Chartwerk Bar Pod
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

412 lines
14 KiB

import { ChartwerkPod, VueChartwerkPodMixin, TickOrientation, TimeFormat, AxisFormat } from '@chartwerk/core';
import { BarTimeSerie, BarOptions, RowValues } from './types';
import { findClosest } from './utils';
import * as d3 from 'd3';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
const DEFAULT_BAR_OPTIONS: BarOptions = {
renderBarLabels: false,
stacked: false,
matching: false
export class ChartwerkBarPod extends ChartwerkPod<BarTimeSerie, BarOptions> {
barYScale: null | d3.ScaleLinear<number, number> = null;
_seriesDataForRendring = [];
constructor(el: HTMLElement, _series: BarTimeSerie[] = [], _options: BarOptions = {}) {
super(d3, el, _series, _options);
_.defaults(this.options, DEFAULT_BAR_OPTIONS);
protected renderMetrics(): void {
if(this.series.length === 0 || this.series[0].datapoints.length === 0) {
get isMatchingDisabled(): boolean {
return this.options.matching === false || this.seriesUniqKeys.length === 0;
setSeriesDataForRendering(): void {
if(this.isMatchingDisabled) {
this._seriesDataForRendring = this.getZippedDataForRender(this.visibleSeries);
} else {
const matchedSeries =
(series: BarTimeSerie[], idx: number) => this.getZippedDataForRender(series)
this._seriesDataForRendring = this.mergeMacthedSeriesAndSort(matchedSeries);
setBarPodScales(): void {
// TODO: its a hack to avoid infinite scale function recalling
// It should be fixed by implenting BarState
this.barYScale = this.getYScale();
renderSerie(data: any): void {
.attr('class', 'rects-container')
.each((d: RowValues, i: number, nodes: any) => {
const container =[i]);
.style('fill', (val, i) => d.colors[i])
.attr('opacity', () => this.getBarOpacity(d))
.attr('x', (val: number, idx: number) => {
return this.getBarPositionX(d.key, idx);
.attr('y', (val: number, idx: number) => {
return this.getBarPositionY(val, idx, d.values);
.attr('width', this.barWidth)
.attr('height', (val: number) => this.getBarHeight(val))
.on('contextmenu', this.contextMenu.bind(this));
// render bar annotations, its all hardcoded
if(_.isEmpty(this.options.annotations)) {
// find all series for single matchedKey
const series = _.filter(this.series, serie => _.includes(d.serieTarget,;
const matchedKeys =, serie => serie.matchedKey); // here matchedKeys should be equal
const key = matchedKeys[0];
const lastRect = _.last(container.selectAll('rect')?.nodes());
const annotation = _.find(this.options.annotations, a => a.key === key);
if(!lastRect || !key || !annotation) {
const rectSelection =;
// render triangle
.attr('d', () => {
const x = Math.ceil(_.toNumber(rectSelection.attr('x')));
const y = Math.ceil(_.toNumber(rectSelection.attr('y')));
const options = { max: this.options.maxAnnotationSize, min: this.options.minAnnotationSize };
return this.getTrianglePath(x, y, this.barWidth, options);
.attr('fill', annotation.color);
getTrianglePath(x: number, y: number, length: number, options?: { max: number, min: number }): string {
// (x, y) - top left corner of bar
const minTriangleSize = options?.min || 6;
const maxTriagleSize = options?.max || 10;
const yOffset = 4; // offset between triangle and bar
const centerX = x + length / 2;
const correctedLength = _.clamp(length, minTriangleSize, maxTriagleSize);
const topY = Math.max(y - correctedLength - yOffset, 4);
const topLeftCorner = {
x: centerX - correctedLength / 2,
y: topY,
const topRightCorner = {
x: centerX + correctedLength / 2,
y: topY,
const bottomMiddleCorner = {
x: centerX,
y: topY + correctedLength,
return `M ${topLeftCorner.x} ${topLeftCorner.y}
L ${topRightCorner.x} ${topRightCorner.y}
L ${bottomMiddleCorner.x} ${bottomMiddleCorner.y} z`;
getBarOpacity(rowValues: RowValues): number {
if(this.options.opacityFormatter === undefined) {
return 1;
return this.options.opacityFormatter(rowValues);
mergeMacthedSeriesAndSort(matchedSeries: any[]) {
// TODO: refactor
if(matchedSeries.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Cant mergeMacthedSeriesAndSort');
if(matchedSeries.length === 1) {
return matchedSeries[0];
let unionSeries = _.clone(matchedSeries[0]);
for(let i = 1; i < matchedSeries.length; i++){
unionSeries = [...unionSeries, ...matchedSeries[i]];
const sortedSeries = _.sortBy(unionSeries, ['key']);
return sortedSeries;
get seriesUniqKeys(): string[] {
if(this.visibleSeries.length === 0) {
return [];
const keys = => serie.matchedKey);
const uniqKeys = _.uniq(keys);
const filteredKeys = _.filter(uniqKeys, key => key !== undefined);
return filteredKeys;
get seriesForMatching(): BarTimeSerie[][] {
if(this.seriesUniqKeys.length === 0) {
return [this.visibleSeries];
const seriesList = => {
const seriesWithKey = _.filter(this.visibleSeries, serie => serie.matchedKey === key);
return seriesWithKey;
return seriesList;
getZippedDataForRender(series: BarTimeSerie[]): RowValues[] {
if(series.length === 0) {
throw new Error('There is no visible series');
const keysColumn =[0].datapoints, row => row[0]);
const valuesColumns =, serie =>, row => row[1]));
// @ts-ignore
const additionalValuesColumns =, serie =>, row => row[2] !== undefined ? row[2] : null));
const zippedAdditionalValuesColumn =;
const zippedValuesColumn =;
const colors =, serie => this.getBarColor(serie));
const tagrets =, serie =>;
const zippedData =, zippedValuesColumn, zippedAdditionalValuesColumn, tagrets);
const data =, row => { return { key: row[0], values: row[1], additionalValues: row[2], colors, serieTarget: tagrets } });
return data.filter(v => v.key !== undefined);
public renderSharedCrosshair(values: { x?: number, y?: number }): void {'display', null);
const x = this.xScale(values.x);'#crosshair-line-x')
.attr('x1', x)
.attr('x2', x);
public hideSharedCrosshair(): void {'display', 'none');
onMouseMove(): void {
// TODO: mouse move work bad with matching
const event = this.d3.mouse(this.chartContainer.node());
const eventX = event[0];
if(this.isOutOfChart() === true) {'display', 'none');
.attr('x1', eventX)
.attr('x2', eventX);
const series = this.getSeriesPointFromMousePosition(eventX);
if(this.options.eventsCallbacks !== undefined && this.options.eventsCallbacks.mouseMove !== undefined) {
x: this.d3.event.pageX,
y: this.d3.event.pageY,
time: this.xScale.invert(eventX),
chartX: eventX,
chartWidth: this.width
} else {
console.log('mouse move, but there is no callback');
getSeriesPointFromMousePosition(eventX: number): any[] | undefined {
if(this.series === undefined || this.series.length === 0) {
return undefined;
const mousePoisitionKey = Math.ceil(this.xScale.invert(eventX));
const keys =, el => el.key);
const idx = findClosest(keys, mousePoisitionKey);
return this._seriesDataForRendring[idx];
getBarColor(serie: any) {
if(serie.color === undefined) {
return this.getSerieColor(0);
return serie.color;
onMouseOver(): void {'display', null);
onMouseOut(): void {
if(this.options.eventsCallbacks !== undefined && this.options.eventsCallbacks.mouseOut !== undefined) {
} else {
console.log('mouse out, but there is no callback');
}'display', 'none');
contextMenu(): void {
// maybe it is not the best name, but i took it from d3.
this.d3.event.preventDefault(); // do not open browser's context menu.
const event = this.d3.mouse(this.chartContainer.node());
const eventX = event[0];
const series = this.getSeriesPointFromMousePosition(eventX);
if(this.options.eventsCallbacks !== undefined && this.options.eventsCallbacks.contextMenu !== undefined) {
x: this.d3.event.pageX,
y: this.d3.event.pageY,
time: this.xScale.invert(eventX),
chartX: eventX
} else {
console.log('contextmenu, but there is no callback');
get barWidth(): number {
// TODO: here we use first value + timeInterval as bar width. It is not a good idea
const xAxisStartValue = _.first(this.series[0].datapoints)[0];
let width = this.xScale(xAxisStartValue + this.timeInterval) / 2;
if(this.options.barWidth !== undefined) {
// barWidth now has axis-x dimension
width = this.xScale(this.state.getMinValueX() + this.options.barWidth);
let rectColumns = this.visibleSeries.length;
if(this.options.stacked === true) {
rectColumns = 1;
return this.updateBarWidthWithBorders(width / rectColumns);
updateBarWidthWithBorders(width: number): number {
let barWidth = width;
if(this.options.minBarWidth !== undefined) {
barWidth = Math.max(barWidth, this.options.minBarWidth);
if(this.options.maxBarWidth !== undefined) {
barWidth = Math.min(barWidth, this.options.maxBarWidth);
return barWidth;
getBarHeight(value: number): number {
// TODO: Property 'sign' does not exist on type 'Math'
// @ts-ignore
const height = Math.sign(value) * (this.barYScale(0) - this.barYScale(value));
return height;
getBarPositionX(key: number, idx: number): number {
let xPosition: number = this.xScale(key);
if(this.options.stacked === false) {
xPosition += idx * this.barWidth;
return xPosition;
getBarPositionY(val: number, idx: number, values: number[]): number {
let yPosition: number = this.barYScale(Math.max(val, 0));
if(this.options.stacked === true) {
const previousBarsHeight = _.sum(, i => this.getBarHeight(values[i]))
yPosition -= previousBarsHeight;
return yPosition;
getYScale(): d3.ScaleLinear<number, number> {
this.state.getMinValueY() === undefined ||
this.state.getMaxValueY() === undefined
) {
return this.d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([1, 0])
.range([0, this.height]);
const yMaxValue = this.getYMaxValue();
return this.d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([yMaxValue, Math.min(this.state.getMinValueY(), 0)])
.range([0, this.height]);
getYMaxValue(): number | undefined {
if(this.series === undefined || this.series.length === 0 || this.series[0].datapoints.length === 0) {
return undefined;
if(this.options.axis.y !== undefined && this.options.axis.y.range !== undefined) {
return _.max(this.options.axis.y.range);
let maxValue: number;
if(this.options.stacked === true) {
if(this.options.matching === true && this.seriesUniqKeys.length > 0) {
const maxValues = => {
const valuesColumns =, serie =>, row => row[1]));
const zippedValuesColumn =;
return maxValue = _.max(, row => _.sum(row)));
return _.max(maxValues);
} else {
const valuesColumns =, serie =>, row => row[1]));
const zippedValuesColumn =;
maxValue = _.max(, row => _.sum(row)));
} else {
maxValue = _.max(
serie => _.maxBy<number[]>(serie.datapoints, dp => dp[1])[0]
return Math.max(maxValue, 0);
// it is used with Vue.component, e.g.: Vue.component('chartwerk-bar-chart', VueChartwerkBarChartObject)
export const VueChartwerkBarChartObject = {
// alternative to `template: '<div class="chartwerk-bar-chart" :id="id" />'`
render(createElement) {
return createElement(
class: { 'chartwerk-bar-chart': true },
attrs: { id: }
mixins: [VueChartwerkPodMixin],
methods: {
render() {
const pod = new ChartwerkBarPod(document.getElementById(, this.series, this.options);
export { BarTimeSerie, BarOptions, TickOrientation, TimeFormat, AxisFormat };