Core code of ChartWerk project
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

113 lines
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/// <reference types="lodash" />
import VueChartwerkPodMixin from './VueChartwerkPodMixin';
import { PodState } from './state';
3 years ago
import { Grid } from './components/grid';
import { Margin, TimeSerie, Options, TickOrientation, TimeFormat, BrushOrientation, AxisFormat, CrosshairOrientation, SvgElementAttributes, KeyEvent, PanOrientation, yAxisOrientation, ScrollPanOrientation, AxisOption } from './types';
import { palette } from './colors';
import * as d3 from 'd3';
declare abstract class ChartwerkPod<T extends TimeSerie, O extends Options> {
protected readonly el: HTMLElement;
protected d3Node?: d3.Selection<HTMLElement, unknown, null, undefined>;
protected customOverlay?: d3.Selection<SVGRectElement, unknown, null, undefined>;
protected crosshair?: d3.Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, null, undefined>;
protected brush?: d3.BrushBehavior<unknown>;
protected zoom?: any;
protected svg?: d3.Selection<SVGElement, unknown, null, undefined>;
3 years ago
protected state: PodState<T, O>;
protected pan?: d3.ZoomBehavior<Element, unknown>;
protected clipPath?: any;
protected isPanning: boolean;
protected isBrushing: boolean;
protected brushStartSelection: [number, number] | null;
protected initScaleX?: d3.ScaleLinear<any, any>;
protected initScaleY?: d3.ScaleLinear<any, any>;
protected initScaleY1?: d3.ScaleLinear<any, any>;
protected xAxisElement?: d3.Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, null, undefined>;
protected yAxisElement?: d3.Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, null, undefined>;
protected y1AxisElement?: d3.Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, null, undefined>;
protected yAxisTicksColors?: string[];
private _clipPathUID;
protected series: T[];
protected options: O;
protected readonly d3: typeof d3;
protected deltaYTransform: number;
protected debouncedRender: import("lodash").DebouncedFunc<any>;
3 years ago
protected chartContainer: d3.Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, null, undefined>;
protected metricContainer: d3.Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, null, undefined>;
3 years ago
protected grid: Grid;
constructor(_d3: typeof d3, el: HTMLElement, _series: T[], _options: O);
protected addEventListeners(): void;
protected removeEventListeners(): void;
render(): void;
updateData(series?: T[], options?: O, shouldRerender?: boolean): void;
3 years ago
forceRerender(): void;
protected updateOptions(newOptions: O): void;
protected updateSeries(newSeries: T[]): void;
protected abstract renderMetrics(): void;
protected abstract onMouseOver(): void;
protected abstract onMouseOut(): void;
protected abstract onMouseMove(): void;
abstract renderSharedCrosshair(values: {
x?: number;
y?: number;
}): void;
abstract hideSharedCrosshair(): void;
protected initPodState(): void;
3 years ago
protected initComponents(): void;
3 years ago
protected renderMetricsContainer(): void;
3 years ago
protected createSvg(): void;
protected renderGrid(): void;
protected renderAxes(): void;
protected renderXAxis(): void;
protected renderYAxis(): void;
protected renderY1Axis(): void;
protected renderCrosshair(): void;
protected addEvents(): void;
protected initBrush(): void;
protected filterByKeyEvent(key: KeyEvent): () => boolean;
protected isD3EventKeyEqualOption(event: d3.D3ZoomEvent<any, any>, optionsKeyEvent: KeyEvent): boolean;
protected initPan(): void;
protected renderClipPath(): void;
protected renderLegend(): void;
protected renderYLabel(): void;
protected renderXLabel(): void;
protected renderNoDataPointsMessage(): void;
3 years ago
private disableScrollForward;
private disableScrollBackward;
protected onPanning(): void;
rescaleMetricAndAxis(event: d3.D3ZoomEvent<any, any>): void;
protected onPanningRescale(event: d3.D3ZoomEvent<any, any>): void;
rescaleAxisX(transformX: number): void;
rescaleAxisY(transformY: number): void;
protected onScrollPanningRescale(event: d3.D3ZoomEvent<any, any>): void;
protected onPanningEnd(): void;
protected onBrush(): void;
protected getSelectionAttrs(selection: number[][]): SvgElementAttributes | undefined;
protected onBrushStart(): void;
protected onBrushEnd(): void;
protected zoomOut(): void;
get absXScale(): d3.ScaleLinear<number, number>;
get absYScale(): d3.ScaleLinear<number, number>;
get xScale(): d3.ScaleLinear<number, number>;
get yScale(): d3.ScaleLinear<number, number>;
protected get y1Scale(): d3.ScaleLinear<number, number>;
getd3TimeRangeEvery(count: number): d3.TimeInterval;
get serieTimestampRange(): number | undefined;
getAxisTicksFormatter(axisOptions: AxisOption): (d: any, i: number) => any;
get timeInterval(): number;
get xTickTransform(): string;
get extraMargin(): Margin;
get width(): number;
get height(): number;
get legendRowPositionY(): number;
get margin(): Margin;
3 years ago
formattedBound(alias: string, target: string): string;
protected clearState(): void;
protected getSerieColor(idx: number): string;
protected get seriesTargetsWithBounds(): any[];
protected get visibleSeries(): any[];
protected get rectClipId(): string;
isOutOfChart(): boolean;
export { ChartwerkPod, VueChartwerkPodMixin, Margin, TimeSerie, Options, TickOrientation, TimeFormat, BrushOrientation, PanOrientation, AxisFormat, yAxisOrientation, CrosshairOrientation, ScrollPanOrientation, KeyEvent, palette };