Core code of ChartWerk project
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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export type Margin = { top: number, right: number, bottom: number, left: number };
// TODO: Pods can render not only "time" series
export type TimeSerie = {
target: string,
datapoints: [number, number][],
alias?: string,
visible?: boolean,
color?: string,
yOrientation?: yAxisOrientation,
// TODO: move some options to line-chart
export type Options = {
margin?: Margin;
confidence?: number;
eventsCallbacks?: {
zoomIn?: (range: AxisRange[]) => void,
panning?: (event: { ranges: AxisRange[], d3Event: any }) => void,
panningEnd?: (range: AxisRange[]) => void,
zoomOut?: (centers: {x: number, y: number}) => void,
mouseMove?: (evt: any) => void,
mouseOut?: () => void,
onLegendClick?: (idx: number) => void,
onLegendLabelClick?: (idx: number) => void,
contextMenu?: (evt: any) => void, // the same name as in
sharedCrosshairMove?: (event: any) => void,
renderEnd?: () => void,
axis?: {
x?: AxisOption,
y?: AxisOption,
y1?: AxisOption
grid?: GridOptions;
crosshair?: {
orientation?: CrosshairOrientation;
color?: string;
timeInterval?: {
timeFormat?: TimeFormat;
count?: number;
tickFormat?: {
xAxis?: string;
xTickOrientation?: TickOrientation;
labelFormat?: {
xAxis?: string;
yAxis?: string;
bounds?: {
upper: string;
lower: string;
timeRange?: {
from: number,
to: number
zoomEvents?: {
mouse?: {
zoom?: { // same as brush
isActive: boolean;
keyEvent?: KeyEvent; // main(or base, or smth) / shift / alt / etc
orientation?: BrushOrientation; // to BrushOrientation: vertical, horizaontal, square, rectange
pan?: {
isActive: boolean;
keyEvent?: KeyEvent; // main(or base, or smth) / shift / alt / etc
orientation?: PanOrientation;
scroll?: {
zoom?: {
isActive: boolean;
keyEvent?: KeyEvent;
pan?: {
isActive: boolean;
keyEvent?: KeyEvent;
panStep?: number;
orientation?: ScrollPanOrientation;
renderTicksfromTimestamps?: boolean;
renderLegend?: boolean;
export type GridOptions = {
x?: {
enabled?: boolean;
ticksCount?: number;
y?: {
enabled?: boolean;
ticksCount?: number;
export type AxisOption = {
isActive?: boolean;
ticksCount?: number;
format?: AxisFormat;
range?: [number, number];
invert?: boolean;
valueFormatter?: (value: number, i: number) => string;
colorFormatter?: (value: number, i: number) => string;
export type AxisRange = [number, number] | undefined;
export type VueOptions = Omit<Options, 'eventsCallbacks'>;
export enum TickOrientation {
VERTICAL = 'vertical',
HORIZONTAL = 'horizontal',
DIAGONAL = 'diagonal'
export enum TimeFormat {
SECOND = 'second',
MINUTE = 'minute',
HOUR = 'hour',
DAY = 'day',
MONTH = 'month',
YEAR = 'year'
export enum BrushOrientation {
VERTICAL = 'vertical',
HORIZONTAL = 'horizontal',
RECTANGLE = 'rectangle',
SQUARE = 'square'
export enum PanOrientation {
VERTICAL = 'vertical',
HORIZONTAL = 'horizontal',
BOTH = 'both',
export enum ScrollPanOrientation {
VERTICAL = 'vertical',
HORIZONTAL = 'horizontal',
export enum AxisFormat {
TIME = 'time',
NUMERIC = 'numeric',
STRING = 'string',
CUSTOM = 'custom'
export enum CrosshairOrientation {
VERTICAL = 'vertical',
HORIZONTAL = 'horizontal',
BOTH = 'both'
export type SvgElementAttributes = {
x: number,
y: number,
width: number,
height: number
export enum KeyEvent {
MAIN = 'main',
SHIFT = 'shift'
// allow series values to affect a specific axis
export enum xAxisOrientation {
TOP = 'top',
BOTTOM = 'bottom',
BOTH = 'both'
export enum yAxisOrientation {
LEFT = 'left',
RIGHT = 'right',
BOTH = 'both'
export type SvgElOptions = {
height: number,
width: number,
xScale: d3.ScaleLinear<number, number>,
yScale: d3.ScaleLinear<number, number>,