert(0), rescaleY.invert(this.height)]; |
if(this.y1AxisElement) { |
const rescaleY1 = d3.event.transform.rescaleY(this.initScaleY1); |
|; |
this.state.y1ValueRange = [rescaleY1.invert(0), rescaleY1.invert(this.height)]; |
// TODO: y1 axis jumps on panning |
this.y1AxisElement.selectAll('line').attr('x2', 2); |
this.y1AxisElement.selectAll('text').attr('x', 5); |
} |
} |
protected onScrollPanningRescale(event: d3.D3ZoomEvent<any, any>): void { |
const scrollPanOptions = this.options.scrollPanEvent; |
// TODO: event.transform.y / x depends on mouse position, so we use hardcoded const, which should be removed |
const transformStep = scrollPanOptions.panStep; |
const scrollPanOrientation = scrollPanOptions.orientation; |
switch(scrollPanOrientation) { |
case ScrollPanOrientation.HORIZONTAL: |
// @ts-ignore |
const signX = Math.sign(event.transform.x); |
const transformX = this.state.absXScale.invert(Math.abs(transformStep)); |
let rangeX = this.state.xValueRange; |
this.state.xValueRange = [rangeX[0] + signX * transformX, rangeX[1] + signX * transformX]; |
const translateX = this.state.transform.x + signX * transformStep; |
this.state.transform = { x: translateX }; |
break; |
case ScrollPanOrientation.VERTICAL: |
// @ts-ignore |
let signY = Math.sign(event.transform.y); |
if(this.options.axis.y.invert === true) { |
signY = -signY; |
} |
let rangeY = this.state.yValueRange; |
const transformY = this.state.absYScale.invert(transformStep); |
this.deltaYTransform = this.deltaYTransform + transformStep; |
// TODO: not hardcoded bounds |
if(this.deltaYTransform > this.height * 0.9) { |
return; |
} |
this.state.yValueRange = [rangeY[0] - signY * transformY, rangeY[1] - signY * transformY]; |
const translateY = this.state.transform.y + signY * transformStep; |
this.state.transform = { y: translateY }; |
// TODO: add y1 rescale |
break; |
default: |
throw new Error(`Unknown type of scroll pan orientation: ${scrollPanOrientation}`); |
} |
} |
protected onPanningEnd(): void { |
this.isPanning = false; |
this.deltaYTransform = 0; |
this.onMouseOut(); |
this.options.callbackPanningEnd([this.state.xValueRange, this.state.yValueRange, this.state.y1ValueRange]); |
} |
protected onBrush(): void { |
const selection = d3.event.selection; |
if(this.options.mouseZoomEvent.orientation !== BrushOrientation.SQUARE || selection === null) { |
return; |
} |
const selectionAtts = this.getSelectionAttrs(selection); |
if(selectionAtts === undefined) { |
return; |
} |
|'.selection') |
.attr('x', selectionAtts.x) |
.attr('y', selectionAtts.y) |
.attr('width', selectionAtts.width) |
.attr('height', selectionAtts.height); |
} |
protected getSelectionAttrs(selection: number[][]): SvgElementAttributes | undefined { |
if(this.brushStartSelection === null || selection === undefined || selection === null) { |
return undefined; |
} |
const startX = this.brushStartSelection[0]; |
const startY = this.brushStartSelection[1]; |
const x0 = selection[0][0]; |
const x1 = selection[1][0]; |
const y0 = selection[0][1]; |
const y1 = selection[1][1]; |
const xRange = x1 - x0; |
const yRange = y1 - y0; |
const minWH = Math.min(xRange, yRange); |
const x = x0 === startX ? startX : startX - minWH; |
const y = y0 === startY ? startY : startY - minWH; |
return { |
x, y, width: minWH, height: minWH |
} |
} |
protected onBrushStart(): void { |
// TODO: move to state |
this.isBrushing === true; |
const selection = d3.event.selection; |
if(selection !== null && selection.length > 0) { |
this.brushStartSelection = d3.event.selection[0]; |
} |
this.onMouseOut(); |
} |
protected onBrushEnd(): void { |
const extent = d3.event.selection; |
this.isBrushing === false; |
if(extent === undefined || extent === null || extent.length < 2) { |
console.warn('Chartwerk Core: skip brush end (no extent)'); |
return; |
} |
this.chartContainer |
.call(this.brush.move, null); |
let xRange: [number, number]; |
let yRange: [number, number]; |
switch(this.options.mouseZoomEvent.orientation) { |
case BrushOrientation.HORIZONTAL: |
const startTimestamp = this.state.xScale.invert(extent[0]); |
const endTimestamp = this.state.xScale.invert(extent[1]); |
xRange = [startTimestamp, endTimestamp]; |
this.state.xValueRange = xRange; |
break; |
case BrushOrientation.VERTICAL: |
const upperY = this.state.yScale.invert(extent[0]); |
const bottomY = this.state.yScale.invert(extent[1]); |
// TODO: add min zoom y |
yRange = [upperY, bottomY]; |
this.state.yValueRange = yRange; |
break; |
case BrushOrientation.RECTANGLE: |
const bothStartTimestamp = this.state.xScale.invert(extent[0][0]); |
const bothEndTimestamp = this.state.xScale.invert(extent[1][0]); |
const bothUpperY = this.state.yScale.invert(extent[0][1]); |
const bothBottomY = this.state.yScale.invert(extent[1][1]); |
xRange = [bothStartTimestamp, bothEndTimestamp]; |
yRange = [bothUpperY, bothBottomY]; |
this.state.xValueRange = xRange; |
this.state.yValueRange = yRange; |
break; |
case BrushOrientation.SQUARE: |
const selectionAtts = this.getSelectionAttrs(extent); |
if(selectionAtts === undefined) { |
break; |
} |
const scaledX0 = this.state.xScale.invert(selectionAtts.x); |
const scaledX1 = this.state.xScale.invert(selectionAtts.x + selectionAtts.width); |
const scaledY0 = this.state.yScale.invert(selectionAtts.y); |
const scaledY1 = this.state.yScale.invert(selectionAtts.y + selectionAtts.height); |
xRange = [scaledX0, scaledX1]; |
yRange = [scaledY0, scaledY1]; |
this.state.xValueRange = xRange; |
this.state.yValueRange = yRange; |
this.brushStartSelection = null; |
} |
this.zoomIn([xRange, yRange]); |
} |
protected zoomOut(): void { |
let xAxisMiddleValue: number = this.state.xScale.invert(this.width / 2); |
let yAxisMiddleValue: number = this.state.yScale.invert(this.height / 2); |
const centers = { |
x: xAxisMiddleValue, |
y: yAxisMiddleValue |
} |
this.options.callbackZoomOut(centers); |
} |
protected zoomIn(ranges: AxisRange[]): void { |
this.options.callbackZoomIn(ranges); |
} |
getAxisTicksFormatter(axisOptions: AxisOption): (d: any, i: number) => any { |
// TODO: ticksCount === 0 -> suspicious option |
if(axisOptions.ticksCount === 0) { |
return (d) => ''; |
} |
switch(axisOptions.format) { |
case AxisFormat.TIME: |
// TODO: customize time format? |
return d3.timeFormat('%m/%d %H:%M'); |
case AxisFormat.NUMERIC: |
return (d) => d; |
case AxisFormat.STRING: |
// TODO: add string/symbol format |
throw new Error(`Not supported AxisFormat type ${axisOptions.format} yet`); |
case AxisFormat.CUSTOM: |
if(axisOptions.valueFormatter === undefined) { |
console.warn(`Value formatter for axis is not defined. Path options.axis.{?}.valueFormatter`); |
return (d) => d; |
} |
return (d, i) => { |
if(axisOptions.colorFormatter !== undefined) { |
this.yAxisTicksColors.push(axisOptions.colorFormatter(d, i)) |
} |
return axisOptions.valueFormatter(d, i) |
}; |
default: |
throw new Error(`Unknown time format for axis: ${axisOptions.format}`); |
} |
} |
get width(): number { |
return this.d3Node.node().clientWidth - this.margin.left - this.margin.right; |
} |
get height(): number { |
return this.d3Node.node().clientHeight - - this.margin.bottom; |
} |
get legendRowPositionY(): number { |
return this.height + this.margin.bottom - 5; |
} |
get margin(): Margin { |
return this.options.margin; |
} |
protected clearState(): void { |
this.state.clearState(); |
} |
protected get rectClipId(): string { |
if(this._clipPathUID.length === 0) { |
this._clipPathUID = uid(); |
} |
return this._clipPathUID; |
} |
} |
export { |
ChartwerkPod, VueChartwerkPodMixin, |
Margin, Serie, Options, TimeFormat, BrushOrientation, PanOrientation, |
AxesOptions, AxisOption, RenderComponent, |
AxisFormat, yAxisOrientation, CrosshairOrientation, ScrollPanOrientation, ScrollPanDirection, KeyEvent, |
palette |